Ragdoll Cat Ear Canal Benign Cyst

Ragdoll Cat Ear Canal Benign Cyst

Ragdoll Cat Ear Canal Benign Cyst
Video stills of the inside of Caymus’ ear – with cyst, cyst ruptured and cyst base lasered.

About a month ago during Caymus’ routine vet visit, his regular vet, Dr. Ellen Gloor of KC Cat Clinic, found a “mass” in his ear canal.  She said it was common in older cats – but that it would need to be checked out by a local vet dermatologist and would need to be removed, as it would grow and ultimately block his ear canal.

My mom immediately made an appointed with Dr. David Senter, a Kansas City Veterinary Dermatologist Allergist.  Caymus was brought in for an evaluation and Dr. Senter confirmed that something was there and that it should be removed.

October 15, 2015 “Caymus did great for the procedure. The small mass was close to the ear drum. It has a smooth surface and was cystic and full of some white fluid. It appeared to be a benign cyst. The cyst was ruptured and the base of it was lasered. The prognosis is good. No medication are necessary at this time in the ear canal. A recheck is recommended in 2 weeks to make sure that there has not been a secondary infection and that the affected area has healed.
The “mass” in Caymus’ ear ended up being a cyst – and it ruptured when it was hit by the laser.”

Premedication – acepromazine – $16.50
IV Catheter – $68.75
Propoflo (ml) – $25.00
Gas Anesthesia (First 30 Min.) – $110.00
Video otoscopy – $155.00
Mass removal – $175.00
Total – $550.25

He was a good patient, and they flushed the ear, sucked it out and then put medication in. He held his ear low the day afterwards, but then was back to normal last night. They didn’t send my mom home with any medication or anything.

All in all, I good experience for everyone involved.

Thanks to Dr. Gloor for finding it!

Ragdoll Cat Ear Canal Benign Cyst 2
Caymus (in the foreground) the day after his surgery, holding his ear down.
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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Patti Johnson says:

    So very happy that this story had such a happy ending, Jenny! Yes, the word “mass” is always frightening to hear. Thank goodness it was just an old benign cyst and the removal was successful. Glad Caymus’ surgery was so successful! YAY!!!! I’m sure his follow-up in a few weeks will go smoothly, too!!! 🙂 <3

    Big hugs!!!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3

  2. Teresa Reid says:

    Am so sorry to hear that Caymus had that ear cyst. So wonderful that Dr. Gloor found it. That just makes me even more positive about kitties getting their regular routine checkups every year, especially the older kitties because they are so stoic and can hide lots of problems that they might have but we cannot see. So thankful that it was a benign cyst and hope that he is feeling lots better today.♥♥♥

  3. Debbie Levin says:

    So very glad Caymus is ok and on the mend! Good to know about this condition — thanks for the info.

  4. That word “mass” is always scary. So glad it turned out to be a benign cyst and it could be removed before it made him uncomfortable.

    1. Yes, hearing “mass” from the vet about something on my favorite cat was horrible. So I stayed silent until it was all said and done!

  5. my black and white had something like that in his ear that was removed last summer when i took him in for a swollen mouth. they found a bad tooth and this little cyst in his ear that seemed to itch. it was benign and they lasered it out. he is about 8 years old. because he was already under for the dental and i had known this vet for 25 years, he did the laser procedure for free. i still paid over 500 for the dental.

  6. This was very interesting. So happy to hear he is doing fine!

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