My love of White Cats began when I was very young. One of my most favorite memories as a child was visiting my aunt (who lived on a farm), there was this gorgeous white fluffy cat (see photo).
When it was time to add to my Ragdoll family, I went back to the same breeder that I got my first dear sweet ragdoll from. Sinatra is almost 2 years old and is a BEW (Blue Eyed White) Male Ragdoll. Sinatra was born 8/17/2014. As most BEW are, Sinatra is completely deaf, but this does nothing to slow him down! In fact, I talk to him just as much as I do my other Ragdolls, and I catch myself remembering that he can’t hear a word I am saying!! The breeder had originally named him Marshmellow, as he was just a big ole fluffy Marshmellow. I changed his name to Sinatra (ole blue eyes), as I felt he heard his own music and because of his blue eyes, like Frank Sinatra!
Sinatra is just one big fall of fluff. (14 lbs of fluff) His fur is long and silky soft (reminds me of bunny rabbit fur), He loves to be brushed as well (which I do at least once a day).He is not a lap cat, but he does have to be at least be able to see me. He follows me around, lays at my feet or beside me on the couch. His eyes are so blue, although in many photo’s you can’t see just how blue they are.
He always comes in the bathroom when I take a bath, and lays on my bath mat until I am done. As most Ragdolls, he loves running water – I think mainly because he can’t hear, the noise doesn’t frighten him at all. In the mornings he will put his front two paws over the edge of the tub, and beg me to feed him bath water from the tub. I have to cup water in my hands and feed it to him, and he just drinks it right out of my hand. If I stop doing this before he is done drinking, he will take his front paw and “paw at me” until I continue (crazy cat). Then he will lay on the bath matt, until I am done, then when I leave bathroom, he will pick up corner of bath mat and bring it to me – like “here you go Mom, you forgot something!!” Its so funny. He likes to be wherever I am, as long as he can see me.
I have another ragdoll (from same breeder) and sometimes I think they know they both came from same place (different moms & dads), as Sinatra is NEVER very far from Shadow. He likes to curl up with him for an afternoon snooze.
Sinatra, who I call affectionately “Fluffy Butt” is chief comedian around here. He plays with just about every toy in their toy box, and when that’s not enough, he will run (a million miles an hour) from one of the house to the other at the speed of light (sounds like a herd of elephants), until Shadow chases him, then the fun starts. He likes to climb on top of my kitchen counter, and if I don’t put the lid on my Crockpot, he stuffs his fluffy self into the crock pot for a snooze. He is such a character.
Sinatra lives by his own clock (many times I hear him playing with toys at 2am), and then he will come prancing into my bedroom around 4am sit right next to my pillow, and start meowing, like “WELL, aren’t you getting up, after all, I’ve been up for HOURS!!” lol
Sinatra’s favorite position is to just lay belly up, hoping I will start rubbing his tummy. He purrs the moment you touch him, its like his on/off switch. He purrs loudly, not sure if it has anything to do with him being deaf or not. He is a dear sweet soul, and has been a wonderful addition to my Ragdoll cat family.
Do you have a Ragdoll Kitten or Cat? Consider submitting your kitty! Ragdoll of the Week submission guidelinesRead more Ragdoll of the Week submissions.
Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,
What a wonderful story. Thanks so much for sharing Sinatra and Shadow’s story with us. Both of them are so gorgeous. Love all of your pics, but my fav is the last one with them sleeping together. Think the same thing as Patti that Shadow reminds me of my Gracie who is a sepia, blue mitted Ragdoll with that bunny fur that is softer than soft. Wishing you much happiness with your two lovelies!♥♥♥
Sinatra is a “Marshmellow” indeed and a total cutie pie! 🙂 It’s sweet that you have two Ragdoll boys who are so happy together! Shadow (also aptly-named) should have his own feature spot soon. I look forward to seeing more of you and your Raggie babies! Thanks for sharing your great story and precious pictures with us! 🙂
Such a beauty! Sinatra’s theme song should be “My Way” because it certainly sounds like he gets his way most of the time! I bet he can “hear” you- at least the vibration of your voice and the loving tone. How wonderful that he and Shadow are best buddies. They look beautiful together. Thanks for sharing!
I am in love with Sinatra!! How blessed you are to have him in your life. My old kitty Gracie (a Russian Blue) is now deaf as a door knob and I still talk to her like she can hear me!! Sinatra is exquisite and his brother Shadow looks like his soul mate. Do you find that Sinatra gets spooked if you come up behind him without “announcing yourself”?
Enjoy your beautiful kitties.
What a great Ragdoll story! Thank you so much for sharing your love affair with Ragdolls with us. That photo of you as a child holding that big ol fluffy Ragdoll is adorable!!! And Sinatra and Shadow are gorgeous! (Shadow reminds me of Sweet Floppycatter Teresa’s Miss Gracie!)
So happy that Shadow & Sinatra are best buds! Sounds like they have quite the life with you! They are both very lucky kittehs, indeed! I never knew the BEW were deaf (or did I…now I seem to remember reading something about that a whlte back…). So glad that didn’t stop you from bringing Sinatra into your life. He must have been so adorable as a kitten! He is SUPER GORGEOUS (HANDSOME)! His eyes are truly stunning against his white coloring. All the pics are fantastic! He’s truly just a cutie patootie!
Wishing all of you a very happy and long life together filled with good health and lots of love!
Thank you. Sinatra stole my heart as a kitten. I really did not care that he couldn’t hear. I’ve always believed the bond and love between cat and human isn’t about speech anyway. My other ragdoll (last weeks ragdoll of the week) chose me. Nothing to do with speech. He just knew I would love him the most!
What a wonderful story. Thanks so much for sharing Sinatra and Shadow’s story with us. Both of them are so gorgeous. Love all of your pics, but my fav is the last one with them sleeping together. Think the same thing as Patti that Shadow reminds me of my Gracie who is a sepia, blue mitted Ragdoll with that bunny fur that is softer than soft. Wishing you much happiness with your two lovelies!♥♥♥
Sinatra is a “Marshmellow” indeed and a total cutie pie! 🙂 It’s sweet that you have two Ragdoll boys who are so happy together! Shadow (also aptly-named) should have his own feature spot soon. I look forward to seeing more of you and your Raggie babies! Thanks for sharing your great story and precious pictures with us! 🙂
Shadow was ragdoll of the week last week. You can read all about him last week!
Such a beauty! Sinatra’s theme song should be “My Way” because it certainly sounds like he gets his way most of the time! I bet he can “hear” you- at least the vibration of your voice and the loving tone. How wonderful that he and Shadow are best buddies. They look beautiful together. Thanks for sharing!
I am in love with Sinatra!! How blessed you are to have him in your life. My old kitty Gracie (a Russian Blue) is now deaf as a door knob and I still talk to her like she can hear me!! Sinatra is exquisite and his brother Shadow looks like his soul mate. Do you find that Sinatra gets spooked if you come up behind him without “announcing yourself”?
Enjoy your beautiful kitties.
Sinatra never gets spooked.. Although he can’t hear, I think he “senses” me coming before I am there!
What a great Ragdoll story! Thank you so much for sharing your love affair with Ragdolls with us. That photo of you as a child holding that big ol fluffy Ragdoll is adorable!!! And Sinatra and Shadow are gorgeous! (Shadow reminds me of Sweet Floppycatter Teresa’s Miss Gracie!)
So happy that Shadow & Sinatra are best buds! Sounds like they have quite the life with you! They are both very lucky kittehs, indeed! I never knew the BEW were deaf (or did I…now I seem to remember reading something about that a whlte back…). So glad that didn’t stop you from bringing Sinatra into your life. He must have been so adorable as a kitten! He is SUPER GORGEOUS (HANDSOME)! His eyes are truly stunning against his white coloring. All the pics are fantastic! He’s truly just a cutie patootie!
Wishing all of you a very happy and long life together filled with good health and lots of love!
Big hugs!
Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3
Thank you. Sinatra stole my heart as a kitten. I really did not care that he couldn’t hear. I’ve always believed the bond and love between cat and human isn’t about speech anyway. My other ragdoll (last weeks ragdoll of the week) chose me. Nothing to do with speech. He just knew I would love him the most!