Beautiful blue eyes
My Ragdoll is named Bradley and he is almost 3 years old. In my opinion he was meant to be for our family. My first cat I had for 20 years and the second for 17 years. My last cat had passed away and I really wanted another furball in the house to love. I had always gotten my cats from a shelter but I really wanted to get a ragdoll so I researched breeders and found one that I thought was very good. I found Chamidolls Ragdoll. I lived in both Atlanta, GA and Birmingham, Alabama but Chamidolls was in Tennessee. However, I really like the way this breeder raised kittens and cats so I decided I would make the 5 Hour drive to get Bradley. Just before going to get him I was informed by the breeder that they were moving to a little town in Alabama which happened to be about 15 minutes from where I live. Then I knew it was meant to be for me to have this little seal point, mitted ragdoll kitten! By the way, I can highly recommend this breeder!
Here he’s just a kitten
After we got this cute little 12 week old kitten our family fell in love with him. My husband wanted to name him Bradley because that was his mothers maiden name. I wanted to name him after a war hero and seal team member named Al Ashton who had just passed away and was a great friend of ours. Well we also wanted to add Morgan to the name because that was the name of Bradley’s father. So we chose the name Bradley Al Morgan. After looking at that name we decided to add an additional name and call him “Bradley Al Morgan Ashton” so his initials are BAMA (Roll Tide Roll). Yes we are huge Alabama football fans!
A few months after we got Bradley, we were transferred to Germany. He has more frequent flyer points than most Americans! It’s starting to get very hard transporting him back and forth because of his size pushing 20 pounds. So we made the decision to leave him in Alabama in our home where my son lives with his wife and their cat. It has been one of the hardest things for us to do and we miss him so much. I Skype with him a couple times a week, and he always rolls on his back and purrs when he hears my voice. I go back to the states every six weeks and we only have a few more months to live here before returning to Alabama to retire.
Bradley getting groomed
Bradley loves to play, he is definitely a kitten at heart. He loves to chase ice around the house and he is a master at catching lizards. He loves to snuggle at night and I sure do miss that right now. Bradley gets along very well with my sons cat who we call his big brother. The two of them are enjoying playing in the backyard….something he couldn’t do in our apartment in Germany. I think he’s very happy having a yard to play in and a brother to play with but I know he misses us as much as we miss him. Our mission here can’t end soon enough so we can get back to having Bradley around us!
He knows he’s not supposed to be on the counterBradley and his big brother AceI got him this new bed but it looks like he’s too big for it!Saying goodbye to him for the first time. It will be a long six weeks without himDo you have a Ragdoll Kitten or Cat? Consider submitting your kitty! Ragdoll of the Week submission guidelinesRead more Ragdoll of the Week submissions.
Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,
He really us a big hunka burning love. I hope people who would like to have their own Ragdoll will try adopting from a rescue group. There are Rescue groups for all breeds. Ive footed my 3 Himalayans and two Siamese fur kids from rescue groups and/or shelters. Homeless cats aren’t limited to just domestic short hairs, long hairs, mixed breeds and seniors. Expensive, purebred cats are given up by their owners no less frequently than non purebreds. These wonderful breeds can be found if you take the time to look. Adopting from a shelter or rescue saves two lives. Also, you may have found what you consider to be a reputable breeder, but for every good one there are 4 or 5 bad ones who treat their breeding cats horribly. Adopt, don’t shop!
Bradley and Ace are beautiful… so are you! 🙂 Thanks for sharing the great pictures and wonderful story! I wish you a lifetime of happiness with your handsome babies 🙂
Bradley is a BIG OL’ STUNNING fellow!!! Lurve his initials are BAMA!! So sorry you can only seem him six weeks at a time while you are in Germany. Thank goodness for Skype! Also, it’s wonderful that you can visit every six week! Awesome! Lurve his kitten picture!! His coloring is awesome! I adore how big and fluffy he is!!! He is full of purrsonality (just like a Ragdoll should be)!
So happy you have such a wonderful kitteh in your life again!!! (I’m so sorry for the losses of your previous kitties. They obviously lived long lives due to the amount of love and care you gave them.)
Every picture of him is just marvelous. I particularly love that last picture of him and his Momma! He’s almost as big as you!!! 🙂 <3
omg that cat is absolutely magnificent!!! he is a big boy and his eyes are just amazing!!!! i am in LOVE with him! wow! thanks for sharing your story. i bet you do miss him. i understand it would be hard to take him back and forth, i don’t blame you for letting him stay in alabama. it’s so cool that you skype with him too. he will be happy when you guys are together again. i love how you picked the name too and it certainly suits him. he is a prince!
When are you going to have any kittens available ? My Ragdoll isn’t well and he’s 15 1/2 years ol . His name is Wonka I am going to miss him . I can’t live without another Ragdoll. Sincerely , Lorena Creameans
Lorena, we are not a breeder nor is the gal you replied to on here. Please email me if you need help finding a breeder – – Sorry about your 15.5 year old not doing well!
From his expression, I don’t think Bradley cares that he’s not supposed to be on the counter! What a beauty. You can really see his personality from the pictures and he looks like a love. Thanks so much for sharing him with us! I bet you’re counting the hours until you can snuggle with him again.
Bradley is magnificent! And so is “big” brother Ace. Only I think Bradley may be the “big” brother now. Love the photo on the counter. You can tell he really “cares” that he shouldn’t be up there. Like “who, moi?” Love it. His expression on the grooming table is priceless. Bradley sure is quite a character. Enjoy your little fellow. Safe trip home.
Bradley AKA Bradley Al Morgan Ashton, is one stunning huge hunk of Ragdoll!! I bet you can’t wait to snuggle him when you get back home, he looks so sweet ♥ This is the size cat I expected when I got mine too….I have two full grown 11 lb Rag kitties, one whose father weighed 22 lbs!
They are easier to pick up though ☺☺
I understand how difficult it would be to leave your beautiful cat for Germany. I had a cousin who had to leave her beloved pet permanently due to quarentine issues. Bradley is gorgeous. I have a 7 year old Ragdoll named Misha, he is beautiful.
Ah man…Bradley is a hunk!!! I would miss his sweet face too! Coming home will be a sweet reunion. xoxo
What a handsome beautiful boy!! Can you share more about how he does flying and what his flying experience is like? Thanks!
He really us a big hunka burning love. I hope people who would like to have their own Ragdoll will try adopting from a rescue group. There are Rescue groups for all breeds. Ive footed my 3 Himalayans and two Siamese fur kids from rescue groups and/or shelters. Homeless cats aren’t limited to just domestic short hairs, long hairs, mixed breeds and seniors. Expensive, purebred cats are given up by their owners no less frequently than non purebreds. These wonderful breeds can be found if you take the time to look. Adopting from a shelter or rescue saves two lives. Also, you may have found what you consider to be a reputable breeder, but for every good one there are 4 or 5 bad ones who treat their breeding cats horribly. Adopt, don’t shop!
Bradley is one “hunka, hunka, burning love’!
He is probably the most gorgeous male I have ever seen.
He’s lovely and obviously healthy and happy. I really like his knee high mitts (smile).
Bradley and Ace are beautiful… so are you! 🙂 Thanks for sharing the great pictures and wonderful story! I wish you a lifetime of happiness with your handsome babies 🙂
Bradley is a BIG OL’ STUNNING fellow!!! Lurve his initials are BAMA!! So sorry you can only seem him six weeks at a time while you are in Germany. Thank goodness for Skype! Also, it’s wonderful that you can visit every six week! Awesome! Lurve his kitten picture!! His coloring is awesome! I adore how big and fluffy he is!!! He is full of purrsonality (just like a Ragdoll should be)!
So happy you have such a wonderful kitteh in your life again!!! (I’m so sorry for the losses of your previous kitties. They obviously lived long lives due to the amount of love and care you gave them.)
Every picture of him is just marvelous. I particularly love that last picture of him and his Momma! He’s almost as big as you!!! 🙂 <3
Big hugs!!
Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3
omg that cat is absolutely magnificent!!! he is a big boy and his eyes are just amazing!!!! i am in LOVE with him! wow! thanks for sharing your story. i bet you do miss him. i understand it would be hard to take him back and forth, i don’t blame you for letting him stay in alabama. it’s so cool that you skype with him too. he will be happy when you guys are together again. i love how you picked the name too and it certainly suits him. he is a prince!
When are you going to have any kittens available ? My Ragdoll isn’t well and he’s 15 1/2 years ol . His name is Wonka I am going to miss him . I can’t live without another Ragdoll. Sincerely , Lorena Creameans
Lorena, we are not a breeder nor is the gal you replied to on here. Please email me if you need help finding a breeder – – Sorry about your 15.5 year old not doing well!
From his expression, I don’t think Bradley cares that he’s not supposed to be on the counter! What a beauty. You can really see his personality from the pictures and he looks like a love. Thanks so much for sharing him with us! I bet you’re counting the hours until you can snuggle with him again.
What a stunning cat. Just absolutely gorgeous!!!❤
Bradley is absolutely gorgeous. I would love to reach out and hug him right now!
Bradley is magnificent! And so is “big” brother Ace. Only I think Bradley may be the “big” brother now. Love the photo on the counter. You can tell he really “cares” that he shouldn’t be up there. Like “who, moi?” Love it. His expression on the grooming table is priceless. Bradley sure is quite a character. Enjoy your little fellow. Safe trip home.
Bradley AKA Bradley Al Morgan Ashton, is one stunning huge hunk of Ragdoll!! I bet you can’t wait to snuggle him when you get back home, he looks so sweet ♥ This is the size cat I expected when I got mine too….I have two full grown 11 lb Rag kitties, one whose father weighed 22 lbs!
They are easier to pick up though ☺☺
I understand how difficult it would be to leave your beautiful cat for Germany. I had a cousin who had to leave her beloved pet permanently due to quarentine issues. Bradley is gorgeous. I have a 7 year old Ragdoll named Misha, he is beautiful.