Why an XL Stainless Steel Litter Box Could Be Right For Your Cat

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In one of my latest videos, I talk about my top 5 litter boxes. There are so many litter boxes available for you to buy that it’s important you find the right one for you and your cat.

One of the options included in my top 5 is a stainless steel one. Stainless steel litter boxes are tough and long-lasting, and they’ve some other benefits over plastic options too.

Litterbox.com stainless steel litter box

Why choose a stainless steel litter box?

One of the main benefits of a stainless steel litter box instead of a plastic one is how much longer they last. And not because of the structure – plastic litter boxes are pretty robust and could in theory last for years. The problems are around odors over time.

When your cat uses a litter box, they’re going to scratch at it, either just while they’re digging into the litter or when jumping in and out, or even when they’re playing. With plastic, these scratches wear away at the surface of the material.

You might not even be able to see some of the scratches, but they’re there. And over time, these unprotected scratches will start to build up bacteria from the litter, which will take hold. Even if you regularly do a great job of cleaning out the litter tray, those odors will build up. And in a year or two, you’ll probably need to replace your plastic tray with a new one.

litter box for large Ragdoll cats

That’s not the case with stainless steel. It’s a lot more durable, and it doesn’t form any tunnels when the cat scratches the material. Even if the cat is able to leave a mark in the steel, it’s just exposing more of the same steel, with the same properties that are resistant to bacteria in the first place.

So, your stainless steel litter box is likely to last for the lifetime of your cat, without needing to be replaced. They’re protected against rust too, so you don’t have to worry about using water to clean them.

YouTube video

Another good thing about stainless steel litter boxes is that they’re normally made from one single part. There are no lips or connections where litter and waste can get trapped, which are often really hard to clean. Because it’s one single solid surface, wiping it down is easy.

Some plastic litter boxes are the same, but not all. A stainless steel litter box therefore makes it easier to keep it nice and fresh. And you’ll have no trouble with your litter scoop in the solid corners.

Litter box with anti-slide

Pros and cons of the Stainless Steel Pan from Litterbox.com:

The stainless steel litter box I included in my top 5 is from Litterbox.com.

Check out the unboxing video here:

YouTube video

And here’s my product review:

YouTube video

In terms of the normal benefits of a stainless steel litter tray, this is a great example. The litter box is really solid, and it’ll stand up to scratches without trapping odors, so you shouldn’t need to buy another one for the life of your kitty.

It has rounded edges too, like all good-quality steel litter boxes should. Metal can be sharp, but the rounded edges mean there’s no danger to your or your cats, and it’s perfectly fine for them to use. It’s an ergonomic design too as the rounded edge makes it easier to pick up and move if you need to.

In terms of dimensions, this is a really good size – easily big enough for a larger breed of cat to get comfortable. It’s 23.5 inches long and 15.5” wide, which is a good amount of space for your large cat to climb in and get comfortable.

This litter box also ships with corner protectors. These are mainly designed to keep it nice and secure while the tray is shipped to you, but if you leave them on then they act as useful bumpers. While the tray does have rounded corners, if you left it unprotected next to a wall then it could knock it and dent it, leaving a mark. The corner protectors will add an extra cushioned layer to stop this.

litter box will round sides

Not that the litter box will move around a lot – it has non-slip rubber feet to help keep it in place. This gives it traction even on hard floors, so as your cat climbs or jumps in they won’t have a moving target.

Those rubber feet are important in combatting one of the main drawbacks of the stainless steel litter box too. And that is that, even though it does have a good depth of 6 inches, it’s still easy for litter scatter to occur, even if you carefully manage the litter levels (which you will need to do).

The non-slip feet will stop your cat from shifting the box around, but as they’re digging they will probably scatter litter around the box, so just be aware of that. There are alternatives such as this iPrimio litter box that has a detachable enclosure extension to turn it into a high sided litter box, but then you’re adding a lip which can be harder to clean.

Problems with Litter Tracking:

It’s not just when your cat is digging that they might make a mess. Because the stainless steel material creates such a smooth surface, and because it’s a simple box design, it’s easy for your cat’s paws to pick up litter and release it onto your floors.

Stainless steel litter boxes do have a problem with litter tracking, because they don’t have the tallest sides and they are so smooth that they almost repel litter, making it even easier to stick to your cat’s feet.

Because of this, you’re going to want to carefully manage the litter levels in your tray. Add too much and you’ll have loads of litter scattered all over your floor. Of course adding lower levels of litter means more time topping it back up, and you’ll likely need more litter boxes if you have multiple cats.

It’s also a good idea to get a litter mat. These help to remove the litter from your cat’s paws once they leave the tray, so they don’t carry it throughout your entire home.

You can pick up the official Litterbox.com litter mat to perfectly match your stainless steel tray, which is also anti-sleep and easy to vacuum or shake clean.

Blackhole Litter Mat - Moonshuttle Rectangular Cat Litter Mat, 30 X 23-Inch, Dark Gray

Or you could pick an alternative – this Moonshuttle Blackhole mat is double-layered and soft on your cat’s feet, helping to pick up and trap more loose litter to prevent it from being spread around the room.

Blackhole Litter Mat - Moonshuttle Rectangular Cat Litter Mat, 30 X 23-Inch, Dark Gray

Purchase on Amazon.

In conclusion

If you aren’t looking for a self cleaning litter box, and your cat doesn’t like an enclosed one (or you can’t find one big enough), then a large stainless steel tray is a really good option. If you choose a plastic open litter box then you’re going to need to replace it in a year or two, but the steel options are solid, durable and they don’t build up their own odor.

Leave a comment if you’ve got a stainless steel tray for your cat or if you’ve another preference instead.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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One Comment

  1. Patti A Johnson says:

    TYSVM for all the wonderful and pawesome info, Jenny honey! Really well done and very interesting! Don’t have any SS litter boxes…just two NVR Miss Litter Boxes (which are my all time FAVE litter boxes)! 🙂 <3

    Big hugs & lots of love & purrs!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3 <3 <3

    P.S. Am so happy that this horrific heatwave of the last week ends later tonight! YAY!!!! 🙂 <3

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