Interview With Animal Communicator Elaine DeCarlo

Elaine DeCarlo
Elaine DeCarlo asked Elaine DeCarlo, an Animal Communicator, to answer some questions we had about animal communication as well as her services.  Thank you, Elaine, for the interview.  Elaine can be reached through her website:

All answers are copyright of Elaine DeCarlo.

1. How long have you been communicating with animals?

I have been communicating with animals since very early childhood. If you look at my website everything about me is outlined.  But to sum it up here….Both my grandmothers were psychic as well as animal communicators. Growing up in Europe and close to nature, they never lost the ability to communicate with all forms of life. It was just accepted and I basically inherited or learned through osmosis/energy how to do this. In fact, most children do communicate with animals only loosing it as they develope other ways and skills of interacting in society. Writing, speaking, etc. Rather than telepathic. I am fortune to be able to communicate telepathically with animals as well as being a psychic/medium. This enables me to just “know” some things through clairvoyance, clairaudence, sense of taste/smell and others.

2. How does one communicate with animals?

Some of the ways one communicates with animals are as listed above. I and other animal communicators will also use the help of Spirit Guides. Speak to our Guides annd our Guides will speak to the animal’s Guides. I have two crossed over pets from childhood that are powerful Spirit Guides for me.

3. Can you share with us, one of your favorite animal communication stories?  How it impacted the owner or the animal or both?

I have many, many favorite stories. One that comes to mind and just happened is a client lost a beloved 10-yr old maltese to a heart attack.
She was beyond reproach. I communicated with the crossed over dog and she told me that she wanted to go first, as another (she showed me visually), small white male dog in the family was going to die in 6 mos. She wanted to be there when he crossed over to help him. That he would need her to help him. She also wanted me to assure her Mom that she was always around her. In fact, she showed me a dark brown bureau in a bedroom where she would sit on to be around her Mom in Spirit always, protecting her. I got an email today as a matter of fact. Her Mom sent me a picture of the room with the dark brown bureau..She told me to look at the bureau, there is a white orb..blow it up and you will see Chloe in the middle. Young!! Two dark eyes, nose and her tongue sticking out. Indeed, I blew up the picture and there inside the orb on the brown bureau was a white maltese. With a little black nose, black eyes and tongue sticking out. Then her Mom told me.. “And sadly, you were right Chloe’s brother who lived with my ex-husband just died. And it was about 6 months after her death..”.

4. Do you prefer to communicate with younger or older animals?

I have no preference in age of animal.

5. Do you prefer to communicate with a certain type of animal?  I mean, do you do better with cats, dogs, horses?  Do you even talk to reptiles?

I can communicate with any type of animal or breed. Including cats, dogs, horses, turtles and reptiles. Really any animal. Energy is energy.

6. How do your services work?  Do you come to my home?  Do I bring my pet to you?  Do you communicate LIVE over the phone or in person?

I will only do in-person consultations locally, within my own town. 99.9% of my services are done via either phone or email. I much prefer telephone as it is spontaneous. Real-time for the owner. I can work effectively either way. I have even located missing pets via email only with no picture of them, as the energy exchange through email from owner to animal and back to me is the same as through the telephone. But I prefer phone sessions and 90% of my work is done via telephone.

7. What do you charge for your services?  Do you have a package deal?

See my website for pricing. I only have a package for tracking lost pets.

8. Why do you think animal communication is valuable?

Animal communication is just as valuable as speaking with your significant other or your Mom, Dad, children, siblings, etc. It is communication. It is knowing another Soul/Spirit and their needs, wants, desires. For their benefit. Physically and mentally. And for the betterment of all. Many animals are very wise and know their life’s purpose. They will explain in detail why they are here to help their person. And indeed, most pets are here to do just that. Why would a loving owner not want to know what they think and feel? Animals are reading our thoughts constantly and picking up our energies positive and negative. It is healthier for all to know what is going on in this area.

9. Do you think if a vet would incorporate animal communication into their practice it would be helpful?

Many Vets do already refer patients to animal communicators. So, yes of course. It would be highly beneficial if more Vets did so.

10. Are you able to communicate with an animal in the after life?  How does that work?

I think I did answer this one. But, I will answer it again. I can communicate with animals in Body as well as in Spirit. I communicate with my own crossed over pets, two of whom are Spirit Guides for me, constantly.

A world that views animal communication with an open mind, is a world that we and the animals are striving for.

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  1. Cindi Foley says:

    Elaine has helped me and my beloved pets for several years now. Not only is she gifted, but she truely has a huge heart!! She offered her services for free for many, many years. And still will particularily if the pet owner is a rescurer like herself. I know of many other people that are devoted clients of hers.

    She helped me with one of my dogs in particular. Dutchess, a Belgian Malinois. I rescued her minutes from being ethanized in Los Angeles. She was only 2 yrs old and had been through so many heartbreakingly tragic homes. I know of 3 at least. (These were all verified by Dutchess when Elaine communicated with her.).

    The first home, Dutchess went to when she was only 4 mos old, turns out husband was beating the wife and Dutchess would cower in corners of the room. The woman made it out barely alive with her little daughter and Dutchess was sent to a high-kill shelter in LA. Then she was adopted out and the new owner was a drug dealer. He wanted her to be a guard dog. When she was not, he threw her in the streets when she was about 1.5 yrs old. Then a homeless man befriended her. He did at least lavish love on her, but he couldn’t even feed himself. After a few months, Dutchess ended up in another high-kill LA shelter. Finally, Belgian Malinois Shepherd rescurers heard about her and franticaly worked to get someone to take her. That someone was lucky me.. I am telling you all of this as Dutchess had terrible phobias. Would urinate in the corners of the room when my husband came in. She would also cower away from any male. Even my 10 yr old son.

    Well, Elaine worked with her. She spoke with Dutchess and found out why she had these fears. I will not say she solved Dutchess’ issues over night. But there was a marked improvement the very first time she relayed to Elaine what she had gone through. I cried. I did not 2 yrs later. Dutchess is a different dog and I do credit Elaine for her hardwork, love and devotion towards all animals. Really towards all.. That is she has love and compassion for people and animals. I am so grateful to know her.


    1. Cindi, Thank you for the compliments about Elaine. I have enjoyed communicating with her.

      I also love that you took the time to help Dutchess. Her story is a sad one, but with a happy ending!

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