12 Common Houseplants That Are Severely Toxic for Feline Friends

Nature is fantastic, beautiful, and dangerous. However, many people, especially those who live in the city with limited access to nature’s wonders, love bringing a bit of nature home. Whether it’s through lush green plants, cascading water features, or vibrant wildlife-inspired decor, these nature enthusiasts seek solace, tranquility, and a connection to the natural world; however, many of these common plants are toxic houseplants to our feline friends. See which plants to watch out for and which you may just want to get rid of all together.

Houseplants in Your Home

Woman watering plants
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Household plants are a common way to have the outdoors at your fingertips. But for cat owners, that stunning plant can lead to various health issues for their furry companion, including death. So here are some plants to avoid if you have, or plan to have, a feline friend in your home.

1. Lilies

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Lilies are extremely dangerous for cats. Every part, from petal to stem, can endanger your feline friend. If a cat ingests this plant, it can cause kidney failure within a few days. So be sure to avoid any plant with “lily” in the name.

2. Daffodils

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Daffodils are beautiful flowers that begin blooming in late winter and early spring. However, it’s also a hazard for cats. While fatal in large amounts, even ingesting small amounts can cause a cat to experience vomiting and diarrhea.

3. Tulips

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Tulips are stunning; however, they are also part of the lily family. While the entire plant is toxic as it has alkaloid and glycoside compounds, the bulb, in particular, has a concentrated amount. Symptoms again include vomiting and diarrhea. But cats can also experience depression and, in higher doses, convulsions.

4. Eucalyptus

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Eucalyptus is popular, especially among teas, as it’s soothing and relaxing. However, with cats, the negative impacts are vomiting, decreased appetite, drooling, and diarrhea. Also, beware of eucalyptus oil, which can cause the same symptoms. Best to avoid or keep out of reach of your cat.

5. Jade

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Jade plants have other names, like money plants. But keeping this plant around cats is more likely to cost you a trip to the vet. Furry felines lose coordination, have depression, and experience vomiting. Many consider Jade lucky, but not if you’re a cat owner.

6. Sago Palm

Sago Palm
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Sago Palms are like pint-sized palm trees for the house. They may add a tropical touch to the home, but beware if you have an adorable kitty in residence. This plant is incredibly toxic, even fatal, to cats, causing gastrointestinal issues. It also causes liver damage leading.

7. Hyacinth

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Many plants that have bulbs are dangerous for cats. As such, hyacinths cause some of the same symptoms as daffodils, plus bloody diarrhea, shaking, and depression.

8. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera
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Many people have aloe vera in their homes due to its versatile health benefits. Not to mention, aloe vera plants are some of the easiest to care for, requiring little attention. But the outer plant layer can make your kitty vomit, have the runs, and feel fatigued.

9. Oleander

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I first remember hearing about this plant from the Michelle Pfeiffer film White Oleander. But the entirety of this plant is also toxic, even lethal, for cats. Besides gastrointestinal issues, cats who ingest this plant also experience hypothermia and abnormal heart rates.

10. Wisteria

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So Wisteria isn’t only toxic to the demons in the anime Demon Slayer. Though a gorgeous lavender flower and not as deadly as other plants here, it can still cause health issues for your cat, like upset stomach, diarrhea, and throwing up.

11. Snake Plant

Snake Plant
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Snake plants are another common household plant because they improve air circulation and do not require much direct sunlight to thrive. They also cause vomiting and diarrhea for your sweet feline if ingested.

12. English Ivy

English Ivy
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Devil’s ivy is prevalent because of how the plant extends and droops, which is why they are a beloved hanging plant. Unfortunately, it’s not safe for cat households. When a cat eats this plant, it burns and irritates its mouth and throat, leading to increased salivation and vomiting and making swallowing a challenge.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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