Cat Allergies – Don’t Rehome Just Yet! NAET, a Solution?

Caymus, Ragdoll CatAllergic reactions are serious business and can be life-threatening. Unfortunately, a significant number of people out there are allergic to cats. Some adopt one only to find that their children begin sneezing and wheezing. Taking antihistamines on a daily basis makes them less effective over time and makes your allergies worse overall. Allergy shots are similar; plus, they are a huge pain (literally). It’s heartbreaking to bring home a new pet, supply him with cat toys, and set up a room for him only to find out that allergies have taken control of your life. There is hope though.

Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET)

This is a holistic form of therapy developed by acupuncturist and chiropractor Devi Nambudripad of California. It is a blend of kinesiology, chiropractic methods, acupressure, acupuncture, and nutritional management. NAET helps individuals determine which part of the cat they are allergic to: hair, saliva, urine, etc. Several testimonials contain glowing reviews of this type of alternative medicine. In particular, it has helped people who have not responded well to other treatments. Hopefully more studies about NAET will continue to be released. Until then, it is certainly worthwhile especially when you have exhausted most other options.

NAET is refreshing because:

  1. It is non-invasive.
  2. It requires no drugs.
  3. It takes an average of six treatments to entirely rid someone of a cat allergy.

If you’re a huge fan of rag doll kittens, NAET could help you give them a loving home. As with any treatment, you should do further research. Some doctors find NAET’s claims questionable, while others have benefited greatly from it. Discuss options with your doctor, and learn more about your options to make an informed decision.

Vitamin C
Little known fact: megadoses of vitamin C can work like antihistamines. The latter are often expensive and require you to scale up the dosage. Based on an Arizona State University study from 1992, if you take two grams of vitamin C daily regularly, you can reduce blood histamine levels by nearly 40%. The best part about this treatment is that the more you take, the more it builds up in your system. This means you can even skip taking it and still reap its antihistamine effects. Conversely, if you need immediate allergic relief, you’ll want to use something fast-acting like diphenhydramine. Vitamin C doesn’t change blood histamine levels for at least four hours after being ingested.

If you decide to go this route, stick to two grams a day and only increase your dose gradually. Taking too much vitamin C can cause diarrhea. If you have a particularly bad reaction, quit using it immediately. What people often do not realize is that excessive amounts of histamine are released in response to different stresses on the body. It is not good for your body to be in this heightened panic mode for extended periods of time. In addition to these choices, there are also cat grooming products out there that reduce the presence of dander.

Have you been able to conquer your cat allergies?  How so?

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. I’m actually quite allergic to cats, but I still have one 🙂 She isn’t allowed to sleep in our room and isn’t really allowed in there (she is allowed to explore in there for a bit but not allowed when we aren’t in there)So my body can have at least 8 hours without cat dander/hair all over me. But I take an Allegra once a day and that is enough. I even work at an animal shelter with cats in particular and I have NO problems. But from what I’ve understood, since I only have the “sneezing water itchy eyes” reaction to cats is i’m more likely to build up an immunity to the allergy. whereas those with hives and not able to breathe are less likely to ever find relief. (I’m actually allergic to a LOT of things) Also, the type of breed makes a difference. My cat is a Russian blue and she doesn’t affect me if at all really. We also vacuum often and wipe counters down enough. Whereas my mother-in-law has a raggy mix and she doesn’t really clean up after her or vacuum enough or brush the cats so I feel like DEATH when i’m at her place. She also has a Bengal and the Bengal by herself doesn’t bother me much. Also a HIGH quality diet rich in omega-3 helps with reducing dander.

    So for me

    So that is what works for me, but i’m going to look into NAET and see if its available in my area.

    1. Thanks for the insight – if you look into NAET, try it – then pls report back!

  2. Wonderful article! Thanks for this info, Jenny!

    I’m very luck that I don’t have any cat allergies but I’m sure those folks who are cat allergy sufferers will certainly appreciate this information! (It must be heartbreaking to have a love for cats and then have an allergy to them. I just can’t even imagine how awful that would be….)

    🙂 <3

  3. Vlad & Barkly's Dee says:

    THANK YOU FOR THIS INFORMATION! My allergies have been killing me lately–to the point that I’ve actually thought about moving back to our old (now a rental) house, and renting this one out instead. Moving out to the sticks, with a creek running through our land (mold factory) wasn’t thought out well enough before we bought it. I used to get shots. After one really bad reaction (that reminded me of the anaphylaxis caused by a poison ivy shot to attempt to rid me of THAT allergy), I became afraid of the shots and quit shots over 15 years ago. Another condition I have greatly limits my use of antihistamines. I’m too afraid of “regular” allergy treatment now. On the 14th I have an appointment with an alternative allergist that gives the drops under the tongue (SLIT therapy) instead of shots, and treatment can be done at home with as little as 4 office visits a year.

    Thanks to you, I’m going to ask him about NAET therapy as well. Other than being sick, I love everything about being out here, and I don’t want to move the dogs to town again. Just maybe, I could stand to be around my son’s cat as well with this!

    1. Oh gosh, that sounds miserable – I hope that NAET is a solution for you!

  4. Karin Paris says:

    Need to discuss Allerpet too. My stepson was allergic (took allergy shots for practically everything), but the Allerpet worked wonders. They even have kitty wipes now that help. Wipe down the kitty once/twice a week and you’re good to go!

    1. Hi Karin,

      Tell me more – would you be game to write a post about it that we could post on the site?


  5. Wonderful article, Jenny. I posted it on my FB page. I would also very much like your permission to add it to my files that I send to adopters (information on integration, litterbox use, etc.). It would give you full credit, of course.


    1. Absolutely, MeLinda – whatever helps the kitties!!

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