Can You Take Your Cat to The Office?

Can You Take Your Cat to The Office?
First published December 22, 2011 – yesterday on Facebook a reader posted a photo of her cat at her office, which reminded me of Rags coming to mine when I had a corporate job.
I now work from home, however, when I did have a job where I had to go into an office, towards the end of that job, my Rags was older and wasn’t fussy about much, so sometimes after lunch I brought him back to the office.
I don’t really recall how it happened or if I had asked permission (when I resigned, I stayed on for another 6 weeks per their request). But it was lovely to have him in the office with me and gave me peace of mind.
So it made me wonder if you can take your kitty to the office with you? If you can, where in the world do you live that they allow it?
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,
Where do you guys work?! I would love to be able to have a pet at work! I actually thought about this a week ago or so, thought about how nice it would be if you could bring you dog or cat to work with you while you work on things and they sleep in a corner or warm your lap for you. That would be so nice!
Have you read about Luna the Fashion Kitty, she has a Catster page and weekly blog as well a Facebook page. She goes to work with her Mama in Chandler AZ
I think it would be easier to take a cat to the office then a dog as long as your cat likes car rides and you have a litterbox at the office. I couldnt imagiine taking my 5 cats and 2 dogs though, I would get nothing done, between feeding them, playing wuith them and getting them off the computer, and taking the dogs out. Would be pretty awsome to be allowed to take my pets to work though..
that’s funny – “i would get nothing done” – ha, i know.
I’m sure I could bring Hank to the office…I would just want to find out if anyone in the office is allergic to cats. People bring dogs (including the owner) and babies all the time!
I bet Hank would be the hit of the office.
When Splash was still a kitten I had a job where the office was located in 1/2 of a duplex out in the countryside. I worked all by myself, so the boss said it would be okay to bring him in, as long as he didn’t ‘make a mess’ everywhere. We tried it for about a month, but he hated it and usually hid behind a desk all day sleeping. He hated it starting with the 15 minute ride to work in the car, all the way through the day and hated the ride home too. After a month of hoping he’d get used to it and enjoy it – I gave up.