Ask US Anything: Ragdoll Cat with Teary Eye Problems, Immune Booster Supplement for FIV Cat, Ragdoll Cat with Blood in his Stool

Our “Ask US Anything” is a series of posts on the site where I share the questions/concerns/ideas that readers have sent in and then the responses from our readers about those questions/concerns/ideas.

Ragdoll Cat Teary Eye Problems

Rosemin wrote in, “My female Ragdoll Layla is a little over 2 yrs old. From the time we got her, she has been constantly tearing from her eye. The tears are clear, but quickly turn reddish brown. The breeder said that this is common in many ragdolls and have us some steroid drops to use as needed. We have seen 2 vets for this. They also said that many Ragdolls have very tiny tear ducts, so the natural water in the eye does not drain efficiently through them, so it seems that the eyes are over-watering. They also gave me the same drops. They also gave me some antiviral tabs that she hated. Also gave me an amino acid supplement to add to her food. Logging really helped. The steroid drops tend to dry her eyes and so it would seem that they are helping, but I know they cause her irritation and I only use them when I absolutely have to. Do you know of any other Ragdolls with the same problem? Is there anything that helped them?” I replied: Thank you for reaching out.I am not sure – I would start with diet and environmental things – do you use any artificial air fresheners? What does she eat? Dry or wet?I also posted about it on our Facebook page, so that you could get more responses:

Feline Immune Booster Supplement for FIV Cat

Amber wrote: “Could I ask you and your readers on your FB page if they have any recommendations for the best feline immune booster supplement? My rescue kitty Peaches was just tested positive for FIV (just like my half-Raggie Baby had) on both the quick test and now the Western Blot. Since nobody knows what his life was before I adopted him from the shelter at about two years old last year, as he was found outside alone with no microchip or ID, we don’t really know how he apparently contracted the virus. There were no obvious scars or wounds when he was found,no obvious infections, or medical issues, but it was assumed he had been a pet, not feral, as he was very friendly, talked with humans, and was relatively in good shape though scared. The theory is his mom had it and passed it to her kittens, as a lot more is known about the disease than when Baby was sick, and casual contact is not believed to spread the disease. Vets called it the ‘fighting virus,’ because most cases result from deep bite wounds through the bloodstream and sometimes passed from mother to kitten via milk. I have read also on research though that both the quick test and the Western Blot can have false positives, if a cat has been vaccinated for FIV within 4 or 5 years of the tests, so I am going to speak to my vet about getting the third test, a PCR, which won’t give a false positive for the antibody just to be 100% sure. Peaches will be starting right away on a lifelong interferon course, is on a healthy diet, and I would like to add in an immune booster supplement in addition to help fight off any infections and keep him healthy. I’d prefer something maybe either in treat form or maybe a gel I can dab on his paw for licking off like hairball remedy rather than another dropper I’ll have to hold him and stick in his mouth like the interferon.” So, I posted it on our Facebook page for her:

Ragdoll Cat with Blood in his Stool

Mahi wrote in saying, “Hope all is well with you. We got two kitties in 2017, they are both fine. Unfortunately one of the kitties started having blood in his stool. He had a blood work done and also have stool test done, all turned out fine. The doctor now recommends colonoscopy which I am so afraid to make him go through that. I wanted to ask you if you have come across this kind of case with your cats and what helped them to cure. I don’t want him to go through colonoscopy if there is anything else I can do. Any help and guidance will mean so much. Sorry to bother you.” I asked her if she wanted me to ask on Facebook – she did – so I did:

Enjoy reading common reader inquiries?

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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One Comment

  1. What interesting issues/questions this week in this super pawesome Friday Series, Jenny! As usual, I have no experience or guidance to offer. <3

    Poor Rosemin & Layla! How frustrating for them both! I hope Rosemin got some good guidance from the FB Floppycatters. I have no experience with that situation at all. <3

    Wow! Really impressed with Amber's knowledge and her determination to treat her beloved Peaches with the best protocol to help keep that FIV at bay as long as possible! Hope the FB Floppycatters were able to point her in the right direction for that immune booster she was seeking! <3

    Whoa! Blood in the stool! Poor Mahi! How frightening that must be and to think about a kitty colonoscopy…the prep for that has got to be just awful considering what us humans go through for one! I hope the FB Floppycatters were able to help her figure it all out and help her! <3

    Big hugs & lots of love & purrs!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3 <3 <3

    P.S. Happy Mother's Day to all the Furbaby Mamas and Humanbaby Mamas out there in the Floppycatters Realm! 🙂 <3

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