CarPET Scratch Stopper: Stop Cats from Scratching Carpet Around Doorways

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CarPET Scratch StopperCarPET Scratch Stopper: Stop Cats from Scratching Carpet Around Doorways

If you have a kitty that likes to scratch carpet around doorways, you might have experienced damage to your carpet.  I love this simple product, CarPET Scratch Stopper, that helps stop a cat who scratches and pulls up carpet around doorways.  Or a kitty that keeps scratching up the carpet under closed doors because s/he wants to get to the other side. CarPET Scratch Stopper Stop Cats from Scratching Carpet Around Doorways The CarPET Scratch Stopper is sold in 3 different sizes for:
  • 28″ Doors
  • 30″ Doors
  • 32″ Doors
You can purchase the CarPET Scratch Stoppers on Amazon. Do you have a problem with your kitty scratching carpet near your doorways? I do not have carpet around our doors – and rarely, if ever close my doors, so I didn’t have a way to product review this, but think it is a cool idea. [youtube][/youtube] Join CarPET Scratch Stopper on Facebook, Pinterest and YouTube.
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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Patti Johnson says:

    Awesome! Boy, we sure could have used this in the past with previous kittehs we’ve had in our lives. So far, Miss Pink Sugarbean hasn’t displayed this behavior but it’s rare to have a door closed in any of our rooms unless it’s the bathroom door.

    Thanks for the great product info, Jenny!

    Big hugs!

    Patti & Pink Sugar 🙂 <3

    1. =)…I have never seen this damage in person, but can see how it can happen!

      1. Patti Johnson says:

        Oh, it’s just awful! A long time ago we had these two wonderful Desert Lynx kittehs (Jasmine & Sweet Sora) who could NOT STAND to be on the other side of a closed door (when we were behind said closed door). And my hubby insisted on sleeping with our bedroom door closed at that time. They didn’t like that at all. They would dig and scratch and dig and scratch until we eventually would give in and open the door. The ruined the carpet at our bedroom doorway/hallway entrance and ended up sleeping in bed with us (which I lurved but my hubby wasn’t crazy about it at first). Needless to say, the bedroom door remained open at that point… Kittens “1” and Sweet Hubby “0” in that contest of wills. What we thought at first was so cute turned into a nightmare. Wish we’d known about this product back then. We’ve learned a lot about kitteh behavior since then that’s for sure. 🙂 <3

        RIP Sweet Jasmine and Sorabelle! <3 <3 <3

          1. Patti Johnson says:

            If only our kittehs could live as long as we do. Sigh…

            You are most welcome for the share. Anytime. 🙂 <3

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