BlackHole Litter Mat Interactive Swimming Robot Fish Toy Product Review

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BlackHole Litter Mat Interactive Swimming Robot Fish Toy

The Blackhole Cat Litter Mat Interactive Swimming Robot Fish are water activated swimming robot fish toys.  As soon as you drop them into water, they immediately start swimming.  And when you pull them out of water and tap them dry, they will stop flicking their tail (swimming) and you can put them back in the box.

BlackHole Litter Mat Interactive Swimming Robot Fish Toy varies

There are 4 brightly colored fish in each pack – but they can vary as to colors and patterns – so what’s pictured here or what we got in the video could vary.

BlackHole Litter Mat Interactive Swimming Robot Fish Toy batteries

The fish come batteries  and then there are also LR44 batteries and 1 installation tool also included.

BlackHole Litter Mat Interactive Swimming Robot Fish Toy replacement battery

Charlie and Trigg have been exposed to robotic fish before and loved them, so I knew they would love these too.  They are fun and different and add a rotation in our play routine that both cats seem to enjoy.  However, in general, I wouldn’t say they hold their attention for very long.  In our review video below, I included footage of my sister Amy’s cats, Ash and Addie, being exposed to them – and they didn’t much care for them.  So it could be hit or miss with your cats.

Although they are not a kids’ toy, I think if your cat didn’t end up liking them, a kid could play with them supervised.  But, there’s always the satisfaction guarantee…

SATISFACTION GUARANTEED – If for any reason you’re not 100% satisfied with your swimming fish cat toys, simply contact their support experts for a new replacement or full refund.

What do you think about the Swimming Robotic Fish from Blackhole Litter Mat? Do you think you’ll get some for your kitty?  Why or why not?

Unboxing Video:


Product Review Video:


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Check out our other cat product reviews.

We received the BlackHole Litter Mat Interactive Swimming Robot Fish Toy for review from the manufacturer and also asked that they pay a small review fee.  Receiving the free product and the review fee did not influence this honest post.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Happy Tuesday, Fabulous Floppycatters! 🙂 <3

    Another super pawesome & fabulous product review, Jenny! These fishy are soooo adorable and cute and so are Chiggy & Charlie & Ash & Addie when they are checking them out! What fun! Lurve the bowl, bucket & shallow bin idea for those of us with limited kitchen counter space and no bathtubs! Looks like a very good product to me! It's on my wish list for Miss PSB! Maybe Blackhole Cat Littermat would sponsor a super pawesome & fabulous giveaway bundle with one of their amazing littermats and a box of these fishy! THAT would be AMAZEBALLS! 🙂 <3

    Big hugs & lots of love & purrs!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3

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