Polly – Floppycat of the Week

This is Polly, she’s is a rescue tortie ragdoll. She is 8 years old. Polly - Floppycat of the Week image4 We wanted to get a cat and call it Polly (from the Nirvana song) when we saw Polly advertised, that was already her name, so it was meant to be! Polly - Floppycat of the Week We got her when she was 15 months old. Her previous owners said that their older cat didn’t like her, so that’s why they were rehoming her. Polly - Floppycat of the Week image3 We brought her home and slowly introduced her to our other 2 cats. We did lots of research on how best to do this. We gave Polly her own bedroom, with everything she needed in it. We then had a stairgate on the door so our other cats and Polly could meet safely for the first time. Our boy cat, Shadow was accepting of her. Ellie, the other girl was, less accepting. Polly - Floppycat of the Week 2 Polly would meow and cry when she was in the bedroom by herself so I went and slept in there with her and she’d snuggle herself right up to me every time. One-night though, she clawed the carpet so bad, we couldn’t open the door! That is when we decided to let her out the bedroom to explore the rest of the house, and meet her new housemates. Polly - Floppycat of the Week image5 We soon realised the real reason the previous owners wanted to rehome her- she was very poorly. She had very loose smelly stools and was losing weight. We had numerous vets’ trips and tried all sorts of treatments and medications. Eventually the vet said to try ‘sensitive’ food (she only eats dry food; she won’t eat the wet pouches the others eat) it worked! She started gaining weight (she’s now 7kg worth of fluff)   She makes us laugh on a daily basis. We joke that she has no brains, but I think that’s just a ruse. She is so beautiful and spends a lot of her day asleep, upside down in strange and wonderful positions. Polly - Floppycat of the Week image6 She is amazingly patient with our two young children, especially our 3-year-old who always wants to pick her up! She meows at my 3-year-old but never scratches him. She adores the attention our gentle 6-year-old gives her, but mostly she loves me, her mummy and sleeps on my feet almost every night. Polly - Floppycat of the Week image8 She has been known to have ‘tortie-tude’ and will go from enjoying being loved to biting and kicking you in less than 3 seconds! She loves to play. With anything and everything. Especially balls, shoelaces and toilet roll tubes. She will often ‘kill’ toilet roll tubes, leaves or a child’s toy or sock and bring it to me in the middle of the night. As i said, she makes us laugh on a daily basis. Ragdoll cat cuddling with various stuffed animals She is often confused by the world, she chases everything and nothing, she pounces on her adopted brothers and chases her own tail. She’s a bit like a dog in that respect. She has some nicknames that she goes by including Polly Pocket, No Brains and Polpock. Polly - Floppycat of the Week 3 I love her so much; I hope you enjoy seeing photos of her.
Do you have a Ragdoll Kitten or Cat?  Consider submitting your kitty!  Ragdoll of the Week submission guidelines Don’t have a Ragdoll, but want to share your kitty? We’d love to feature them as Floppycat of the Week. Here are the guidelines for the Floppycat of the Week. Read more Ragdoll of the Week submissions. Want to read other Floppycat of the Week submissions? Check them out here.

Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Sally Sensi says:

    Please, what are the best grooming brushes and/or combs for my Floppy Cat, Prince Rousseau of Russia House of the Order of the Fuzzy Pants!!! Lol. Whew!!
    He’s 10 years old, a blue, mitted Ragdoll, whom I’ve had four fabulous years. He is my heart.

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