Whole Life Pet Products Freeze-Dried Pumpkin Product Review

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When John, the owner of Whole Life Pet, reached out to me and asked me if I would be interested in trying their new human grade freeze-dried pumpkin powder, I was game.

Whole Life Pet Products Freeze-Dried Pumpkin Product Review Floppycats IMG_2299

I was more than game – I had just come off of hospice care with my parents’ Caymus – who I gave pumpkin to daily to help with his chronic renal failure constipation.

Pumpkin was an essential tool in Caymus’ care, and I am very grateful for the fiber is gives and provides for a kitty – not only with constipation, but also diarrhea.

Benefits of Pumpkin for Cats

I have used pumpkin to help my 11-year old Ragdoll cats, Charlie and Trigg, for years – whether they were constipated, had drier poops, runny-er poops or diarrhea.  But I have always used organic canned pumpkin to syringe into their mouths.

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Whole Life Pet Products Freeze-Dried Pumpkin up close.

I have worked with Whole Life Pet for years now on the blog and my mom, sister and I have fed our pets Whole Life Pet’s pet treats for years too.  All of those treats are freeze-dried – usually freeze-dried muscle meat.

Whole Life Pet Freeze-Dried Pumpkin Powder Review Unboxing

YouTube video

Freeze-Dried Pumpkin vs. Canned

With Caymus – who got pumpkin daily, it made sense to use a can, plop the rest of it into a Pyrex dish and use it daily at needed.  However, if I open a can for a healthy cat and only need it for 1-2 days, then I am left with a lot that goes unused.  I have tried freezing it, but it just isn’t the same texture/consistency – and I always had problems with freezer burn.

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So I was excited about freeze-dried because it lets you use exactly the amount you need.

Here are the advantages of using freeze-dried pumpkin vs. canned:

  • Vacuum Sealed for Freshness – Whole Life Pet’s freeze dried pumpkin powder comes vacuum sealed in a bag – that bag then comes in one of Whole Life Pet’s stand-up pouches.  So once you open that vacuum sealed inner bag, you can still keep the product fresh by enclosing it in the ziplock standup pouch.
  • Accessible for Those Hand Compromised – My mom recently cut the tendon on her dominant hand – leaving her (after surgery) unable to do many common things.  This happened during our review of this product.  She would not have been able to use a can-opener to get pumpkin out of a can, but she definitely could have cut open the bag with scissors and accessed it that way.  There are many others who might have arthritis or the like and the packaging of freeze-dried alone might be god sent.
  • Easy to Dish Out – It’s super easy and non-messy to spoon out some freeze-dried pumpkin and had 3-4 parts of water to get the desired amount you want.  Of course, this is how I administered it.  You can also just add it to their food and mix it in
  • Easy to store – can be stored in your pantry without refrigeration.
  • Easy to Hydrate – Do you like to travel with your cat or dog?  My sister brought some on her road trip from Kansas City to Phoenix with their dog, Tayto.  She knew she would have water in the car that she could easily add to it.
  • Less Waste – Lack of waste compared to using canned pumpkin.
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Whole Life Pet Products Freeze-Dried Pumpkin – easy to store, easy to hydrate

Whole Life Pumpkin Powder and My Cats

When it comes to food and reviews – I cannot say much about the nutrition itself – as I am not a veterinarian nor am I a cat nutritionist.  Pumpkin is known to be packed with beta-carotene and antioxidants that can promote a healthy immune system.

I can tell you that I have seen improvement in Charlie’s stool formations.

Whole Life Pet Products Freeze-Dried Pumpkin Product Review Floppycats IMG_2298

You will see in the final review footage that neither Charlie, Trigg or Murphy minded the taste of it as I syringed it in their mouths.  And they got it a lot during the review, as I figured out our perfect amount to syringe.

Whole Life Pet Freeze-Dried Pumpkin Powder Review Video

YouTube video

One day I was at my parents’ house – my mom reported that her 16-year old Ragdoll cat Murphy hadn’t taken a dump in a few days.  So I grabbed the Whole Life Pumpkin from their pantry.  I syringed some into Murphy’s mouth.

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Whole Life Pet Products Freeze-Dried Pumpkin – Easy to Syringe Feed

Then my mom, Murphy and I went out on their porch because it was one of those delightful Spring evenings.  We were probably out there for 30 minutes or so – and when we came inside, Murphy went straight for his litter box.  I followed him out of curiosity – and out came a huge dump!  Thank you, Pumpkin Powder.

You’ll also notice in our review video that my parents’ 3-year old German Shepherd, Parker, was also a fan of it.

Where to Buy Whole Life Pet Freeze-Dried Pumpkin Powder

You can buy Whole Life Pet’s freeze dried pumpkin on Amazon.

Check out Whole Life Pet’s Daily Supplements for cats.

We received the Whole Life Pet Products Freeze-Dried Pumpkin Powder for review from the manufacturer and also asked that they pay a small review fee.  Receiving the free product and the review fee did not influence this honest post.

Check out our other cat product reviews

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”QUdEjjVD” upload-date=”2021-05-04T03:22:12.000Z” name=”Whole Life Pet Freeze Dried Pumpkin Powder Cats Dogs Constipation Diarrhea Floppycats Facebook Instagram Video.mp4″ description=”New to the market is Whole Life Pet’s Freeze-Dried Pumpkin – easy to add to a pet’s food or mix with water and syringe to help promote and restore stool quality and formation. Can help with digestive issues like diarrhea, vomiting or constipation and lasts a lot longer than canned pumpkin. https://amzn.to/3lSWxmp” player-type=”default” override-embed=”default”]

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Thank you for featuring this!! I wish the links on Instagram would work, but they don’t, so I came to your website for the link and ordered the freeze dried pumpkin.

    My kitty eats canned pumpkin every day and sometimes it’s hard to find in grocery stores. And freezing the left over canned pumpkin make it goes all watery and my kitty doesn’t like it as much as a freshly opened can.

    Hopefully he will love this freeze dried product!!!

    1. Yes, I wish the link on Instagram worked too =). Thank you for coming here to find the link.

      Please do report about how your kitty takes to this =)

  2. SUPER PAWESOME & FABULOUS post, Jenny honey! What an AMAZEBALLS product! Will need to get some for sure! TYSVM, hon! Very well done! 🙂 <3

    Big hugs & lots of love & purrs!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3 <3 <3

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