Ripple Rug Cat Activity Mat Product Review

Ripple rug for cats

Ripple Rug Product Review Video Floppycats Cat Activity Mat IMG_8892

SnugglyCat’s Ripple Rug is a dual-layered cat activity mat that allows kitties to scratch, stretch, play, groom, pounce and sleep!

Ripple Rug Product Review Video Floppycats Cat Activity Mat IMG_8914

The dimensions of the Ripple Rug when unfolded are 47″ x 35″ for the base

Ripple Rug Product Review Floppycats Cat Activity Mat

My cats love this thing – it seems as though one of them is always on it.  I love how much cat hair it collects because it keeps it from my furniture and it super easy to vacuum off with my Oreck upright vacuum.

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I enjoyed the interactive play it creates – I could play with my cats or hide toys and treats inside and watch them go crazy hunting and stalking.  That’s what makes it a great cat toy – as you will see in the videos we took below.

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The bottom mat is one solid piece, whereas the top mat has holes of various sizes and then velcro on one side – so you can configure the mat in a lot of different ways to create tunnels and holes for the kitties to poke their paws through.

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Ripple Rug Product Review Video Floppycats Cat Activity Mat IMG_8903Ripple Rug Product Review Video Floppycats Cat Activity Mat IMG_8903

It has a non-slip rubber bottom which was great for placement on our tile floor – preventing it from slipping and sliding (although I am sure both cats would have enjoyed it sliding).  They did play together on it as well.

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The Ripple Rug cat play mat is made in the USA of 100% Recycled Plastic Bottles.  It is safe and non-toxic.

Ripple Rug Product Review Floppycats Cat Activity Mat 2

All the Stuff We Got from The Cat Connection:


Ripple Rug Product Arrival Unboxing Video:


Ripple Rug Fun, Yeowww Catnip Banana with Ragdoll Cat Chiggy 🐱 ❤️


Ripple Rug Product Review Video:


Buy the Ripple Rug on The Cat Connection

buy it now

Ripple Rug Product Review Video Floppycats Cat Activity Mat IMG_8899

We received the Ripple Rug cat play mat for review from The Cat Connection and also asked that they pay a small review fee.  Receiving the free product and the review fee did not influence this honest post.

Check out our other cat product reviews.

Do you have a Ripple Rug for your kitty?  How does s/he like it?


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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Aruna Veni says:

    Great article of this product. I am thinking about buying one of these. I have a scratch tree, small box home and 2 litters for my Sphynx cat Shini. She absolutely loves the scratch tree and along with a lot of toys (I mean a looot, haha!) I thought she is happy. But now I saw Chiggy (in the video you posted) seems so happy playing with the mat and I was thinking about giving my Shini a surprise for her 7th birthday soon! The mat seems pretty durable and propably will last long, or what do you think? I had experiences with toys that looked like they were made of the same fabric then the mat and they would break or get worn off prett fast.
    First time commenting by the way, long time reader. I am from Londong by the way. Wish you all the best!

    1. yes, i would think your kitty would love it. and yes, i would think it would last long – it hasn’t deteriorated at all for us. thank you for commenting!!

  2. Super pawesome final product review & videos & pics, Jenny! Lurve those pics and the videos so much! Super impressed with this product! I want one so bad now! It’s at the top of my Wish List for Miss PSB. So wonderful how Chiggy and Charlie have been enjoying themselves. I lurve the interactive play, too (that’s Miss PSB’s favorite kind of play…she’s happier playing with her momma or daddy!)! 🙂 <3

    Oh, and I lurve that you have a section of your website devoted to favorite products and links to get them from the sellers. YAY! 🙂

    You did a great job on this review. I can tell how much fun you were having with this one! 🙂 <3

    Big hugs & lots of love!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3

    1. Thanks, Patti – man, it killed when Chiggy got my finger – hit it right where my nail meets my skin. Learned a lesson there!

      Hope you can get one for PSB – they are great – and the cats love them!

      1. Ouch! I actually flinch when I think about that happening to your finger! Such a sensitive area! Ouchy!!! <3 I will definitely let you know when I get one for her! 🙂 <3

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