Stormy – Ragdoll of the Week

Stormy – Ragdoll of the Week

Stormy the day I met him
Stormy the day I met him
In September of 2006, my 18 ½ year old calico girl passed away and I was absolutely devastated. I swore after living through the pain of losing her, I’d never have another cat. But just a few months later, my house was too empty and quiet and I started thinking I might have room in my heart for another kitty or two. My nephew, who was 6 at the time, had always tried to pet my calico when he visited but she had the typical “tortie-tude” and was always hissing and batting at him. He loved kitties and was so sad because he couldn’t pet her. When I told him I was thinking about getting another kitty, he said “Auntie, I’m so sorry your kitty died, but when you get new kitties, could you make sure they’re nice kitties?”
Stormy - Ragdoll of the Week
Silly Stormy
I took his words to heart and started researching cat breeds. That’s when I found Ragdolls and the more I read about them and their laid-back floppy personalities, the more I wanted to meet one. I found a breeder in Olympia, Washington (Longfellow Ragdolls) and made an appointment to visit. I told her I was interested in two kittens, a boy and a girl. When I got there, I was overwhelmed by a room full of happy floppy cats! After all the sadness of losing my calico, I was in kitty heaven. The breeder introduced me to a boy she thought I might like. He was a bit older (5 months) and she had planned to show him but thought he might be a good fit for me. He was a gorgeous blue bicolor and I knew instantly he was coming home with me. The breeder was calling him “Pretty Boy” but I ultimately named him Dusty. She then showed me a girl kitten but there wasn’t a connection. She said she’d be having more litters soon, and I could wait for a future litter to pick out a girl.
Dusty and Stormy
Dusty and Stormy
In the meantime, this other tiny kitten kept trying to get my attention. He sat at my feet and meowed at me until I picked him up. Once in my lap, he snuggled up and fell asleep in my arms. He had a small purple stitch in his nose, and I asked the breeder what his story was. She said, “Oh, that’s Miracle.” She proceeded to tell me that when he was born, all of his internal organs were outside of his body. She rushed him to the vet who put everything back in place and sewed him up, but he didn’t think the odds were good that he’d survive. But by some miracle (hence his name) not only did he survive, but he thrived. He’d undergone two hernia surgeries, had been neutered and had a small polyp removed from his nose (this was the purple stitch) and was now 3 months old.
Stormy - Ragdoll of the Week
Stormy 6 months
When it was time to leave, I put the tiny kitten down and put Dusty into the carrier to go home. The next thing I knew, the tiny kitten I had been holding ran into the carrier and curled up next to Dusty and looked at me like “I’m going home with you too!” The breeder looked at me and said “Well, I was planning to keep him because even though he’s done well after his rough start, I can’t guarantee his health like I do my other kittens.” We were both quiet for a few minutes as we watched him all settled in the carrier. She then said “If you want to take him home you can … “. The next thing I know I was in the car driving home with 2 Ragdoll kittens!
Stormy - Ragdoll of the Week
Stormy and Caramel
I really didn’t like the name Miracle, but wasn’t really sure what to call him. A few weeks later, my nephew came to visit the kittens. He took one look at him and said “He looks like a fluffy Storm Cloud!” And that’s the name that stuck. The kittens settled in and made my home happy and full of life again. But that’s not the end of the story … Now that Stormy had a name, I was filling out the TICA registration papers and noticed the date of birth for Stormy. I had to look two or three times because I didn’t believe what I was seeing. The day Stormy was born was the exact same day that my old calico passed away. I believe that somehow the spirit of my old calico was involved in bringing Stormy the miracle kitten into my life. Stormy and CaramelStormy is now 9 ½ years and has been the absolute picture of health! He never had any issues from his rough start and is a big boned 15 pound floppy cat that is bonded with his big brother Dusty and tolerates his little brother Denali (whose story is next to be written!) He loves climbing up on high places and chattering at the birds and squirrels outside the living room window. He has that look that makes you stop whatever you’re doing and just pet him. I’m so lucky that I met this special boy who was definitely “meant to be” in my life.   Stormy and Caramel Stormy Do you have a Ragdoll Kitten or Cat?  Consider submitting your kitty!  Ragdoll of the Week submission guidelines Read more Ragdoll of the Week submissions.

Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Kristie Long says:

    Oh Jerri! I remember that day like it was yesterday! And my eyes still well up when I think about Stormy (my Miracle) crawling into your crate. It was so obvious where and with whom he was supposed to be!
    Love, love, love,

    1. RagdollCatMom says:

      I remember it like yesterday too! I’m glad I got to share his story with the world. 🙂 I feel so blessed that I met you and you let these special boys come and live with me.


  2. chris chocallo says:

    What a great story! Stormy looks like my Widget. Ait was meant to be. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful story. We need more GOOD stories in this world. Chris Chocallo Sarasota FL

    1. RagdollCatMom says:

      WIDGET is adorable! I’m glad you enjoyed Stormy’s story. 🙂

  3. Kathryn Hardy says:

    What a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing it with us! I’m glad you took Stormy too, as he was obviously meant to live with you. 🙂 And your kitties are beautiful!

  4. Teresa Reid says:

    So sorry for your loss. Your sweet Stormy is gorgeous and love his spirit. Isn’t it wonderful how our kitty angels just seem to send us the purrfect little one at the right time? Wishing you all a wonderful and happy life.♥♥♥

  5. Julie Banham says:

    Jerri Kelly what a beautifully written story about Stormy. I love all your kitties (Stormy, Dusty and Denali) they have every trait a Ragdoll Cat should entail, both temperament and beauty. You make the perfect mommy and comfortable home for these lucky kitties. Kristie Long is the finest breeder of Ragdolls, believe me I know!!!

  6. ABarletta says:

    What a happy ending! Need to hear more of those. Stormy is gorgeous. What a victorious little personality he has. He would not let you pass him up. Your critter family sounds wonderful. Enjoy your little piece of heaven.

  7. Patti Johnson says:

    What a beautiful story about Stormy!!! (I’m so very sorry for the loss of your beloved Calico and am just floored that Stormy’s date of birth was her date of passing. Amazing and I truly believe that there were higher powers at work here in getting you and Stormy together!) 🙂 <3

    Storm is GORGEOUS and such a lucky kitty to be part of your family along with Dusty and Denali. 🙂

    Wishing all of you many more years of love, happiness and good health!

    Big hugs!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3

    1. RagdollCatMom says:

      Thank you! I love telling his story and it still gives me chills after all this time when I think about it. 🙂

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