Happy 13th Birthday, Trigg! 🥳 🎉

Oh, how I love my Chiggy. It’s actually hard to call him, “Trigg” anymore.
Chiggy is a remarkable cat. He is happy, easy going and loves to play with wand toys.
I am pretty sure, like me, Trigg (aka, Chiggy) would much prefer for his birthday to go unnoticed every year, especially so he didn’t have to have his photo taken with a birthday hat on.

But, as my sister says, he does such a good job with his make-up (the white eye liner that naturally comes with his blue lynx mitted color pattern), how can you not ask him to be featured?
Chiggy loves ice cream and frosting from a cake or a cookie. However, we have had to stop doing that because we found out from Pam of Purrrfectly Holistic that he needed to do a candida cleanse – due to all the dry food he had in his life. He had really yeasty smelling ears. So no more ice cream or cake or cookies for my Chiggy – the only indulgence of his that I will really be able to give into is his love for cat wand toys.

Chiggy lives in his own world. I am rarely a part of that world, but I marvel watching him it. I don’t know how to describe it, but he is the quirkiest cat coupled with the cutest cat I have ever met. He constantly does cute things. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t ask him, “Chiggy, why are you soooo cute?!”
I also tell him how fancy and beautiful he is. He does seem to be dainty (even though he could stand to lose a pound or two), but he is so terribly fancy and knows it.
It’s been hard to watch him detox from the die-off and other things – he hasn’t been as happy as I am used to him being, so I hope when we get through the rest of the layers (detoxing can be like peeling an onion), he will return fully and better than he was.
A very happy 13th to my very beautiful Chiggy! I hope you have 13 more!
Read More about Trigg
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,
Happy birthday!!!!!
Even though I left a Happy Birthday, Trigg on Youtube, I just have to give Trigg another “Happy Birthday, Handsome Boy!” (even though belated here). He reminds me of my beloved Gunnar who lived to be a few days short of 19!! The blue lynx mitted Ragdoll is a beautiful (excuse me, Trigg, HANDSOME) cat!
Happy birthday handsome! I’d love to hold you and bury my face in your fluffiness giving you soooo many birthday kisses. Judith Gil San Diego
Happy Birthday!
Happy 13th Birthday, Chiggy-do! Sooooo FANCY!!! Sooooo HANDSOME! Soooooo PAWESOME & FABULOUS!! Sending positive vibes and prayers for both your boys to get through their recent health challenges and come back ever stronger and better than ever! #GettingOlderSucks 🙂 <3
Big hugs & lots of love & purrs!
Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3 (who will be 10 in October!)
Thanks, Patti!
Such a handsome lad! Happy Birthday, Chiggy! You are one cool dude. Love your birthday pictures and the updates about you! And thanks for bringing so much to Ragdoll Nation, Jenny!
Happy Birthday Chiggy. I won’t say you are spoiled, because are loved beyond measure. You are such a fun cat to watch in videos because you are so curious wanting to try out every new toy. I hope you had a great birthday……we celebrate the same month and date although I am way older than you. Love and hugs sweet boy.
Jeanne and quirky Simon.
Thank you! I do not like the “spoiled cat” references in general – because I feel they deserve the absolute best for the joy they give me =). Happy Belated to you!
Thanks Jenny! I agree……a cat can’t be spoiled. I think some cats are luckier to have their people who genuinely love and take the best care of them as possible. Thanks for all you do to educate us on how to love our cats through all of your videos.