Interview with Homeopath Kim Rockshaw, DIHom, BFRP

Kim with Squeaky-Bandit
Kim with Squeaky-Bandit

Recently, I was emailing back and forth with animal communicator, Dexter Del Monte about Caymus – and that’s how his Biomedical profile thing happened.  So I asked Dexter what other great people she knew who worked with animals.  One of the names that came up was Kim Rockshaw, DIHom, BFRP.  So I contacted Kim for an interview.  Thank you, Kim, for the interview.

1. How do you work with animals?

In my profession as a homeopath and naturopathic doctor, I  treat animals with various forms of holistic medicine, such as homeopathy, herbs, supplements, nutrition and essences. Though many of my clients come to me with pets that have severe or chronic medical conditions, I also treat emotional imbalances with Bach flower essences (no, this is not aromatherapy).

2. When would someone like me with two cats need your services?

Clients consult with me for four reasons:

1) The medical problem their animal has cannot be treated safely and or effectively by allopathic, traditional medicine (ie the medicine or surgery may have too many side effects in comparison to the help that will actually be given to the animal);

2) The treatment will not cure the animal or help it get to a permanently better level of health

3) I often treat animals for the side effects brought on by the veterinary treatment. .. say chronic vaccine reaction or say, digestive and/or liver problems caused by antibiotics, anesthesia, steroids;

4) About 30% of my work is for animals with emotional or behavioral problems. . .  separation anxiety, nervousness, fear, grief, jealousy, not getting along with other animals in the household. I use essences and usually have a 95% success rate in permanently improving the problem.

Let me give you some examples:  One of the things I treat best is bone cancer. With allopathic treatment, most dogs and cats (even with amputation) live no more than 6 mos. And much of this time is pain-filled. With homeopathy, most of my clients live at least two years with  little to no pain and a very comfortable death.

Another example:  I had a client years ago, whose cat had a chronic sinus problem. The vet kept on treating the animal over and over with the same antibiotic, even though it was not helping!  Gradually the cat stopped eating. The owner, the new vet and initially, even myself, all thought that this was due to the sinus problem. Things got so bad, that the cat had to be put on a feeding tube. At that point, I had just entered the picture. After doing a careful history of the cat, it was very clear that the cat had stopped eating as a result of digestive and liver upset due to the constant use of antibioitcs!  I used a very specific homeopathic remedy that is good for clearing drug toxicity and also fit the cats personality and other physical problems. Within a few days of starting the remedy, Lulu the cat, started eating again and made a full recovery. Since then I have used this particular remedy for many cases of animals “never well” since certain medications were used.

Many animals also have chronic reactions to vaccines. These range from vaccine induced tumors, to chronic digestive problems, to chronic autoimmune skin problems. Homeopathy (homeopathy, not herbs or supplements) can be extremely helpful in clearing these negative reactions, even if they started years ago. For instance I had a client who I believed had developed chronic digestive problem after a rabies vaccine. At first the owners did not believe me. But I treated the dog and she got better. A year later, the owners, against my advice, gave the dog another rabies vaccine. Within 24 hours, the dogs severe vomiting and diarrhea returned with a venegance. Thankfully, I administered the correct homeopathic remedy again and the symptoms abated.

Homeopathy can be used to help injuries that happened years ago. I have many stories of animals who were hit by a car, or had a surgery of some sort and were never the same since. Homeopathy is thee only form of medicine that can go “back in time” and clear past injuries and reactions.

I think the question might be asked:  What would a person need to go to a vet for, as opposed to consulting with myself or another homeopath?

You need to see a vet for:  Diagnosis (exam, blood work, urinalysis, etc) to determine what is wrong or at least to rule out various problems. You also need to see a vet if your animal has an infection, like a bladder infection. For example, if your older cat has chronic bladder infections, you go to the vet to get the diagnosis and then get at antibioitic. You come to me to stop the chronic inflammation of the bladder that is causing the infections, or/or to help if there was any negative reaction to the medication and/or if there has been weakening of the kidneys due to the chronic bladder infections, we can work on rebuilding the kidney function.

3. How long have you been doing what you’re doing?

kim2I have professionally consulting with animals for 11 years.

4. How did you get into what you’re doing?

Over 20 years ago, I developed chronic, serious health problems. And then again in 1998, I almost died from a relapse. Both times allopathic medicine could do nothing to help me and sent me home to suffer or even possibly die. I received such help from acupuncture and homeopathy in 1989 that as I started to get better I wanted to reach out and do something good for the world. I started volunteering at an animal shelter. While there many animals came in with illnesses not helped by the vets. I began using (at that time), my very limited knowledge of homeopathy and saw great results with the cats. Once I moved to California in 1992 I started rescuing special needs cats and applying holistic treamtments to them. Then in 1998, my health relapsed and I almost died. Since, once again the allopathic doctors could not help me, I used some of my “budding”  knowledge to heal myself. After that I earned my degree in homeopathy in 2000; a few years later I earned my certification from the Nelson Bach Foundation, to work with essences. Over the years, I have formed a cat sanctuary for special needs cats. Many of these animals would not be alive where it not for the holistic treatment they have received here.

5. Can you share with us one of your favorite homeopathic stories?

There are quite a few that I can smile and be happy about. One is of a dog named Sandy, who developed bone cancer in the fall of 2008. As mentioned above, most dogs with bone cancer do not live past 6 mos., even if their leg is amputated. Sandy is alive after almost 3 years, and it was only this spring that the cancer started growing and the cancer advancing. Though her leg is now quite big, she has no pain, eats well and has a quality of life. Even in end stage cancer, homeopathy (and I do mean homeopathy, not herbs or supplements) can provide a quality of life that cannot be obtained with holistic medicine.

Another good story is of Colonel a cat at my sanctuary, who came to me 8 years ago. My vet called me to say he had been brought a stray FIV+ cat  who also had spinal damage. He wasn’t sure if I wanted to “try” to help him. Colonel had a completely non-functional bladder (held urine in until it leaked out), and also little control of the rectal muscles. Three times my vet suggested we euthanize him. I saw a bright happy cat that was not in pain and very guardedly decided I would take him home and try to help. After three weeks of homeopathic treatment, he was extremely better. . . able to pee and poop just fine. He had another problem with his liver and I then treated this.  Five years later as he aged, the rectal paralysis started to come back. He developed mega colon and there was little hope for him. Once again I turned to homeopathy and this has kept the disease under control for years now.

Another great story is involving a client’s dog named Coco who had severe behavioral problems. . . to the point, owners considered euthanaia. She was healed with a combination of both essences and homeopathy.   Here’s the full story.

I have hundreds of stories like this. Please note that I do not claim to cure everything. Homeopathy is extremely individualized. Sometimes we get the correct remedy right away. Other times it takes a few tries before we get the correct remedy; lots of patience and no quick fix.

6. Do you prefer to work with a certain kind of animal?  In other words, is it easier to work with dogs, cats, etc?

I am limited in my medical knowledge of birds, horses and small mammals such as rabbits.  I can usually help with essences for behavioral problems (for example,  feather plucking, extreme vocalization for birds and crib chewing, fear, shyness, exciteability with horses) and minor physical conditions such as an injury. However, if it is more complex medical condition for birds, horses and small mammals, I usually refer people to holistic vets or practitioners who know more about these species.

I do not find it easier to work with cats over dogs or vice versa. Much of our success stems from how much detailed and specific info. the pet owner can give to me when we consult . . . once again, because homeopathy and essences are so individualized.

7. How do your services work?  How does someone set up an appointment with you?

When I worked with humans more, I used to have an office that was also pet friendly. However, over the last few years, I have clients all over the country and even overseas. So, in most cases, my work is by phone consultation. I have been doing this for so long that I have developed a good way to screen and question clients to get accurate info. If a client is local I often do see them in person. I especially find that for skin conditions it helps to see the animal. However, not always. I’ve had a few cases of treating dogs and cats with skin conditions, where I got the correct remedy on first try, without seeing the pet.

If someone is interested in working with me, they can email me (krhomeopath [at] and tell me what they are seeking help with. I will be very honest and tell them whether or not I can help them. If so, we set up a consultation time by phone, or in person.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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One Comment

  1. June Dunton says:

    Hi! Kim! I was reading your article ( interview ) and I am so proud of what you are doing. I wish that I could have gone into something like this. The only problem is that I would likely be too emotional to handle these sweet animals and some not so sweet, I’d imagine. I am glad that you got YOUR health problems under control.
    I am currently seeing ( and have been since 1994,) Dr. Charles Loops, DVM in North Carolina for any issues that I have with my cat, Zim. Diagnosed with an enlarged kidney, infected. He’s on an antibiotic “Zeniquin.” SIGH!! Hoping that Dr. Loops can get him off it with a cure direction. Looking into “Kidney Support Gold” out of Vancouver as well..

    Anyway, I just want to wish you well!!!!! And….well…God Bless

    June from Maine

    I am


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