Suzie – Floppycat of the Week

I’ve had my kitty exactly 3 years, she was a rescue and I got her when she was just 12 weeks old. Suzie - Floppycat of the Week 3 I had cats in the past but they were alley cats, Suzie is my first and only indoor cat. I didn’t want a cat at this time in my life but my neighbor was pestering the daylights out of me to get one. My neighbor had a friend that worked part time at the humane society and could find me a cat, I was told. To get my neighbor off-my-back I told her I wanted a Ragdoll kitten. I don’t know where I came up with Ragdoll, I didn’t know anything about Ragdolls but I must have thought she would never find one and I would be safe. About a month or so later my neighbor called to say that not only had she found me a Ragdoll but she was a kitten and I could have her on Jan. 31. During the waiting period I did some Ragdoll checking online but I still had no idea how special the Ragdoll breed was… but I would soon find out! The day came for me to pick my girl up and I had actually gotten excited about becoming a cat mama during the waiting period. I brought her home but didn’t know anything about acclimating a new kitten to the home so I brought her in, showed her her food dish, the litter box and let her familiarize herself with the house. After about 30 minutes she had disappeared so I called her and she came bounding in to me, I picked her up, placed her on my lap and was talking to her and stroking her back with both hands, then I bent down to kiss the top of her head and she bent her head back and ‘kissed’ me right on my lips…LOL, I was a goner ❤️. I fell madly in love with her right at that minute and my love has grown by leaps and bounds ever since. Suzie - Floppycat of the Week 4 She is a snuggler, she loves to play fetch, she carries her toys around and I find them in her food bowl, in my bed, odd places every day. She is a perfect lady, she hasn’t damaged my house in any way, she has never missed her litter box, she sleeps in bed with me under the covers and spends much of her day on my lap. One thing that still amazes me is that she has never, EVER jumped up on the counters, I don’t know why, but she has never even tried. She doesn’t let me out of her sight for a minute, she is definitely my little shadow. She’s not crazy about riding in the car to get her pedicure each month but other than that… she is the PERFECT roommate. [embedyt][/embedyt] Suzie - Floppycat of the Week I don’t know her back story, only that she was being fostered by a vet tech. I can’t understand how she became a rescue but I got so lucky when I got her and I can’t imagine my life without this precious girl. I realize I am her whole world, she depends on me for everything and I take that very seriously so I’m the best mom to her that I can be. I thank my neighbor for convincing me to get a cat. 😻 Suzie - Floppycat of the Week 2 Do you have a Ragdoll Kitten or Cat?  Consider submitting your kitty!  Ragdoll of the Week submission guidelines Read more Ragdoll of the Week submissions.

Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Monica S. says:

    I love your story! I’m so glad you found each other. And the story of your first kiss…beautiful. Thanks so much for making my day! Enjoy many happy years together.

  2. Suzie is absolutely adorable!!! That face!!! Those markings!!! How is it possible your gorgeous girl ended up in a shelter??? I’m so glad you found each other and shared your story here. The photos are so beautiful and her sweet lady-like ways really shine through. The video was super cute. I just love your darling girl…

    Best Wishes
    Pam and “Fluffy”

  3. Brendalynn Lapekes Eustice says:

    Suzie is precious! How lucky are you to have adopted a ragdoll kitten at 12 weeks old! That is when most breeders let them go to their new homes! It sounds like you and Suzie have a very special bond and that is so sweet! Snuggle her up and enjoy that precious little girl!

  4. TYSVM for sharing such a special and super pawesome love story about your fabulous & stunning Suzie Girl!!! God bless you for adopting this gorgeous rescue kitty and giving her such a wonderful and loving furever home! Lurve her precious blaze on her nose! Soooo charming! Sounds like you found your Ragdoll Soul Kitteh on your first try! Lucky YOU!!! She sounds absolutely purrfect to me! So happy she is thriving and living such a fabulous life with you! 🙂 <3

    Wishing you both many more years of good health, joy, love and purry adventures and cuddles together!!! 🙂 <3

    Big hugs & lots of love!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3 <3 <3

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