Jarrah – Ragdoll of the Week

Jarrah - Ragdoll of the WeekMy name is Carissa and I have had cats most of my life. I always dreamed of owning a ragdoll for their striking looks, though I didn’t know much about them. When I left home I never had the right place for a cat and I really missed having one.  Then I met Andrew a few years back and he was renting a place that allowed pets! We first got a little English Staffordshire (Duke), and after a while I thought I would try my luck convincing Andrew to get a cat. Having never owned a cat Andrew was a little tentative,  so it became my mission to help him fall in love with them. I showed Andrew so many cute kitten YouTube videos and it didn’t take long before he came around (or in his words, he finally got sick of watching kitten videos :p). IMG_2618Andrew and I both liked the idea that the Ragdoll was known for being placid much like a dog (because of course whatever we got would need to get along with Duke!) I was so excited to get a Ragdoll, but unfortunately I had decided this out of breeding season and I could not find a female seal point kitten anywhere!! In the meantime I set up our back room with everything a kitten could ever need. Then I was lucky to come across Deltadolls Ragdolls who had two seal point girls available born April 12 2012.  The breeder- Lynn was kind enough to drive two hours and visit a friend who lived near us so that I could pick out one of the kittens. I chose the little girl with the orange neck tag (tbh I couldn’t tell the difference between them!) . I officially named her Jarrah Rose, though have only ever called her Jarrah. I got the name from another breeders website I was going to get a Ragdoll from, but unfortunately the breeder had misdiagnosed and her cat wasn’t pregnant!  Jarrah settled in nicely and we gradually introduced her to Duke, who was so excited to met her. We have a YouTube video of them meeting if anyone is interested. [youtube]http://youtu.be/emD2meIiHTM[/youtube] IMG_5154To my surprise Jarrah has turned out to be quite possibly the craziest cat I have ever had!! We love that she has so much character and has brought a lot of laughs to our home. Jarrah likes to follow us around the house and is into everything! She loves going outside and we discovered will scale the wire door if you go outside without taking her.  I’m hoping to get her an outdoor enclosure soon but until then, we either carry her outside or she goes on lead. IMG_2860Jarrah’s favourite pastimes are: Hiding in plastic bags, chasing insects, eating grass like a cow (and like Duke!), eating my flowers (I can’t have my favourite Lilies in the house anymore as they are poison to cats!), stealing the Dukes bed (we call it her bed now) and cuddling on our laps while we are on the computer or watching TV. Jarrah also has some odd yet cute things about  her. In the mornings she gets what we call happy tail, where her tail curls onto her back, she purrs loudly and is super friendly. Also, unlike a lot of Raggies you see online, Jarrah prefers to dangle rather than flop on her back when you hold her. IMG_3824I recommend that anyone who has a cat should buy a decent scratching pole (with rope rather than carpet) to save your furniture. The best toy I ever got Jarrah was a ‘Go Cat Da Bird’ feather wand that acts/ sounds like a bird and she goes nuts for it :). Hope you liked our story. To see more of Jarrah and to meet Duke, please visit our YouTube Channel AndynRissa IMG_5231 20130113_090311 IMG_4901

Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Your pets are awesome! Duke is very well trained and I love how crazy Jarrah is. I think I looked at that breeder myself. Both my Ragdolls have a streak of crazy! I love it. It’s so entertaining!

  2. Dementia Boy says:

    Clarissa, do you work for a defense/security agency? You should, lol–your “negotiating” methods are exquisite. What’s the saying? You get more cats with cute kitten videos than you do with ultimatums? I see a possible solution for world peace in your methods…

    I have a special fondness for crazy cats myself, especially when they don’t *look* crazy. Jarrah is simply gorgeous. Who would suspect her of anything with those round cobalt eyes? But Duke knows the truth.

    I’m seeing a cat spy adventure here, and I “know” lots of cats on these pages who would be eager to join. The title of this adventure will be–drum roll, please–“Charlie’s Angels.”

  3. Oh my she is so adorable I can’t stand it! Now I want one! Another one…Rags are so great. We laugh constantly at all the crazy things kittens do. How are Duke and Jarrah doing now? We have 2 labs and it was a very easy introduction. Now our kitten rules the house. Jarrah is the cutest thing I have ever seen!

    1. Thanks :). It’s like that with cats. When I was younger I went with my mum to pick out a kitten and we surprised my Dad by coming home with two! Duke and Jarrah get along ok, but they are not all smoochy. They play fight a lot, but it seems to be more for fun as they never get too serious. Jarrah also rules our house.

  4. Hi, Carissa!

    Thanks for sharing Jarrah’s story with us! She is such a darling cat (love those pics — her blue eyes really pop against her dark face)! I am so glad that she has found such a loving and fun home with you and Andrew!

    Sounds like the perfect match with your doggie, too! Jarrah is such a little character and charmer for sure!

    🙂 <3

  5. Thanks for sharing your cute story and pictures, Clarissa! Who knew forced viewing of kitten videos could be so inspirational and such a dandy influence? Maybe Duke was watching from the sidelines so he was well-prepared for his new little friend 🙂

    1. Dementia Boy says:

      The ultimate torture…cuteness overload. 🙂

  6. > We love that she has so much character and has brought a lot of laughs to > our home.

    Love it! 🙂

  7. Oh no- now I have another fabulous You Tube channel to watch! I will never get anything done now. Thanks for sharing Jarrah’s story and her cute pictures. I love the interaction between her and Duke. He is so well-trained! Is that Duke’s bed she’s posing on in the picture? Jarrah is so beautiful and it sounds like she has the personality to match. What fun!

    1. Haha I know the feeling, I’m hopeless with cat YouTube videos :-p. Duke is reasonably trained but has a little way to go yet. Yes that is his bed that Jarrah has claimed lol!

  8. She is so adorable! Thank you for the sweet story and look forward to seeing her on YouTube. She is also so pretty.

  9. Punkin's mom says:

    Hello! I have seen your adorable kitty on YouTube and even subscribed to your channel. 🙂 I loved hearing Jarrah’s story and getting to know more about her, thank you for sharing. She is a very beautiful Ragdoll and you picked a purrrfect name for her. I hope you spend many happy years together! 🙂
    =^.^= ~Punkin and her mom

    1. Thanks for subscribing 🙂 glad you liked Jarrah’s story!

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