Leonard Bowling Ball – Ragdoll of the Week

My name is Leonard Bowling Ball. They say I got my name because I sound like a bowling ball return when I walk down the hall (these people say I clomp, but I’m just walking). I can’t help it if I’m big. I was born a kitten, like I guess practically all cats are. My mother and father lived in a private house and had occasional litters. I was in one. I left that home when I was 8 weeks old and went home with some people. Aren’t I absolutely adorable? The lady here said she’s always wanted one of me and she finally talked the man into me. Leonard Bowling Ball - Ragdoll of the Week1 Smart man. I think they were very lucky to pick me. As I got a little older, things got more complicated. I had a thing about sinks. I preferred peeing in a sink to peeing in my many litter boxes. It just seemed cleaner. A ragdoll cat wearing the sign \"I peed in the kitchen sink (again)\" The lady seemed not to agree with me, so I finally gave up. If she didn’t care about cleanliness, I guess I won’t I’ve always liked eating. I figure my figure is perfect and I need to eat a LOT so I will stay that way. Ragdoll kitten inside a plastic food dish eating its food Leonard Bowling Ball - Ragdoll of the Week7 If constant food is not forthcoming, I am justified to seek other sources. The dogs here get a little upset when I try to eat their food, but I know I’m most important and they need to learn that. The dogs here are okay. I did have to convince them at first not to sniff me so much, but they learn quickly. One they say is a Golden Retriever named Ralph, and the other one is a brown Labrador named Woodrow. I have grown quite close to them and their food. Ralph has a wonderful tail that I love to attack, and I have convinced him that my fun is more important than the sanctity of his tail. Leonard Bowling Ball - Ragdoll of the Week11 Among my many talents is sleeping. I am really really good at it. I prefer sleeping on my back, but I can do it in any position. Leonard Bowling Ball - Ragdoll of the Week16 That’s how talented I am! Leonard Bowling Ball - Ragdoll of the Week18 I am now 18 months old and of course I’m absolutely gorgeous. I am not fond of sitting on laps (so degrading), but I do like these people and I follow them around all the time. I meet them at the door when they come home just like the dogs. The people are interesting and do strange things like turn on this loud and scary machine and push it around the floor. It totally ruins my fur patterns on the floor, but I have learned there is no accounting for taste. I enjoy my catnip mice, and once I caught a real mouse! It was my shining moment! However, it was an inferior meal compared to my usual food. I also like the dogs’ toys. Oh, and bugs! I love bugs! I am currently only 16 pounds, but I’m working on getting bigger, and I will succeed! There is more food out there and I will find it. Leonard Bowling Ball - Ragdoll of the Week20 Love, Leonard Bowling Ball   Do you have a Ragdoll Kitten or Cat?  Consider submitting your kitty!  Ragdoll of the Week submission guidelines Read more Ragdoll of the Week submissions.  

Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Sandra Johnson says:

    Oh, Leonard BB, you are one adorable Ragdoll – and my goodness, you are a big boy! I am owned by an eight year old Ragdoll named Hannity (he is only 10 lbs, but thinks he weighs in at 20!!) Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful self with us FloppyCatters!!
    Your adoring Tante,

  2. Kathi Branch says:

    Oh kitty parents bowling ball poor Leonard! My Nikolai is 20.5 at his last vet visit, your boy has a way to go…. Precious kitty.

  3. ABarletta says:

    LBB, you are just too adorable! I can actually hear you “rolling” down the halls with your big feet. I love your writing style — sort of like Mark Twain. You are very lucky to have Ralph and Woodrow around to play with, and, I am sure, take care of you when you get yourself into predicaments. Be a good boy now and give your mom and dad all the attention they need. xoxox

  4. Oh Leonard! Humans are a mystery, aren’t they? you are doing such a good job of herding and educating them, as well as your dogs. Keep up the good work, you gorgeous boy!

  5. Awwww, Sweet Leonard Bowling Ball, thank you soooo very much for sharing your ADORABLE & PRECIOUS story & SELF with all of us!! You truly are The Most Handsome of Boys and deserve to be worshiped and adored by all! Sounds like you found the purrfect furever home, too! You have some might fine doggie companions and some pretty patient and loving human parents!!! 🙂 <3

    Wishing you and your family many more years of good health, happiness, love and purry (and barky!) adventures together!!! 🙂 <3

    Big hugs & lots of love!!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3

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