Willard Water: A Cure of Cat Conjunctivitis

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As many of you know, we have a newsletter – it’s free to subscribe (see side bar for sign up info).  I love when the newsletters go out because it usually brings in an influx of feedback from readers into my inbox.  One such situation was a reader, Sutton, who reported about how Willard Water cured his kitty’s conjunctivitis.

Here’s how the Siamese Kitten Tom Selleck was cured of conjunctivitis with Willard Water:

“I was just scrolling through this recent email newsletter from you to see what articles are listed. I just read the interview with Dr. Hofve about cat conjunctivitis. Tom Selleck had that REAL bad in one eye, and it started just a few days after I got him.  It was red, lots of goopy stuff and he kept squinting it. The ointment from the vet did nothing. I just wanted to say that I discovered Willard Water (that Dr. Hofve mentioned). I put it in Tom Selleck’s eye and in his water bowl. His eye cleared up completely in 2 days! Anytime I refill his water bowl, I add some Willard Water to it. He hasn’t had any flare-ups or problems since! I got a big bottle of it from Vitacost for about $16. I called the Willard Water website to find out exactly how much he needs. It takes very little and the bottle will last for years – it’ll probably outlive my cat. They have great customer service too. 
Willard Water A Cure of Cat Conjunctivitis
I’ve attached 5 pictures:
– the 1st one is May 3, 2016 – You can see the conjunctivitis starting in his right eye.
– the 2nd is May 16, 2016 – It hurt me to see his eye like that!
– the 3rd is May 20, 2016 – just 2 days after I started putting Willard Water in his eye and in his water bowl!
– the 4th is May 21, 2016 – his eye is all healed up!
– the 5th is from last week on his 1st birthday 🙂
Willard Water A Cure of Cat Conjunctivitis 2
I continued to put WW in his eye for a few more days just to make sure. He’s a year old now, and I continue to put WW in his water bowl to keep him an all-around healthy cat.
Willard Water A Cure of Cat Conjunctivitis 3

There are 3 types of WW. I think the only difference is that it has been improved a couple of times. I chose the Dark Concentrate.

You have to dilute it A LOT. You would be surprised how much they tell you to dilute it. But a cat is such a small animal that it doesn’t take much. At first I diluted it by the amount the bottle says. After a few days of him drinking it, it built up in his system. He was already a very active kitten, but all of a sudden he started running all over the house for about 2 hours straight! No joke. And I noticed he wasn’t sleeping hardly at all…he was only about 8 weeks old so he was just a baby and had been taking lots of naps. One night he started running around again so fast and it was like his little body wouldn’t let him calm down. It crossed my mind that when I had been reading up about WW before buying it, I remembered somewhere it mentioned that it can increase energy! I called the WW website and the super nice lady that answered confirmed that it was WW giving him so much energy. I took him off WW for about a week and he calmed down to his normal energy level. Then I started putting the WW back in his water bowl very diluted!

He’s been a healthy, growing boy without any health problems since!

I just wanted to send this to let you know my experience with Willard Water in case it can help another cat.”

Bottle of Willard Water Dark Concentrate

Have you used Willard Water on your cat?
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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. 周品汝 says:

    Thank you for sharing this article! Did you dilute it before you put it into your cat’s eyes?

  2. Jennifer Gleich says:

    Great article! Looking for something for my furbaby who appears to have conjunctivitis pretty regularly. I use L-Lysine but would love to try this. Can you tell me how you administered it in the eye? Drops or spray?

    Thanks again! Jennifer

  3. Teresa Reid says:

    Very interesting article. So glad your baby is better! He is such a handsome kitty!♥♥♥

  4. WOW! Thanks for posting this great testimonial about Willard Water, Jenny! 🙂 <3

    AND….a GREAT BIG THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Sutton for sending this information in to share with all of us Floppycatters. I'm putting this on my Amazon Wish List right now and will read up more about it, too. I'm so happy that your beautiful boy (Tom Selleck…great name, btw!) is fully recovered, healthy, happy and growing like crazy!!! YAY!!! Wishing you and Tom many more years of good health, happiness, love and purry adventures together! 🙂 <3

    Big hugs & lots of love!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3

    1. P.S. No, I haven’t used Willard Water yet but I’m going to read up on it and get some! 🙂 <3

  5. Hi 🙂 I have never heard of Willards Water. We certainly don’t have a stockist of this down here in New Zealand, and if we have, I’ve never seen it. What I have made in the past for my fur chidren though is a homemade saline solution, consisting of a quarter teaspoon of iodised salt to one cup of lukewarm water … don’t use cold as it won’t dissolve the salt, and DO NOTuse hot boiling water as you’ll end up burning your baby’s/babies eyes. I lie my fur child on their back in my lap and totally relax them by stroking and softly talking to them, and then I take a cotton ball out of the bag, dip it into the water, hold their head back with their eye slightly more open, drip in the saline solution and gently massage just under the eye to let the saline absorb completely through the eye. You need to do this 3 to 4 times a day until the conjunctivitis clears up,and use fresh saline solution in a clean cup every time, otherwise there’s a build up of bacteria, which can really cause problems for your fur child. Also use a freshly cleaned spoon everytime when measuring the salt. I have used this saline solution everytime I have started seeing a conjunctivitis problem with my cats, and it has worked every single time. My vets have always been satisfied with me doing this, so I’ve had their support which is great. Of course though, if you’ve let the conjunctivitis progress too far, then see your vet as the saline WILL NOT treat the conjunctivitis. I hope this helps any cat/Floppycatters 🙂

  6. Wow-this water sounds really interesting. Emily has a lot of “Popeye” incidences and I would like to try this.


  7. Good to know since Rufus has suffered from conjunctivitis on several occasions. I did find a “cure” or something that prevents recurrence in L-Lysine and healed it initially. He’s on a daily dose of it in a fish-flavored paste form (his preferred version over the chewable treats from Petsmart/Petco/etc.) I get from the vet, although it is non-prescription, they keep it on hand. A little pricey, but it’s worth it. The added energy he gets from it is — imho — due to feeling better without conjunctivitis. Rufus just turned 2 in February, and is quite the active boy! He only eats high quality wet cat food so putting something in his water would pretty much go to waste. I may try the Willard Water to see if he gets the same result at a lower cost, although I live by the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it rule,” generally speaking. 🙂

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