Why Does My Cat Knead Me? (Top 7 Reasons for Why Do Cats Knead)

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Have you seen your cat kneading on the blanket on your bed, its favorite toy, or even on your lap while you pet it?

a woman laying in her bed on her pillow with her ragdoll cat laying on her for a post, why does my cat knead me

If you have a pet cat, you have most likely experienced kneading. But, you might be asking yourself, what does it mean? Why do cats knead anyway? What are they trying to tell us? What does this kneading behavior mean?

We’ve compiled a list of the different reasons why your cat kneads and answered the most critical questions about kneading.
So, if you’re still wondering, “why does my cat knead me” read on to discover why cats do this much “kneaded” behavior.

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What is Cat Kneading?

Kneading is a rhythmic motion that cats make with their front paws—the rhythmic pushing of their paws in and out at alternating times. Our feline friends usually do this with one pad at a time, thus creating a rhythm. Cats usually use their forepaws for kneading, but some use all four cat paws. The kneading pattern is usually specific to the cat.

While some cats do not use their claws when kneading, others put their claws into motion, making the kneading quite noticeable, possibly even unpleasant.
The act itself resembles that of a person kneading dough. This is why cat kneading is sometimes affectionately referred to as ‘making biscuits,’ by cat lovers and cat experts.

Other common names include: 

  • ‘Making muffins’
  • ‘Kitty acupuncture’
  • ‘Playing the piano’
  • ‘Happy paws’
  • ‘Mashing potatoes’
  • ‘Kneading dough’
  • ‘Making biscuits’
Honey the white and silver shaded raggamuffin loved by Destin kneading and sucking a red blanket

7 Reasons For This Behavior And Why Your Cat is Kneading You

There are many popular theories and possible reasons for your kneading cat. Let’s look at the top 7 reasons for this animal behavior:

a woman smiling while laying in her bed on her bed with her ragdoll cat cuddling on top of her

1. Out of Instinct

Out of Instinct: This is the most solid theory explaining the natural instinctive trait origins of the kneading pattern. The newborn kitten instinctually kneads to help stimulate the mother’s milk production, so the behavior of kneading is very similar to that kittens use when suckling. And so, kneading may be a leftover behavior from when cats were kittens and kneaded while nursing teats, which gave them a comforting feeling.

The feeding process is a pleasant moment for the kitten because it simultaneously gets to eat and be close to its mother. Therefore, a kitten will continue to knead as it grows into an adult cat, especially a soft object like pillows or your stomach that is reminiscent of a mother cat. Repeating this behavior when they’re older is a sign the cat is establishing a connection similar to the one it had with its mother as a kitten.

2. To Show Affection

Kneading may also be a sign of affection. Cats prefer to knead people on their lap, with whom they have a stronger bond. Kneading is a feline behavior associated with positive emotions such as comfort, happiness, security, and calmness. Sometimes you’ll find licking or drooling tied in with kneading.

This is why cats tend to knead specific people in the household with whom they share the strongest bonds. It’s their way of showing that they feel safe and cared for by you.

3. To Self Soothe

The majority of the time, cats knead because they find it soothing.
Since cats used to knead while nursing when they were kittens, this sense of comfort remains with them as adults whenever they knead. And so, the nostalgic feeling of kittenhood may manifest as kneading whenever they feel exceptionally comfortable or content.

As a result, you might see your cat kneading when you’re petting or talking to them, for instance. In this way, kneading is similar to purring.

4. To Mark Their Territory

We all know that cats are territorial creatures. Kneading, like scratching, can also mark territory by male and female cats. It is a lesser-known fact that cats have scent glands in their paw pads. So, when kneading at home, they create a comfortable setting, spread their scent, and mark their territory.

This is why they do this on:

  • Their favorite places,
  • Objects they love,
  • Or a member of the family they’re closest to.

5. While Settling Down

Another possible theory is that kneading is a cat’s behavior inherited from its wild cat ancestors. When wild cats find a place they deem suitable for giving birth, they knead it to prepare it. Then, they pat down the leaves or tall grass to make it more comfortable. Modern-day cats have kept this instinctive behavior to make their space more welcoming for themselves.

6. To Make Their Bed

Similarly, your cat’s wild ancestors would knead leaves and tall grass to make their beds and get comfortable before they took a snooze. This is also why you might notice your cat kneading her blanket in your lap or soft bed before getting ready to sleep for the night or taking a little nap.

7. To Stretch

Why do cats knead? Often, it is a way for cats to stretch their muscles. Like we can feel sore and tight after a long nap/sleep, cats can also feel that way.

But cats can be considered natural masters of yoga and pull incredible feats with their bodies. For stretching, they can start kneading with their paws to relax.
So if your cat happens to knead you, it might be a combination of affection for you and the need for a stretch!

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Can I Stop My Cat from Kneading Me?

You might be able to train your cat to stop kneading, but this is perfectly normal behavior that brings your cat a lot of joy. This is why you should think twice before beginning any training exercise in that direction. If their claws hurt when they knead on you on your lap, you can always use cat claw clippers to keep them trimmed so that they won’t hurt. Our favorite cat nail clippers are the Zen Clippers.

Can I Teach My Cat to Stop Scratching Me When It Is Kneading?

Yes, you most certainly can. You can show your cat that you don’t like it when it is using its sharp claws while kneading on your lap by stopping it the moment it takes them out. Then, pick the cat up and put it down every time it does that.

You can also take its paw and push its claws back in when it starts and praise it. Moreover, when it is kneading without using its claws, you should praise it so that it knows that it is doing a good thing. As you can see, kneading is a significant behavioral pattern for cats. It is heavily interlinked with their experiences as kittens and the instincts they get from their ancestors.

Can There Be Too Much Kneading?

Kneading is positive behavior, but if your cat is kneading more than usual, keep an eye out for what is happening to them. A common situation is for cats to make biscuits on their masters lap, even excessively, if they have been alone all day.
If this is the case, your cat may be telling you that it is delighted that you are finally back and what you can do is show her that you are just as happy to be there with her. This demands more quality time for you and your cat because it might feel neglected.

Can Cats Be Trained Not to Knead?

Some cat owners don’t take kneading as a pleasurable activity, especially on their lap. It hurts them and feels like pins and needles when their cats make biscuits on them. And so they usually want to train their cats not to do this anymore.

Training a cat not to knead on their lap is certainly possible, but is it the right choice?

Kneading is a beautiful bonding moment between cats and their masters, and it would be a pity to miss out on it. Trimming down the cat’s nails should make the experience pain-free, and it promises to bring great joy to you and your cat.

Read more about trimming cats’ claws in this post

As you can see, when your cat makes biscuits on your lap, it communicates with you. So, take it all in the next time it happens, and enjoy this fantastic experience with your kitty!

flame point Ragdoll Roo kneading on a white blanket

How to Stop Your Kneading Cat

Adorable behavior such as kneading can sometimes become uncomfortable and problematic if your cat starts kneading on furniture and destroys it. In addition, since cats knead with their claws, they can tear up essential household items.
Not to mention that your cat may also try kneading on your dog if you have one.

This can irritate the dog and may even lead to a small fight between your pets.
You may want to stop your cat from kneading (or help it develop good kneading habits). There are ways to train your cat so its kneading won’t be harmful to your household items or other pets.

Let’s look at some of the tips you can use on your cat:

  1. The easiest way to stop your kitty or cat’s claws from tearing apart your furniture and other stuff is by trimming them short. If you routinely trim your cat’s claws, it will let you do it quickly without throwing a big fuss.
  2. You may develop different habits by encouraging the feline creature to knead somewhere else. There are many products, like sprays (containing pheromone). They can persuade a cat to knead on other objects.
  3. Redirect the cat’s attention with a toy or a treat. You would be surprised to know cats can be easily trained and taught different behaviors, such as chasing toys or sitting comfortably.

If the above suggestions fail, try using a blanket as a soft barrier

If all else fails, you can place a slightly thick blanket on your lap and let your cat knead and show affection. The thick blanket will protect you from sharp claws and prevent any injury. This way, your cat can practice its natural instinct while not hurting you or destroying property.

Of course, you can try all these things but never think of punishing a cat for kneading. Cats can respond negatively if you try to stop their intuitive and natural behavior.

For best results, stick to the distraction (such as toys) and redirection techniques and keep the trust of your kitty.

Another way to get over your cat’s kneading is to start thinking about this behavior as a normal feline activity. You can view kneading as one of the ways through which you can celebrate your bond with these lovely creatures. But if you feel concerned about your cat’s behavior, you can always seek advice from a veterinarian.

FAQs for Why Do Cats Knead

Got some questions about kneading in cats? Let’s explore some of the frequently asked questions about this behavior:

Do All Cats Knead?

No, they do not.
While the vast majority of cats do knead, some cats do not knead at all. The kneading pattern is specific to the cat’s experiences as a kitten.
Just like some cats use their front paws only to knead, while others use all four, some do not knead. This does not mean anything is wrong with them, so you shouldn’t worry about it.

Why Is My Cat Kneading My Hair?

Your cat is kneading on your hair because it is similar to fur. This is also connected to the cat mimicking its kitten’s behavior of kneading on its mother while nursing. It is a fond gesture, and it shows that your cat feels nurtured by you and that it feels safe in your presence.

Should You Let Your Cat Knead You?

There’s no reason not to let your cat knead, especially if you keep your cat’s nails trimmed to prevent it from hooking on clothing or hurting you. Always remember that it’s an instinctive behavior they’ve learned from their wild ancestors and that it’s completely normal!

What Does It Mean When a Cat Kneads You and Purrs?

Often, a cat can knead and purr at the same time. It is just one of those things which go hand-in-hand with each other. However, it can also mean that your cat is trying to find mating partners if it is kneading and purring simultaneously.
In short, it can mean either one of these things. For more personalized advice, you can contact your vet as well.

Why Does My Cat Knead Me But Not Other Members of the Family?

This typical behavior happens when a cat feels closest to a particular member of the family. The kneading shows that person just how special they are to the cat.
This does not mean the cat does not enjoy interacting with other family members. Instead, that particular member it has chosen makes it feel the safest.

Why Does My Cat Stare at Me While Kneading?

As you may have seen, when cats knead as you pet them, they will look deeply into your eyes. The main reason why they do this is to get your attention.
If kneading means that they are establishing a connection, then giving them all your undivided attention is what you should do.

Will My Cat Stop Kneading When It Grows Up?

Now that you answered the question, why does my cat knead me? You’re probably wondering if they’ll stop when they grow older.
No, it will most likely not stop kneading when it reaches adulthood. However, if your kitten kneads often, then it will probably continue to do so when it grows up. Especially, if it continues to associate this behavior with a pleasant experience, such as:

Cuddling it.
Holding it.
Petting it.

Reuben Ragdoll Cat Kneading Making Biscuits on a white blanket

Final Thoughts

I am sure you have understood by now why cats knead. It can be to show affection or happiness or for different reasons, such as marking territory or looking for mating partners. Whatever the reason, there’s nothing negative to associate with such behaviors of cats. It is something to enjoy and celebrate as your cat feels content and happy.

When and why does your cat knead you? How do you feel about it? Do you enjoy it? Tell us about your experiences with your cat kneading in the comments section below.

Did you like this blog post about why cats knead? Check out these other great articles from our site:

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Mary Dunn says:

    My kitten 10 weeks kneads and purrs while on me but I need a fast way to clip her nails without her squirming away. Maybe towel her?

  2. My cat Ariel will cuddle up on my bed with me, paw around until she finds my jugular vein, and then start in kneading. She is my Dr. Love, I suppose. At first, I thought it was really weird, but I intuitively feel that it is a sharing of trust. I trust that she won’t murder me! (I make sure that she doesn’t use her nails, of course.) Does anyone else’s cat choose this particular area, I wonder?

    1. LOL – “I trust that she won’t murder me!”

  3. Liz broussard says:

    My Shadow has kneaded on me (nightly ritual) since he was a baby and he’s 8 years old now). It’s adorable and I’ve always viewed it as his way of affection, connection to his “mama”.

  4. Super PAWESOME & FABULOUS POST, Jenny honey! LURVED!! TYSVM!!! 🙂 <3

    Big hugs & lots of love & blessings!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 😉 <3 <3 <3

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