Ragdoll Cat Games For Cats Who LOVE Treats

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Games For Cats Who LOVE Treats

Charlie Working on getting treats out of the Dog Brick Interactive Game
Charlie Working on getting treats out of the Dog Brick Interactive Game
Looking to get your cat off the couch for some physical and mental fitness training? Ironically, one of the best ways to entice cats to burn a few calories is with the help of treats or dry cat food used in some excellent games that will make your cat work for their tasty rewards. The subject of games for cats to play can vary depending on what you’re looking for – puzzle toys for cats, interactive cat games, apps you can download, and more. This page puts a lot of that great cat stuff together in one place.

Puzzle Toys

One interactive cat game option for a food-motivated Ragdoll kitty is puzzle toys—and these do not have to be limited to just games marketed for cats. Dog puzzle toys can also be a good source of entertainment and exercise for a cat. Dog and cat games encourage cats to solve puzzles by rewarding them with a treat for their efforts. A cat puzzle feeder gives the added benefit of nudging your kitty to get a little exercise in before enjoying a snack. Check out the list below of some of these interactive cat toys. I’ve included pictures and a few links to our video reviews of some of these games in action so you can see what they look like. If you have experience with other cat or dog puzzles and games, I would love to hear how your cats liked them, so please feel free to share your own experiences in the comments section below. 4-great-puzzle-toys-made-for-cats
  1. Catit Design Senses Treat Maze – sells on Chewy. Cats have to move treats through a maze to a food bowl through side cutouts in the toy, and it can be adjusted for different difficulty levels. We reviewed it – here is the video.
  2. Cat Amazing – Best Cat Toy Ever! Interactive Puzzle Box Game for Cats – sells on Chewy. Cats are challenged to sniff and search out hidden treats, and the box is adjustable to three different difficulty levels. This is a great one – we have reviewed it – and you can see our video here.
  3. Northmate Catch Interactive Slow Pet Feeder – sells on Amazon. This toy is great for adding a challenge and some fun to mealtimes, and it is dishwasher safe. Here’s our video.
  4. Nina Ottoson Treat Maze Interactive Game for Cats – sells on Chewyis one recently – here is the video – it isn’t terribly challenging, but good interactive fun for a busy, food-motivated cat.
Here are some interactive dog toys that can be just as entertaining and challenging for cats: 4-dog-puzzle-toys-that-are-great-for-cats
  1. Dog Spinny – Nina Ottosson Interactive Pet Toy – sells on Chewy. Your cat has to dislodge a bone and spin the toy to reach the treats in eight compartments around the edge. This was our very first cat puzzle toy that we reviewed – it was an immediate hit – see our video here.
  2. Dog Brick – Nina Ottosson’s Interactive Dog Toy – sells on Chewy. This is probably my favorite of them all. Here’s our video. But you’ve got to have a food-motivated cat to get them to remove the “bones” and slide open the treat compartments!
  3. Dog Tornado – Nina Ottosson Interactive Pet Toy – sells on Chewy. We reviewed this one too. Here is the video – it is definitely more challenging than the Dog Spinny (#1), but overall, I still like the Dog Brick (#2) best.
  4. Dog Casino – Nina Ottosson’s Interactive Dog Toy – sells on Chewy. Cats have to open different flaps in search of treats, and you can increase the difficulty by “locking” the flaps with pegs. Here’s our video.

Games for Cats to Play On a Tablet

Puzzle toys are a great way to motivate a cat to think and exercise for food or keep your kitty busy if you need to get something done around the house. However, you might want to take a more active role in your pet’s play, in which case you can try out some of these games for cats to play on an iPad or tablet and reward your cat with treats for their performance. Check out these games below for some stimulating playtime that doubles as entertainment for you:
  1. Game for Cats – The most basic, free version of this game features a red laser dot for your cat to chase around the screen. For a $2 upgrade, you can change the laser dot to a mouse or even reach a “butterfly chase” level. The game tracks your cat’s scores in case you are curious about their reflex improvement.
  2. Pocket Pond – This app is designed to mesmerize kitties with a digital image of a rippling pond. You can customize the pond by adding different plants, fish, and even some dragonflies if you want a little more stimuli for your cat.
  3. Crazy Cat – Similar idea to Pocket Pond, but a little more engaging. Critters such as bugs and mice run across the screen, testing your cat’s “catching” reflexes. If you have a Bluetooth, you can even control the movement of the critters and play with your cat.
  4. Laser Chaser video – If you have a screen that a cat can safely paw—particularly a bigger screen—you can put this video in front of your cat and let them enjoy almost five minutes of following a laser point around the screen. The video also features ambient noises with volume designed specifically for cats’ hearing (so make sure to turn the volume all the way up). The noises include birds chirping, a cat meowing, and a little bit of lively instrumental music—so you might find listening to it enjoyable as well.
Cats can enjoy these games for their own sake, or be further incentivized by treats from you when they “catch” a critter or a laser dot. These are just a few examples of YouTube videos or Apps that work as cat games. Of course, if you have a tablet or an iPad it would be ideal to play these videos and then set the tablet on the ground for your kitty to have some fun if you have good screen protector or a well-trained cat, otherwise it might be wise to run the video on a laptop or desktop to avoid a scratched screen. Exercise, both mental and physical, is great for cats, and building treats into playtime with puzzle toys or tablet games is a good way to motivate them. Plus the games can be entertaining for a pet owner and a great way to bond with a kitty! What puzzles and games does your treat-loving Ragdoll cat enjoy?
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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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One Comment

  1. What a fun post, Jenny! We don’t really have any types of puzzle/treat games for Miss Pink Sugarbelle! One day, I’ll have to get one and see if she’s interested in that.

    Right now, we only give treats when we do things like trim her claws and trim her fluffy tushy fur.

    Big hugs!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3

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