Willow – Ragdoll of the Week
Willow, the Pride, and the Pack
By Mike and Bonnie Bellevue, Nebraska – USA Willow is our youngest of three female ragdolls from Paws of the Heartland in northernmost Nebraska, USA. They are roughly a year and a half apart, beginning five years ago. My wife and I think Willow is particularly special because she filled a huge void in our hearts after losing our twenty-eight year old Amazon parrot Cecil to cancer in July, 2018. Willow shares our home with pride-mates Lilly and Ivy and much older pack-mates Katie and Cooper (Norwich and West Highland terriers). Our animal friends are a big part of our daily life. We don’t think of our animals as “pets”, they are “family”. Willow is the star of fast-food drive-throughs, she typically stretches out on the car dash when we pull up to a service window. Typically, distracted or disinterested workers are giddy with surprise and joy when they see us, they put their hands to their face and say OMG, it’s a CAT! We are known as the cat people at the coffee drive up, everyone smiles as Willow sticks her head out of the driver’s window. When we’re moving around the house preparing for a car ride, Willow lets us know she wants to go too, quite unusual based on our experience over a lifetime with our cats past and present. She waits patiently near the door and agrees to manipulations as her harness is fitted around her. One pleasant day, we tried taking her for a walk with her harness and leash at a local cemetery, it is less traveled by people and vehicles. Unfortunately, a nearby worker on lunch break started up his riding mower and startled Willow so bad she flew up and out like a yo-yo on a string and somehow wiggled out of her harness and bolted for the cover of the woods. Thankfully, we found her hiding in tall grass and gathered her to safety. We’ve become more careful about loud noises; we can’t imagine losing her to such circumstances. Willow enjoys hiding in the highest places she can barely reach, she eventually meows to let us know she wants assistance. We are suckers to help even when she could manage without a rescue. She has us well trained to play fetch too. Her favorite cat toy is simply a wadded-up food wrapper, golf ball sized. She plays cat hockey all over the house, upstairs, downstairs, the more difficult the space, the better. She takes particular pleasure in bringing wrapper balls when we’re sleeping, she makes purring yodeling sounds until we wake up to play fetch. Other favorite play things are cardboard boxes of any size or paper sacks from shopping. We are careful to cut any string handles in half to avoid entanglement danger. On the subject of danger, be careful not to have toxic-to-cats plants around the house! Willow has finally grown large enough to hold her own against occasional domination attempts by the matriarch Lilly. Ivy just wants to have fun; she is the largest and most docile. It feels like Willow will keep her kitten-like enthusiasm longer than usual. We have endless photos of every member of the pack but the latest focus is Willow, she seems to be an extra comfortable and willing subject. Carol Stevens provides healthy and quality ragdoll kittens; she runs her business with long-standing care and concern for customer satisfaction. She insists on proof of spay or neuter after the sale, following a proper minimum time. She includes a registered chip in each animal and associated paperwork. Here’s her website to view availability and terms. Cost is fair and reasonable and she goes out of her way to arrange delivery. The photos included can’t compete with the joy we receive from the subjects. Ragdolls rule, terriers care, parrots party!Do you have a Ragdoll Kitten or Cat? Consider submitting your kitty! Ragdoll of the Week submission guidelines Read more Ragdoll of the Week submissions.
Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,
It’s just not fair posting such GORGEOUS pics of Willow and your cutie-pie family!!! She looks so assured in the first pic (and even more so in the second pic). I adored “3 cats at the door” but my mind was completely blown by Willow in her flower bed…she KNOWS she’s gorgeous right???
She’s a beautiful model and you really do take such lovely photographs…my favourite being that last shot of your gorgeous family…what a truly joyous home you have!!!
Love from Pam
and FLUFF xox
Thank you for sharing Willow with us. She sounds like a real character. Gorgeous kitty. Love the “family” portrait with all your critters. You must laugh and smile every single day with the antics of one or the other. Enjoy your furry menagerie.
Such a delightful and beautiful story about your STUNNING & SUPER PAWESOME & FABULOUS Willow Girl!!! LURVE THE PICS SOOOOO VERY MUCH! She sounds absolutely delightful! That’s quite a brood of furry babies you have! LUCKY YOU! Never a dull moment at your place!! 🙂 <3
Wishing you all many more years of good health, happiness, love and purry & tail wagging adventures together!! 🙂 <3
Big hugs & lots of love & purrs & tail wags!
Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 😉 <3 <3 <3
P.S. Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt condolences on the loss of your beloved Cecil. <3