Ragdoll Cat Charlie’s Winter Ear Hair

Ragdoll Cat Charlie’s Winter Ear Hair

Originally published  Jan 31, 2013 – wanted to run again since this ear hair is coming in now!

My Ragdoll cat, Charlie, grows longer ear hair in the winter.  I totally love it.  I wanted to take some photos and share.  He also has “sprouts” of hair on either sides of his ears in the winter.  Love, love, love.  Does this happen with your kitties?

Ragdoll Cat Ear Hair

Ragdoll Cat Ear Hair

Ragdoll Cat Ear Hair

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. my black and white gets more ear hair and he also gets more fluff on fur around his face and he gets fluffier “pants”. he also gets these real long single hairs all over. i call it fringe.. it’s so pretty. he has some really long ones on his tail and on his back. i love his fuzzy pants in the winter.. looks like he has snow pants on!

  2. Patti Johnson says:

    How cool is THAT? 🙂 I haven’t noticed this happening with our Miss Pink Sugarbelle at all yet. She’s just so darned fluffy everywhere for every season… (And I have the “tumbleweeds” rolling around our apartment to prove it! lol) 🙂 <3

    Big hugs!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3

  3. FaRADaY: No-o-ooo…’cuz I’m a Tonkinese, but Charlie and I do have one thing in commone – the center part down the middle of our head!

  4. Could Charlieman get any more handsome? Mysterious Batman mask & killer blue Michael Keaton when he’s looking at you & sweet shaded heart and magnificent pantaloons when he’s walking away. SAWOON!
    (Snoop says the winter ear tufties are HAWT— no metro mancats for her!)

    1. edit: “…killer blue Michael Keaton *eyes*…”


      p.s. “sawoooooooooooon!” *headbonk*

      -Snoopy the Cougar

      1. HA HA – I didn’t know your first name…but I knew it was you from YouTube with those killer comments!!

  5. Boomer gets floofier all over in the winter, and I LOVE it. (On him, it’s more noticeable through his ruff; his ears and toe tufts stay about the same all year long. 🙂 )

    1. yes, Charlie’s ruff becomes almost unmanageable in the winter – i wish the ear hair would stay all year long…but I don’t want to move North!

  6. Coinneach Fitzpatrick says:

    Oh yeah, all three of mine get earmuffs even though they don’t go outside and the coldest Phoenix ever gets is in the low 30s. Maisy being a Persian, her ears are tiny anyway and they’re completely covered in fluff.

    1. Lovely!! I really like the fluff. I don’t recall this happening to my Rags and I don’t really see it on Triggy.

  7. Yes! My kitties get sumptuous ear hair too. I love it also. ; )
    In your photos, I notice the faint outline of a heart on the back of Charlie’s head– how sweet! And a happy Valentine’s Day to him too.

    1. I love love love it – sad when summer comes and it goes away!

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