RompiCatz Butterfly Teaser
The RompiCatz Butterfly Teaser is a cat wand that comes with three adjustable butterflies that make crinkle sounds as they rotate 360 degrees. You can move the up and down the 35″ wire to keep the game interesting to your cat for a long time.
Cat teasers are a lot of fun for you and your cat alike, but the Butterfly Teaser from RompiCatz promises a very exciting experience. It comes with three lovely butterflies that rotate 360 degrees and make crinkle sounds to entice your cat. You can adjust them wherever you want them on the wire to keep the game fun.
Your cat is bound to keep jumping to catch them! It comes with a flexible wire rod and a 35″ wire for the butterflies, which are 6″x1″. If you’re curious to see Charlie and Trigg playing with the RompiCatz Butterfly Teaser, tune in below: