How Much Does Your Ragdoll Weigh?

How Much Does Your Ragdoll Weigh?
I am always asked this question on YouTube because Charlie and Trigg look a lot bigger than they actually are. And well, compared to a 7 lb. cat, they are a lot bigger.
It’s curious because I have always heard that Ragdolls, neutered males, are supposed to weigh between 15-20 lbs.
Here are the weights of neutered male Ragdolls in my immediate family:
- Rags – 13 lbs
- Caymus – 17 lbs
- Murphy – 12 lbs
- Charlie – 14 lbs
- Trigg – 14 lbs.
Somehow I think that 15-20 lbs average is a little off.
Also, “How much do they weigh?” really isn’t an accurate assessment of how big they are. For example, a kitty could have a small body frame and be obese and weigh 14 lbs. or s/he could be tall, long and lean at 14 lbs. There’s a big difference.
So that begs the question – How much does your Ragdoll weigh? And how would you describe his or her body type?
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,
Murphy at one year old weighs 13 lbs.
Our almost one year old Ragdoll weighs just over 10 lbs. However, the vet expects him to go over that given his age and the size of his feer.
When my boy came home he was 12 weeks old and weighed 2 pounds the vet felt he was underweight. Even though he never acted sick he had issues that had my vet do lab work on his poop. They found a bacterial infection once treated he started putting on weight. At eight months he now weighs 8 pounds. The breeder felt his adult weight would be 10 pounds as he was one of the smaller ones of the litter. I think that may have been to the bacterial infection he had. It will be interesting to see how big he does become. 🙂
My current flame Raggie, Finnegan, weighs 13.6 pounds. My previous Raggie, Charlie, weighed 12.5.
Dug weights 13 pounds and Carl 10 pounds. She called Dug Obese, couldn’t find his waistline….I said dig deeper!!
My old man just turned 16 this last Halloween. At his prime he never weighed more than 13 lbs. he is now down to a little over 6 lbs he is still as beautiful as ever.