OXO Good Grips FurLifter

The OXO Good Grips FurLifter is a fur-removal system which features both a brush and a base. The base is a handy, eco-friendly way of cleaning the brush during and after use.


The OXO Good Grips FurLifter is sold in three sizes: the OXO Furlifter Furniture Brush; the OXO Furlifter Garment Brush; and the OXO Furlifter On-The-Go Brush. It does a good job of removing both fur and lint but how well it works depends on the fabric you use it on. You can watch me put it through its paces on a fleece sweater and black cotton pants, which it really works well on.

There’s a guide arrow on either side of the brush so you swipe in the right direction to lift fur and lint from the material. Swiping in the wrong direction deposits collected particles back onto the garment. The good thing, though, is that you can immediately feel if you’re going the wrong way.

The OXO Furlifter gets major eco-friendly points, thanks to its base. Once the brush’s micro bristles are full, you place it into the base and pull it back out. It comes out clean and good to go again. The base has a plastic cover at the other end so that the lint and fur it collects can be easily removed.

The wobbly handle of the OXO FurLifter may be its main drawback, although definitely not a deal breaker. It makes controlling the brush difficult – you get much better control if you just hold it on the sides, like I show in the review video.

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