Does Your Ragdoll Cat Meow A Lot?
I used to think that meowing a lot was not a Ragdoll cat behavior, but I am beginning to wonder if that’s the case. My Charlie is a meowing maniac. Trigg, not so much. Rags rarely meowed, and it wasn’t until he was a crotchety old man that he started meowing – and by then, I wanted him to meow so badly that I loved everything I could get!

Charlie is definitely the most vocal of the 8 Ragdoll cats in my family – as far as I have witnessed. Murphy, my mom’s 7-year-old Ragdoll cat, is very vocal, but usually when spoken to or when he’s hauling around a toy of his. He doesn’t meow at you when you are on the phone like Charlie likes to do.

Here’s a video of Charlie as a Ragdoll kitten meowing:
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And here he is as an adult meowing:
Here’s a video of Caymus wailing at Petco:
And when we’re getting ready to leave, he’s still meowing:
Rags as an old man meowing (it’s a long video, forward to :32 to hear his meow – I think he meowed because his teeth hurt, but I am not sure):
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,
When we adopted Finn the rescue said he liked to talk. And talk he does! When I was growing up we had Siamese cats. Finn reminds me so much of them except he’s not as obnoxious ( they were very needy cats apparently)
I love how he keeps me on schedule
I know when it’s time for breakfast, time to open the windows to our screened in front porch, Time for fresh water, and then of course His night time snack.
Hi Jenny
Nikki my Seal Point not only talks to communicate with me but I am convinced she understands every word or comment that
I give her.
She has a different meow for everything :
Feed me.
Get up.
Stroke me rub my tummy.
I want walkies or to go out.
Which are just a few .
If I need to stop her doing anything naughty I only have to raise my voice and say:
Works every time.
Michael & Frances
My 4 yr old boy is a Yoweler. Yelling for no apparent reason esp early in the morning when he wants me to get up. At times just randomly yelling loudly. I got another cat because I thought he was bored. He is not real receptive to toys or play. He was not impressed with my decision to get him a playmate. He is not real fond of her. I got a stroller to take him for walks to wear him out.
Gus is mostly quiet, but when he isn’t he is loud! He has this engine that won’t turn over meow when he’s hungry, and when he wants cuddles just before my alarm goes off in the morning, he meows in my face. I’d get mad if he didn’t follow that up with lots of head butts and loves.
He meows throughout the house in a huff when his sister won’t play with him or when he’s bored. He just loves to caterwaul sometimes! Mostly he’s utterly silent, so we don’t begrudge him his singing the song of his people when he feels like it!
My 8 year old blue bi color ragdoll, jack is so funny. He doesnt meow excessively, unless he wants food or treats. He will start with soft, quiet meows and continue, non stop with each meow becoming progressively louder and longer. He also makes an adorable, funny sound when he almost hops through the house. It sounds almost like a turkey gobbling, but not as loud. Another thing he does is make a single peep type of sound when he jumps onto the bed. He amuses me with his gentle, unique personality and odd sounds.
My ragdoll makes the most weirdest sounds one is like a broke wolf that’s losing his howl / croaking barking etc like it’s not normal and does it we’re the windows are open like he’s calling for help it’s sooooo weird and than after I ignore him he meows kinda normal, I think he thinks he’s half dog/wolf.
Love my boy to bits he’s my everything❤️
My boy is a meower. And I usually don’t mind. He will just cruise the house meowing. He has food, he has attention but he just likes to meow – probably to hear himself “talk”. The only time it really gets to me is the middle of the night. And he’s LOUD. I mean, really LOUD. And will do it for about 15 to 20 minutes straight. Of course, I always drag myself out of bed to check on him and he just looks at me as if to say “what? what are you doing awake at this ungodly hour?” Crazy cat. (thankfully he doesn’t do this every night. Just random nights. Sometimes we can even go a full month without the kitty siren call” 🙂
I am so glad that my Gisele is not the only noisy Ragdoll. I swear she got the meowing trait for her and at least 10 other Ragdolls. On top of being so vocal, she also has a raspy meow, which sometimes leads people to believe that she is angry when she is just talking. Apparently, I am also the person to talk with for Gisele. My parents watched her for me when I was on a trip last fall for 10 days and they never heard a peep from her. The minute she heard my voice when I got home, the meowing started up. I could do with a little less chatter from her sometimes, mostly 20 minutes before my alarm goes off when she starts up at the top of her lungs.
At least they have their big kitty voices. Me still uses da same kitty mew squeak as da day me was born. And me chats mommy up all day long and into the night. MOL
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Love those videos Jenny and apparently so do Illaria and Grace. Illaria got up and looked all around and even behind the computer screen to see where that kitty is. Grace was sleeping at my right shoulder and began to look at Charlie upside down. She was mesmerized by his meows. So funny cause both of them were concerned that there was something wrong with him. Ilaria is a talker, especially when I’m fixing their food at breakfast and dinner and she thinks I’m not going fast enough for her. Grace talks all through the day to me with thrills and chirps when she wants attention, to be brushed or played with, and has recently been “talking” to her new little buddy, a blue tailed salamander that is out on the window sill every day. Currently we are all in bed (nighttime) and Miss Mari is over on the left asleep. She didn’t respond to the meows in the video. She talks a lot every day and don’t know if that is normal for Maine Coons. She makes the very distinctive WA, WA, WA sound when she is bringing us a favorite toy. The first time I heard that, thought she was hurt, but have come to know that she is bringing a toy and will drop it at our feet while making that sound. Neither of the babies do that yet.
Caymus and Murphy do the favorite toy meow – love it!
My girl Ragdoll Blue does the same thing making a whining sound when she has one of her favorite balls in her mouth coming to find me so I can throw it she is my only Ragdoll that fetches. She also talks up a storm when she sits on our One Fast Cat wheel to get her treats which is sometimes twice a day, it can get annoying because she keeps it up. She gets her treats at night and only if she runs the wheel. I think she feels if she whines enough I will give in. I find all three of my Ragdolls can be persistent and definitely try to have their way when they want it.
Our little seal mitted Luna is only 5 1/2 months old but boy is she a talker. Last night she was following me around meowing and she didn’t stop until I stopped what I was doing. Turns out she wanted to play so she led me to my office/her room. She also has a habit of meowing in my face around 5.30 every morning because she wants to be fed. She never does this to my boyfriend, only me. We’re getting a seal bicolour kitten in 5 weeks so I’m hoping she doesn’t teach him her tricks.
They do call it “copy cat” for a reason! Lol!
Great re-post and videos, Jenny! I wish Miss Pink Sugarbelle were more vocal but perhaps it’s good that she isn’t (since we apartment dwell). She will meow very daintily if we are both in front of the closet and I’m about to get out her “fishy pole” (wand toy) from the depths of said closet. She also will meow when it’s time for Daddy to get out of bed each morning. She only does this with my hubby and not me. She lets me sleep for the most part. (But if I’m in bed too long, according to Her Highness’ thinking, she’ll let me know and try to wake me up with very loud meows. And, it works. lol 🙂 <3
Other than that, though, she's very quiet. She does communicate very well with her big blue eye expressions and sometimes a tilt of her sweet head. 🙂 <3
Big hugs!
Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3
I have two total opposites! Jazzy is a talker but it’s not a meow. It’s more of a combination chirp and meow. If he wants the water turned on in the bathroom for a drink, if he can’t find me, or just to get my attention. He’s started a new thing every morning before I leave for work. He jumps on the washing machine, rolls over to his back and yells at me to love on him before I leave. It’s sweet and our special time. I’m always running behind because I spend so much time rubbing and loving on him. Now Cruz, I rarely hear a sound from him. I had never heard him meow until I took to the vet with an eye infection several months after I got him. He didn’t like the carrier and the trip needless to say. Anyway, he has starting making little squeaks while waiting for his dinner at night. I’m opening cans and feeding three cats and he can’t seem to wait. He stretches up the side of the cabinet and talks to me the entire time.
I am glad I am not the only one that says Ragdolls yell they do! My mother would yell at me now I have three Ragdoll cats who do the same but they are so cute when they do it, have to love Ragdoll cats.
Loki, my seal mitted lynx Ragdoll talks all the tinme. I figured there had to be some Siamese in the Ragdoll background just cause he talks so much. He has many inflections in his voice for different needs too.
My Zoe, does more of what I call talking . It is amazing how many differ inflections and vocal tones she has for different needs. A meow for play with me. Another for going out to the balcony another when she want just a treat.