New Modern Cat Product: The Cone by WISKI

A new company called Wiski reached out to us last week to share their first product The Cone. It’s a vertical scratching post and bed combo with a modern design twist (as I side note, I loved their Kickstarter page because they showed the early design process, sketches and more – so fun!).

New Modern Cat Product The Cone by WISKI

It’s over 30 inches tall which is great for big cats and it has a wide 16” base and weighs over 15 lbs which Wiski says makes it very sturdy. The sleeping nook is raised up off the floor and not only is the cushion cover machine washable, but it’s reversible meaning you get two colors to choose from with each scratcher.

WISKI Modern Cat Furniture Scratcher

What’s super cool is that the sisal cover is replaceable. Wiski says one cover can last a single cat as long as 5 years, but if it does wear out, you can just get a new cover so you don’t have to replace the entire product!

WISKI Modern Cat Furniture cat Scratcher

Check out The Cone’s Kickstarter page to take advantage of special prices that won’t be available when they go on sale in stores.

The Cone by WISKI Details:

The Cone is made with a solid steel frame for stability and covered with real natural sisal fabric.

  • Height: 31.5″
  • Base: 16″ Diameter
  • Weight: 15.5 lbs.

WISKI Modern Cat Furniture Scratcher Specs

Additional Perks

The metal frame makes a convenient handle at the top so it’s easy to pick up

WISKI Modern Cat Furniture Scratcher and bed

2 color combos are available for the cushions, Bold and Calm

WISKI Modern Cat Furniture cat Scratcher Kickstarter Launch Colors

It comes with a set of clear soft feet for use on wood or other hard floors.

Back The Cone by Wiksi on Kickstarter

Back the Cone by Wiski on Kickstarter for $215 ($85 off what it will cost when it’s available in stores). The Cone will only be available at this price until the Kickstarter ends on June 8th.

What do you think of The Cone? Will you be backing the campaign?  Why or why not?

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Not sure what your reviews was on THE CONE. Also, Wondering how to obtain the Wiski “the cone” – it looks like it’s from 2017. Any ideas – let me know. Thank you.

    1. Not sure – did you try the links? We never reviewed it….so I am not sure what happened with them. Try the links and if they don’t work, then maybe it is no longer made.

  2. Wondering how to obtain the Wiski “the cone” – it looks like it’s from 2017. Any ideas – let me know. Thank you.

  3. Teresa Reid says:

    I don’t know what all goes into making it, so it might not be feasible for them to offer it any less and still be profitable. I would consider something like that for $100-$150, and maybe $200 tops if it is really really built well. I should have probably reserved my comments until we see your review! Am looking forward to it! Thank you so much!

    1. No, Teresa – I am glad you said something as I, too, thought it was high. No plans on reviewing it – but yes, I would expect top quality for that price – and not made in China.

      1. Teresa Reid says:

        Very much agree Jenny! Good point about it not being made in China. Maybe the price will come down some hopefully! Sorry I misunderstood about your reviewing it, but maybe they will send you one AND lower the price so all these Floppycaters out here can buy them. ♥♥♥

  4. Teresa Reid says:

    Saw these and love them. Got ao excited but then it made me sad because they are so costly and are out of my price range. Hoping that will change after they get the production going.♥️

    1. what price point would seem more appropriate for you?

  5. Wow! Super pawesome new product, Jenny! What a brilliant design, too! Wonder if our big ol’ Ragdolls would be able to curl up in that bottom part. I really lurve the design and overall look to this product. Wish I could affort to back them on their Kickstarter page but I just can’t at this time. However, I wish them much luck and success on getting their business started with this beautiful and innovative scratcher/sleeper. 🙂

    Thanks for bringing this product to our attention!

    Big hugs & lots of love!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3

    1. i hope this one suceeds on kickstarter – i really liked how they approached me and how organized they are.

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