ION Intelligence of Nature Gut Support for Pets

ION Gut Support is a liquid supplement designed to help boost your cat’s digestive health. It contains ingredients that help reinforce the lining of your kitty’s gut, preventing the absorption of harmful toxins that may enter your cat’s body from their food or environment. Use ION Coupon Code “PETMONTH15” to get 15% off all full-priced products. Bundles and subscriptions are not included. Expires 5/31/23


ION uses a blend of humic extract and purified water called Terrahydrite. Contained in this blend are several metabolites, which combine with trace minerals to create fulvate, and it’s these fulvate molecules that can improve your cat’s gut health.

Rather than being a replacement vitamin or mineral, fulvate is more of a signal booster. It gets into your cat’s digestive cells and helps them to communicate with each other, which creates more of a barrier against toxins.

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The fulvates carry out other tasks, too – they help to bring essential minerals into the cells that need them, and then they bind with waste products and remove them from the cells.

Fulvate molecules essentially help to boost the performance of your cat’s gut cells to help them digest food, improve their immune system, increase kidney function and enhance your kitty’s general vitality.

ION Gut Support for Pets complies with the FDA’s Good Manufacturing Practices and is regularly inspected for contamination. It’s been tested by a third party to ensure it is non-toxic.

As a liquid, it is best given to your cat via a syringe into the corner of their mouth, slowly dispensed. Alternatively, you can mix the supplement into a quarter-cup of dechlorinated water. It’s recommended to give it to your cat with food, and you can split the dosage in half if you feed your cat twice.

The recommended dosage for cats under 20lb is 1 teaspoon (5ml) daily, or for larger cats 21lb+ double that to 2 teaspoons (10ml). You can start with smaller amounts as low as 1/8 teaspoon and double it weekly until you reach the recommended dosage for your cat if they have a sensitive digestive system already.

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