Interview with Pet Psychic Kate Sitka

Pet Psychic Kate Sitka
Pet Psychic Kate Sitka

Interview with Pet Psychic Kate Sitka

Kate was a reader of the blog and I noticed her e-mail address when she commented on a post, which made me want to go check out her work.  After a few e-mail exchanges, I asked Kate if I could interview her for the site.  Lucky for us, she said yes!

Thank you to Kate for the interview!

Kate’s Website and Kate’s Blog

What is animal communication? How are you able to communicate with animals?

I was born talking to animals, and I remember as a child relating to them exactly as I related to people. Wild animals would often give me an uneasy feeling before they disappeared. Birds were often curious, or they’d share mental images of things they had seen. I didn’t have pets until I was around seven years old because we lived in an apartment, so my exposure to animals was generally through wildlife. When I was very young, it was often just me and my mother – she would take me outside and point out all the signs of wild animals around us, so she encouraged that connection.

Is there a difference between an animal communicator and a pet psychic? If so, which are you? Are the terms used interchangeably?

I have heard other people define differences between these terms and declare one or the other to be better, but personally, I use both terms. My process is telepathic communication, and I can do it with animals and people, both living and on the other side, and I use the same techniques to communicate with guides / angels / spirit friends. I started as an animal communicator, talking to living animals about their daily experiences, and didn’t start talking to animals or people on the other side until later, once I had the practice I needed to feel safe. It has evolved over my lifetime, and it all started with talking to animals!

Pet Psychic Kate SitkaOn my website I use the word “psychic” because it’s generally understood, and it helps people to find me. Once they get to my website, they can read about what I do.

If you can telepathically communicate with animals, can you also telepathically communicate with people?

Yes, and I use it a lot to communicate with people. I’m a visual person, so I tend to get a lot of visual aids. If I ask a grocery store clerk where the canned tomatoes are, he’ll *think* about where they are, and I get that picture instantly, before he even starts talking. Then he might say “three isles that way,” and I know that when I get there, what it will look like and where specifically to find the item.

Pet Psychic Kate SitkaThat tends to happen only if the other person is a very clear visual thinker, and it happens spontaneously. If someone is multi-tasking or tends to use 1000 words instead of clearly visualizing their answer, I can get lost. This happened in school a lot. I was great with teachers who truly understood the curriculum and had a mental lock on it while they taught it, but if a teacher didn’t really understand what they were teaching, and just repeated words from a textbook, I couldn’t understand it at all.

I actually believe that a LOT of people unknowingly communicate telepathically all the time, especially kids and best friends.

How long have you been an animal communicator?

Well, I started as a child, and I really *understood* what I was doing after I saw Sonja Fitzpatrick on Sally Jesse Raphael. Once I knew this was a thing that I was experiencing differently from other people, I started to get books on Animal Communciation, which gave me exercises to practice and a language to understand and develop my work.

My first dog, Heidi, was my first real teacher. We used to go for long walks in the bush, and she’d tell me about the things around me that I didn’t sense or notice at the time. She’s send me a picture of a deer, and when I’d go look at the spot she was sniffing, there would be deer tracks. In that way, she was teaching me how to recognize *when* an animal was sending me information, how to recognize it, and how to do it at will.

How did you get into it?

Pet Psychic Kate SitkaIn addition to walking neighbourhood dogs and then learning from Heidi, I started reading Penelope Smith’s books. Her books had exercises and techniques I used to learn how to initiate contact, how to be respectful, how to protect myself. My mother was really into Sylvia Browne as well, and Sylvia wrote a lot of useful material on psychic protection, and learning how to dial the sensitivity up and down as needed.

My mother really surrounded me with a lot of books about psychics and meditation, so there was always something around for me to learn. My great-grandmother on my father’s side was also a well-known psychic in Germany, during WWII, and I grew up hearing stories about her. I always *knew* I could and would work as a “psychic”, the *how* of it just evolved over time.

Do you enjoy it? Why?

I absolutely love it. It’s like working in miracles. There isn’t a single thing I can do to *make* it happen, I can only set myself up to allow it to happen, if it happens – and most of the time, it does. It’s amazing, fascinating and deeply humbling to be a part of this spontaneous process of communicating messages to people who need them. Over the years, people have been profoundly moved by a connection I helped to facilitate. I’m very grateful to be a part of that, and sometimes it’s difficult to really understand how deeply a person has been affected, because the things I say to them just come through me really quickly. I often don’t remember what was said at all. The stuff that goes on during sessions is never for me, so it doesn’t stay in my mind, but I’m generally left with a really happy, relaxed feeling after sessions.

It also gives me this huge sense of purpose. It’s incredibly fulfilling and I’m so grateful to have that in my life.

What sort of animals do you talk to?

Pet Psychic Kate SitkaAll sorts of animals, walking, flying, crawling, bugs, invertebrates, living and on the other side, pets and wild ones.

What do animals want to talk about?

Wow, it really depends on the type of animal. Wild animals are sometimes curious about you, or wonder what you’re going to do. Wild birds are fascinating – they have unique verbal languages and they reincarnate along family lines, and live in the same areas generation after generation. They like to talk about their environment, how it has changed over time, secrets they know that would surprise me.

Wild animals have so much information to share about their environment.

Pets are very interested in their home environment, their animal friends and of course their people. Some of them come to the sessions with a shopping list of the food, treats or toys they want! Some come with advice for their humans, some come with worries about their lives. It all depends on their individual experiences. Some pets even tattle on other pets! That’s always hilarious.

What is your preferred animal to communicate with?

They’re all so different. I talk to dogs and cats a lot because they most frequently live with humans who want to hear what they have to say. Dogs and cats often have “other side” history with their humans, which is really interesting. A lot of them have been friends on the other side, or the pet has been the human’s pet before!

I love talking to farm animals – chickens are fascinating because they see all these psychedelic colours in their environment! It helps them to find bugs to eat, I think they’re seeing the electromagnetic fields of living things. Chickens, like wild birds, have talked about reincarnating on the same farm every year. The same roosters come back every year! Backyard chickens are really neat – the people get to see in just a few years which personalities are reincarnating and returning.

Banana slugs *feel* the environment, more than see it. They feel the way we hear, and they can smell with every pore of their skin. The slug experience is so sensuous, and they’re very delicate animals. They’re also interested in everything! They’re constantly learning about everything around them.

I absolutely adore being around horses. I could talk to and about horses for hours, even though I don’t have formal equine training, I’ve been on a lot of trail rides, especially as a kid when I could visit my aunt’s horses.

Cows are beautiful animals, there’s a reason they’re considered sacred in some cultures.

Deer and eagles have the best information about what is going on in the environment where I live.

It’s just all so fascinating. I don’t really have a preferred animal, they all have different things to say!

What are the most common problems you address with cats?

Usually with cats it’s about social problems, or medical problems. With social issues, there’s been a change in the home and the cat feels threatened, and is upset. The human will come to me with a behavioural symptom like poor litter box etiquette, hiding, aggressiveness, or a change in eating or personality habits. By the way, I always encourage people to go to a vet first to immediately rule out physical issues, and *then* call me.

Resolving these behaviour problems is about getting the cat’s perspective on things – how does she feel, when did it start? What makes it better or worse? It’s never simply “telling” the animal to stop the behaviour, it’s a back-and-forth. The negative behaviour is usually there because the cat has an unmet need, so the human has to be willing to find a way to meet that need in order to resolve the behaviour. Fortunately, almost all of the people who call me are happy to do what their pet needs.

Aside from behavioural questions, I get just as many sessions with people who have pets with medical conditions the vet is actively treating, and they want to find out how the animal feels. Does he have pain? Where and how bad? Nausea? Tooth ache? Anything their human should know about? A lot of the time there are simple things that can be done to resolve these issues, and these sessions are a great way for the humans to get confirmation about the session, because we’re talking about things that can easily be verified. I say the cat is weak in his back end or sore on one side, the human can easily observe behaviour that confirms this.

How can animal communication help me with my relationship with my pet?

Animal Communication is great because it ultimately helps bring animals and people closer together. Getting confirmation about behavioural issues or things in the environment helps to build a trust between me and the human, so that if the pet says something that’s more difficult to confirm, like, “I want a kitten for a friend,” the client already feels comfortable that we really ARE talking to their animal, and so they’re more comfortable trusting what comes through, and it deepens their kinship with their animal even more. It opens humans up to their pet’s whole world.

Can you help animals with behavior problems?

Well the great thing about household pets is they generally want to have the human be happy with them, so they’re motivated to find out what the humans want and to do it. When there a great bond between the human and the animal, usually all that needs to happen to resolve the behaviour is for the pet’s needs to be understood and met, and for the pet to understand what the human actually wants.

With wild animals who have behaviour issues like breaking into garbage or hunting our pets (this is a problem where I live, wolves, cougars and bears come into town) it’s much harder to resolve that issue. I tell them that humans will chase them with dogs and shoot them, that they have to hide from humans. Sometimes they listen, but sometimes they’re just really bold or very hungry. Again, it’s about the animal’s needs and how they meet those needs.

Do you work with pets that are dying?

Yes. We talk about how the animal feels in their body, how the medication makes them feel, what food helps, what they think about their treatment and their vet. Very recently, a very beautiful dog friend became suddenly injured, and the human friend was devastated. On that call the dog was able to tell his human what happened, and that he was not in pain since the vet had put him on IV pain control. But the dog did want to leave his body, because the treatments weren’t working anymore. It was a terribly sad session, but again I’m so grateful I could help. The dog was talking about everything that had happened to him, where his IV was, and he even understood how the vet would help him leave his body before I started to explain it to him. He had been a dog many times before and knew what all this was about. There was a lot of information the dog gave that the person could confirm, so it helped the person to let his dog go and help him leave his body, knowing we had really talked to him and that the dog was ready and asking for help, but also that his pain was controlled and he hadn’t suffered while they tried to treat his injury.

It was incredibly sad because I knew this dog for a few years, and of course my human friend was broken-hearted. This dog was his “heart dog” – sometimes we have a *very special* pet that feels more like a part of our soul. I lost my Leo cat, my heart animal, in 2013 – I know just how it feels to lose a heart animal.

When my friend had to help his dog leave his body, I cried a lot that night, and so this work isn’t always fun or easy. But it’s always important.

Do animals know when they are dying?

Usually they do. When my Mocha dog had a stroke, she died at home and I was with her the whole time. She wasn’t in pain, and she knew it was time to die. She had given me a warning two weeks prior that she thought she might be getting ready to leave her body. I worked for years at an animal hospital, and I’d held hundreds of animals as they left their bodies with the help of the vet, but Mocha was the first natural death I saw. She taught me that natural death can be good, if there is no pain. She taught me a lot about dying. I remember seeing her spirit sitting up next to her body, as her body was still breathing. Her consciousness had shifted outside her body, so that her body could slowly wind down, but she didn’t need to be in it for that to happen. She waited outside her body until her body’s breathing got slower and further apart. People who have sat with their human loved ones during a natural death can sometimes relate to this.

The animals don’t always know that they’re dying, though, and so sometimes I explain to a client’s pet what is it like to have the vet help you leave your body. This is what we do for pets that have long-term illnesses, and the human isn’t sure when to euthanize the animal, and so every day they’re evaluating whether the pet has quality of life. It can be agony for the human, worrying about whether they’re doing the right thing.

It is so helpful for the human to talk to the pet through a good animal communicator, because then the pet can say “Yes, I love it when you massage me, or please leave the TV on, or please keep the dog from bumping into me.”

Sometimes the client and the pet will agree on a signal that the pet will give when he’s ready to leave his body, so that it takes the stress off of the human. I recently got a lovely note from a friend and client about the signal her dog gave to her when she was finally ready to leave. The moment the owner gets the signal can be very sad, but it’s usually accompanied with a deep peace and acceptance too, because you’ve been preparing for it and you’ve been able to let go of some of the worries about timing.

Pets love us so much, and they’re usually very good at making this final request for assistance to die understood. It’s only when the human is very upset because it’s been a sudden accident or the illness suddenly got worse, that they feel so worried they’ll make the wrong decision. Strong emotions can drown out what the pet is trying to say.

Can you get in touch with lost pets?

Lost pets is really a job for a remote viewer, someone who can get a birds-eye view of where the pet is. For me, the information I get directly from the pet can be even more distressing to the human. If the lost cat says “I’m in a dark place and I’m scared!” it’s not very helpful, and it’s so upsetting for everyone. It’s actually so hard for me to experience the distress in lost pet situations, that I do not accept lost pet or missing person cases. This was my great-grandmother’s skill, and it was really needed during the war. My skill set has evolved differently, and I think I’m here to help in different ways.

Lost pets and missing people is such a specialized talent, and people looking for these services should really seek out a psychic who has a lot of experience, success and interest in locating the missing.

Can you communicate with pets that have passed?

Yes! In fact, this is often the first session a lot of people have with me. Sometimes if a pet passed away unexpectedly, or the human just misses the pet so much, they’ll call me for the first time. These conversations usually bring up the things the pet is doing now, who they’re with, how often they visit (some of them never leave the human and just continue to live with the human in spirit!) and if they’re planning on reincarnating!

Frequently, this session involves pets in the house who are still living, so the client gets a lot of information from all of their pets. Once they understand that telepathic communication with their animals is possible, they start to utilize it more, for fun, for spiritual enrichment, for curiosity, for education!

What sort of consultation do you prefer to do? E-mail, phone or in person? How come?

I do all three. The vast majority of my sessions are over the phone, because most of my clients are long-distance and met me through the internet! You can get a lot more information in a phone call than an email, because I can talk faster than I can type, and the client can follow up in the moment with further questions.

Sometimes people who are overseas prefer email readings because they can’t book a session during a time when both of us will be awake! Or sometimes overseas people don’t have a reliable phone connection for out of country calls.

I just love doing in-person sessions because they’re rare and special to me. I have clients to my house and we sit in the kitchen with tea and a recorder. I have a lot of local clients now, actually, but generally the people who come to my house are visiting Tofino from other parts of North America. Sometimes if it’s a dog session, we’ll all go for a walk on the beach together, if I have time. It’s harder to do a beach session if I have another session the same day.

What does an owner need to do before, during and after an animal communication session with you?

I have this handy list here, called Tips for an Effective Reading! This is also sent in the email a client gets after they book a session.

How do I get in touch with you to do a session? Do you work Internationally?

It’s very easy to get in touch with me, and I do work internationally. You can book a session right on my website: You click on “book a session” set your time zone, select the type of session you want, pick an available date and pay with credit card or PayPal. I usually am booked three months in advance. My friendly office robot sends you reminders and you can always ask questions by emailing me or my lovely Office Goddess at

I decided to extend a special on pet readings for your floppycats readers – if you use the coupon code ILoveMyPet when you book, you’ll get $25 off. This is a summer special, but I’ll keep it going for you ragdoll readers!

You can also easily talk to me on my blog, <– I actually linked an article for readers about the significance your cat’s coat colours might have!

Aside from my blog and podcast, I’m also on facebook, twitter, Instagram and a bunch of other places online. You can find all of my internet comings and goings on this list I put together on I have a ton of free content and training on both the blog, and the podcast, plus a lot of animal stories.

Can you share with us a specific story/session that was especially impactful for you?

It’s actually the little things that make the biggest impact on me. Doing this is like working in miracles. I remember one session, a dog on the other side was showing me his toenails growing longer and longer, and being painful. I had never seen this before! When I told the client what I was seeing, she started to cry because her dog had this rare fungal disease in his toenails that caused them to be painful and overgrow in funny shapes. She was a reluctant client at first and wasn’t sure if this was real, but when she got that confirmation it was a huge experience for her, because it meant it really *was* her dog, he really IS okay on the other side, and he truly did understand why he had to be helped out of his body.

For me, it’s very small things like that. I never know what little bit of information is going to have the huge impact on the client, and there’s nothing I can do to *make* it happen, it all happens spontaneously. So that’s why I say it’s like working in miracles, because miracles are made up of the little tiny significant moments that mean the world to someone in need of that message.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Patti Johnson says:

    Thank you for this wonderful interview, Jenny & Kate! What a fascinating life Kate has led. I find the topic of animal communication and pet psychic ability so truly amazing!

    Big hugs!!!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3

    1. Thank you so much, Patti 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed it. Jenny made it easy with her great questions!

      1. Patti Johnson says:

        You are most welcome, Kate!! 🙂 <3

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