Miah – Ragdoll Kitten of the Month

Miah Our precious Miah came to us from Addie Griffen of rags2dazzle cattery in Chattanooga TN.  She was born on April 28, 2013.  Miah is a Seal point bicolor we received at 13 weeks old August 10th. So I had always loved the look of ragdolls but had my domestic shorthair Tiffany since 1996.  I adored my old tuxedo through our children growing up with her, but she unfortunately lost her fight to kidney disease May 7th 2013.  Probably the hardest I’ve cried in my life. In my grief I was looking at Ragdolls online and my husband passed by saying “hey that’s a cool looking cat”….thus the decision to find one started.  So through research and digging I came to Addie Griffen’s website.  She had 2 litters on ground 3 weeks apart.  I quickly made my deposit and got pictures of potentials.  Miah was the only girl in the litter and I wanted another girl, so it was kismet.  Her name is spelled with and H on the end for a reason.  My super smart hubby suggested using our family names and trying to combine letters….. So that’s where it’s from Mary, Ivan Andrew Heather!!! Clever and including all in our new family member. So the wait began and the planning started for Miah.  This is how a found floppy cats.  I have gained such knowledge and like a bond with all the Ragdoll owners and enthusiasts.  I purchased Ragdoll Kitten care guide and got going.  To date I have purchased a lot of suggestions and products tested on floppy cats.  I have the infinity scratchier and karma cube, highly recommend and love.   The scratch lounger also, I truly believe the more the better.  Neko flies a definite must and toys toys toys.   She has a thing for the nerf like soccer balls small enough for her to pick up and run with. Miah is eating weruva wet 3x’s a day now and I am using up merrick dry then no more.  I read catinfo.org and I am totally convinced in the wet diet, with whole life dehydrated treats.  After the loss of my tiffany I want to stack the deck in this little girls favor. Miah has been a total epitome of a ragdoll cat as described.  Not scared of a thing, loves all who enter the house, follows me or my husband all over the house.  Plays hard is so curious and completely amazing kitty.   I have never encountered a cat like this and she is a blast.  Adaptable, sweet, fun cracks me up with her clumsy wipe outs when she gets crazy. My husband made her the most amazing all natural cat tree of wood, real tree and jute rug and rope.  She is definitely one spoiled girl.  I followed advice to not use carpet as I wanted her to appropriately pull her claws and not confuse her. I know a lot of people have two cats, but I just want to say I had one before and had zero problems.  I think they become part of our world and Miah seems very fine with ruling the roost alone. So that’s our Raggie Dean story…. One of her numerous names that change and evolve daily.

Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. What a totally sweet ,and Beautiful little girl,My Raggies are boys but will love to have a precious girl like yours one day.Many wonderful wishes for you and your new Sweet girl.Lisa Murphy Bo Dee ,and Ceasar.

  2. Teresa Reid says:

    What a precious beauty!!! She is just so lovely with those dark ears and sounds like the purrfect match for your wonderful family. So nice that your husband made her that designer cat tree. Know she is not spoiled or anything right? Ha, ha! We all love to spoil our babie – so much fun. Thank you for sharing your wonderful story and love her beautiful photo.♥

  3. Miah is adorable! I love the back story on her name- what a great idea. Sounds like she is one spoiled girl, but she definitely deserves the spoilage! Thanks for sharing her story.

  4. Patricia McDermott says:

    thanks for the story about your beautiful girl. she looks like a little princess. and i agree with you, i think some cats are puurrfectly happy being the only cat and some certainly prefurrr it.

    1. So a year later we have a 2nd raggie lacey. Miah has been wonderful at the addition of a sister

  5. Patti Johnson says:

    Great story! Thanks so much for sharing Miah’s story with us! She’s a beauty! Lurve that pink nose so much! She sounds so adorable and fun (like all Raggies!)!

    Raggie Dean….lurve it!

    Big hugs!

    Patti & Pink Sugar 🙂

    1. thank you, a year later she now has a half sister from same breeder. Lacey is another great raggie who we adore.

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