Interview With Pet Talker Asia Voight

Asia Voight
Asia Voight asked Asia Voight, a pet talker, to answer some questions we had about animal communication as well as questions about her services. Thank you, Asia for the interview.

Asia Voight is located in Baraboo, WI can be reached through her website:

Answers are Copyright of Asia Voight.

1. How long have you been communicating with animals?

My communication with animals has been in two parts: Childhood, and then as a young adult.

As I child, I don’t remember the communication starting, I always just was communicating with animals. Until the age of 14, I consciously shut down this communication because I started hearing peoples thoughts and this was very uncomfortable for me. Then in 1987, after I had been in a life threatening car accident, I had a near death experience. I was told to go back to earth and re-awaken my ability to communicate with animals. I still had to re-learn after I was out of the hospital about a year later, and my dog Makeba at that time, was a master teacher assisting me every step! My remembering how to communicate happened quite quickly and I practiced for 10 years and attended classes with Penelope Smith before I started working professionally, in 1998.

2. How does one communicate with animals?

Asia Voight

With an open heart and a centered and balanced mind, I open a connection with the animals heart. I then hear words, see pictures, and feel emotional sensations or knowings from the animals. I take these pieces and form them together into a speakable format for their human companions. If their caretakers have a response, I then translate that or another questions back to the animals. This flowing healing conversation last until everyone feels complete and satisfied.

3. Can you share with us, one of your favorite animal communication stories?

See my Blog on my website: for great stories.

4. Do you prefer to communicate with younger or older animals?

It doesn’t matter to me.

5. Do you prefer to communicate with a certain type of animal?  I mean, do you do better with cats, dogs, horses?  Do you even talk to reptiles?

Asia Voight

Yes, I communicate with all domesticated animals. Most people who call me have horses, then dogs and cats. I rarely, but have communicated with cows, chickens, gerbils, snakes, ferrets and one frog.

6. How do your services work?  Do you come to my home?  Do I bring my pet to you?  Do you communicate LIVE over the phone or in person?

Since I am so busy, working on a book and video besides a full appointment schedule, working over the phone is clearly the most time effective. Not only for me, but for people at work on their lunch hour or if they have horses, they do not need to haul them to me – a huge time commitment. I would say 80% of my work is completed over the phone, with the other 20% at in-person venues, at veterinarian offices, speaking events, humane societies and specialty businesses.

I do communicate live. I love it! I rarely, again because of my schedule, do any work with the animals before my appointment. I am only a few seconds ahead of what my client is hearing. As I hear it from the animals, I then speak it right away. I also only ask for basic information from my clients, name of animal, age, male / female, and how long they have had them. I start with what the animal wants to say. I don’t want my mind clouded with what the person thinks might be the situation. Once we get into the conversation, it is fine then, whatever the client wants to ask

7. Why do you think animal communication is valuable?

Animal Communication creates transformation not only in the lives of the animals but more amazingly in the lives of their people. When my clients hear directly from their companions the deepest desires and wisdom that they hold about themselves and the people they live with they are literally “blown away.” Even though they love animal they had no idea of the depth and full comprehension their beloved pets held within themselves. For example, my horse Rocket knew I was scared to go fast. It had been years after a terrible car accident, and I way still frozen with fear in many areas of my life. We spent over a year riding in “slow gear!” Every time I became nervous he stopped. (When most horses sense tension, they go faster.)

He was a master teacher because one day he said,
“Today, we are going fast. You’re ready.”
“Oh, no,” I responded.
“We are going to gallop today. I know your going to pull back on the reins, and I am just letting you know, I’m not going to stop this time. Today, you are ready for breaking through that pain and anxiety that is all around you.”

Wow. He was right. We did go fast, I pulled back, he kept going and I cried in relief when that veil of pain finally disappeared with his help.

8. Are you able to communicate with an animal in the after life?  How does that work?

Yes, I do communicate with animals in the after life. It is no different for me than if they are currently residing on the earth plane.

Bio for Asia Voight

Asia Voight
Asia With Dolphins

Asia has been an Internationally known Animal Communicator, Teacher and Healer for twelve years. She has been featured in news programs seen on ABC, NBC, and Fox TV. Speaking in front of thousands of animal lovers as a keynote speaker for events like the Midwest Horse Fair, Madison, Wisconsin, Asia amazes audiences with her on-the-spot personal readings.  Asia’s voice has been heard throughout the United States supporting animal wisdom on many radio interviews like the Rick Lamb Show and dressage rider Jane Savoie’s tele-seminar. Readers of numerous newsprint publications (the covers of Brava and Women Magazine, the front pages of the WI State Journal and the Fitchburg Star) have been inspired by her uplifting and healing Animal Communication work. Asia has a published chapter in Crossing the Rubicon: Celebrating the Human-Animal Bond in Life and Death.Having 40,000 successful conversations with animals, Asia passes on this impressive experience and teaches workshops gently and step-by-step on how to connect with one’s own animal companions. An enthusiastic health and body-aware person all of her life (especially after a life-altering car accident), Asia brings twenty years of training in yoga and meditation to her class itinerary. Asia’s home includes four horses: two Paints, a Morgan and a Mini. Asia has been studying Natural Horsemanship, and Connected Riding in the arena and on the trail for eighteen years. Asia’s journey continues with her trips to Bimini, Bahamas, where she facilitates week-long swims with wild dolphins. Soon she will be adding worldwide whale, turtle and horseback riding adventures to this already impressive list.

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