Paws for Thought: Is a Pet Wedding Right for You?

When you’re getting married, you want to ensure everyone special in your life can attend. But that doesn’t have to be limited to humans – why not get your pet involved in your nuptials too? With National Pet Wedding Week upon us, let’s look at increasing trends for pets to be a part of a wedding to remember.

Including the Whole Family

Photo credit: Rover.

A study by found that 81% of recently engaged couples (or those expecting to be engaged soon) plan to get their pet involved with their special day in some way. This shows just how popular the idea has become.

Venue Selection

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Finding the right venue is essential if you decide to have your pet attend your wedding. 83% of those asked in the study said they would be more inclined to choose a wedding location offering pet accommodations.

Closest Family Members

Photo Credit: Rover.

There’s often an expectation to invite distant family members to a wedding even if you’re not close, but it’s often done reluctantly. 25% of pet parents said that they would choose not to invite out-of-town cousins, aunts, and uncles if that freed up the space and resources for their pet to attend.

Of course, you also need to consider whether your guests are comfortable with a pet being present. It may be your wedding, but you need to balance everyone’s needs.

Be sure to ask your guests beforehand if they are comfortable with the presence of pets at the wedding. You can send out an anonymous survey to every guest’s email address inquiring if they have any objections to pets being part of the ceremony. Some people are allergic to pet dander while others are downright scared of some animals, especially dogs. Getting your guests’ approval first is critical to making sure your pet wedding is an absolute success.

Mary Smith, experienced wedding planner and founder of

Company Over Gifts

Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

While it is delightful to receive wedding gifts when you get married, it is not assumed, nor is it always required. Indeed, over a quarter of people asked in the survey said they would rather forego wedding gifts if they could have their treasured pet with them on the day instead.

A Furry Witness

Photo Credit: Rover.

For many pet owners, it’s not enough just to have their pet present. 32% of pet parents have said they would want to have their pet as the legal witness to the wedding.

Important Roles

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Your pet can fulfill other important roles at the wedding too. Many couples enjoy having their pet bear the rings, usually attached to the collar, as they are walked down the aisle.

Just make sure your pet’s needs are catered for, too.

Although pets at weddings are adorable and fun, it’s essential to set them up for success. Whether you simply want your pet in attendance or would like for them to take part as the ring bearer, task someone with taking care of your pet’s needs. Your pet will need to drink water, eat, and use the restroom on your wedding day, and giving someone else the job for the day will ease your mind and free you up to mingle with guests.

Jennifer Prince, editor of Hill City Bride

The Best Honeymoon

Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

In the survey, 30% of pet parents said they would bring their pets on their honeymoon if possible. Many travel accommodation providers are now permitting pets, opening up exciting opportunities for pet owners looking for a special getaway.

For Luck

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A big part of a wedding is just getting ready beforehand. If your cat or dog is a calming presence (and they don’t shed too much over your dress), then spend plenty of time with them before the ceremony so you feel calm and blessed by them.

Photo Memories

Photo credit: Rover.

Make sure you choose a wedding photographer happy to snap photos of you with your pet. If you’re trying to get your dog or kitty involved in the big day, you’ll want to remember it whenever you look back at your album.

Formal Attire

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Not all animals are comfortable wearing formal clothing or accessories, but if your pet is OK with it, they’ll look absolutely adorable throughout the day. Even if it’s just a bow tie.

In Their Absence

Photo credit: Rover.

If you’re unable to have your pet with you on your wedding day, consider how you could make them a part of it in other ways. Perhaps jewelry that reminds you of them – or if your home is full of animals, your tables could be named in their honor.

Rehearsal Time

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If you’re holding a wedding rehearsal, get your pet involved. The more they can be used to the sights, sounds, and smells of your wedding, the less overwhelmed they will be on the big day.

Integrating pets into your wedding can bring great joy, but it’s crucial to consider their comfort and welfare. As a veterinarian, I advise gauging your pet’s temperament first—is he social, comfortable in crowds, and adaptable to novel situations? Secondly, ensure the wedding venue is safe and provides enough space for your pet to relax. Remember, the key to a successful pet wedding is creating an environment where they don’t feel stressed or constrained.

Michael Thompson, Founder & Leading Veterinarian at Pets Food Safety

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Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

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Photo credit: Used with permission for Floppycats.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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