Windy and Mac – Floppycats of the Week

Windy and Mac - Floppycats of the Week (2) Late in Feb of 2014 I suddenly lost my beloved Ragdoll/Manx boy kitty, he was aggravating his older cat sister Joey the night before. He vomited a couple of times (as long hair cats tend to do) I could see he was feeling bad and planned to get up extra early to take him to the vet. But he was gone the next morning, and I didn’t know why ( he did have a habit of licking everything, bags, hands after hand cream, many things). I was heart broken, I had raised him from about 2 months old and he was my baby. I missed him terribly and my remaining cat had never been an only cat and was confused and stuck to me like glue. Windy and Mac - Floppycats of the Week Twins-fireplace In mid April (2014)my husband and I stopped at a neat vintage shop in nearby town (he was trying everything to help me in my grief). I met a woman named Jennifer and as we talked the subject of cats came up and she revealed she was a volunteer at a shelter in Jackson. She was very concerned about a set of twins that needed a new home as the owner had died. She said the cats would go limp if you picked them up. That weekend I headed for the shelter and met the cats. Twins tuxedo siblings, they were terrified, skinny and their fur was matted an dull, but they tugged at my heart and I knew somehow that they were meant for me. As I picked them up they became limp little bits of fur, it was so sad how frightened they were. The next weekend I brought them home(Raymond MS), and took them to the vet for the required vaccinations. Windy and Mac - Floppycats of the Week windy in a box Because they had been declawed and my older girl cat was less than pleased they had come home with me, I kept them separated in my guest room so they would have time to adjust. Windy and Mac - Floppycats of the Week The girl (named Winnie which I changed to Windy) remained under the bed for the next month. The boy ( came named Maxwell but my grand son is called Mac so my new boy cat became Windy and Mac - Floppycats of the Week Windy Brother) He was more curious and did come out from under the bed after about 5 days and check me out, he was extra cautious about being petted. As time passed I left the door open to let them explore and hoped Joey (also a rescue, and she does have her claws) would be kind and only hiss at them. She has since come to tolerate them even like them though she would not want anyone to know that. The siblings have come to trust me and the day Brother leaned into my hand as I scratched him I Knew they felt at home, it meant the world to me. He is extremely nosy and “helps” me load the dishwasher, doesn’t run when I turn it on but sniffs it as if he wants to know what is it doing, he is the same with the washing machine. One day was I checking voicemail he ran across the room and jumped up to see if we had any messages. He is goofy and I love him dearly, Windy is the most girly kitty I have ever had -she has a high pitched mew and is smaller than her brother but can stand up to him when he tried to play rough with her. Just in the last year has she been willing to come and get in my lap for a bit and I am so honored she has come to to trust me so much. I still miss my Rigby boy and always will but these two were meant for me. Windy and Mac - Floppycats of the Week Brother-blue collar

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Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Thank you soooo very much for sharing your love story about your STUNNING Windy & Mac with us!! They are GORGEOUS and God Bless You for rescuing them and giving them such a loving and safe home!! Glad they have adjusted well and that Joey tolerates them fairly well now. Lurve the great photos, too!! All of your babies are SOOO BEAUTIFUL!!! Wishing you all many more years of good health, happiness and purry adventures together!! 🙂 <3

    Big hugs & lots of love!!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3

    P.S. Please accept my sincere and heartfelt condolences on the loss of your precious Ribgy. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved fur baby. *GREAT BIG HUGS*

  2. they are stunning and i swear there are black and white rag dolls! i even saw an ad for black and white rag doll kittens and they were very expensive. i have a black and white that is floppy too and he has all the traditional qualities that “they” say rag dolls have. and when he is in the light i see the seal coat. i have thought about getting a dna test done, i don’t really know why except maybe to validate my feeling that he is indeed a rag doll. it’s always sad to lose one of our family but his spirit is still with you and you will meet again in the future. i know that i will see all of my cats again and it will be a joyous day. and i feel that the fact that you met this person and she had cats that needed love was partly arranged by your boy that passed. i had 2 cats die within a year of each other because i was living in toxic mold and didn’t know it. i was devastated because i felt horribly guilty and i will admit i was suicidal. i just did not want to go on. when i was at my lowest, 2 cats came to my door and wouldn’t leave. i know that my boys were looking out for me, they knew i needed help and they sent me 2 precious cats that were abandoned for me to care for and love. my cats that died saved my life and i totally am convinced of that. i feel the cat energy and the cat soul and spirit is one of the most powerful things in the universe. they are truly magical. best to you and your wonderful cats, thanks for sharing your story.

  3. Windy and Mac are absolutely stunning! Thank you for looking past their matted exteriors and seeing the beautiful babies within and giving them the home and love they needed. Joey is a doll, I love her eyes. So sorry to hear of the loss of your boy kitty.

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