Why Do Cats Chatter Their Teeth?
Cats chattering teeth is usually perfectly normal, but it can, on some rare occasions, mean that your cat suffers from a health issue. Usually, it’s a cat hunting noise and just part of normal cat behavior. Still, it’s essential to be aware of the different reasons so you can make sure your cat is OK.
😻What Does It Mean When Cats Chatter?
Cats often chatter their teeth when they’ve seen a small bird, a squirrel, or some other small creature that triggers their hunting instincts. It’s why you’ll usually find your cat chattering at the window, staring outside.
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Most cat owners observe their cats chattering their teeth when engrossed in the outdoors. They’ll likely be watching an animal in your garden. There are a few different interpretations of this behavior. Some believe it’s a sign that they’re getting excited and gearing themselves up for the hunt.
Others believe that chattering is a sign of frustration. For example, your cat is excited and engaged and wants to hunt but knows it’s stuck indoors and can’t get to the bird or rabbit outside. The chattering expresses that frustration, almost trying to burn off some energy.
One other theory is that the cat is acting out the act of the killing bite. This could be in preparation for the kill, loosening up the jaws and getting ready to make the fatal bite, or subconsciously carrying out the biting behavior without the prey.
However, if you notice your cat chattering when it isn’t engaged at a window or looking at an animal, you may want to check as it could be a sign of problems with your cat’s teeth.
Why Do Cats Chatter Their Teeth?
Most of the reasons cats chatter their teeth are related and involve the cat having spotted potential prey. But not every reason is linked to this.
Cats chatter their teeth because:
– They have spotted a small animal and are excited by the potential hunt
– They’ve realized they can’t get to the prey and are frustrated
– They are practicing or preparing for the kill by exercising their jaws
– They’re just excited in general
– They are in dental pain (although this isn’t a common symptom)
Is Chattering Bad for Cats?
The act of chattering itself isn’t bad for cats. They won’t harm themselves through teeth chattering.
However, if your cat is often chattering, it might be time to investigate to see if it is suffering from dental disease, especially if they are salivating when they chatter.
Most veterinarians don’t list teeth chattering as a common dental issue symptom, but they mention tooth grinding. If you notice your cat is doing anything unusual for them with their teeth, seek advice from your veterinarian.

Periodontal disease and resorptive lesions are both common in cats. Periodontal issues relate to the tissue around your cat’s teeth, while tooth resorption is where the tooth is decaying, often starting at the root. Hence, it’s hard to notice immediately.
According to the American Association of Feline Practitioners, signs to watch out for include foul-smelling breath, eating at only one side of the mouth or dropping food, pawing at the mouth, facial swelling or bleeding from the mouth, and discolored teeth.
If you’ve spotted any of these symptoms, then you might want to schedule a visit to your vet to see if there are any problems. Many cats will continue to eat normally, even with tooth problems, and it’s hard to tell if they’re in pain with a tooth issue. They can be little troopers. So, keep a close eye on changes in your cat’s behavior. Your veterinarian should check your cat’s dental health during any routine check-ups.
Why Does My Cat Chatter at Birds?
Cats talking to birds might seem strange, but there’s a theory that cat chatter is a way to mimic the sounds that small animals make. A study in South America showed a feral cat copying the sounds of tamarind monkeys, which are common prey for these cats in the Amazon.
Cats chatter to their prey to confuse them, making them an easier target. While no studies have been carried out on domestic cat behavior to replicate this test, it’s another possibility why your cat vocalization as it watches the local wildlife in your garden.

In Conclusion
If your cat is sitting at the window and their teeth are chattering away, it’s likely perfectly normal behavior. However, if they’re looking like they might be getting frustrated, then it might be time to engage them in some play, helping them to burn off some of that energy and distracting them from those hunting instincts or making the most of them, depending on the toy you choose.
It’s more important to keep tabs on your cat’s behavior if they’re chattering more frequently and to do it when they aren’t watching something that could be prey.
Check for any other potential symptoms that could be a sign of diseased teeth, and book in to see your veterinarian if you’ve any concerns. If your cat has painful resorptive lesions hidden in the roots of their teeth, getting them sorted quickly can resolve many problems for them and get them feeling happy and healthy again before you know it.
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,
Super fascinating, pawesome & fabulous info, Jenny honey! TYSVM! Great topic! Learned a lot. I’ve never seen or heard Miss PSB chattering. I don’t think she does it at all. But…she does chirp occasionally and she meow talks a lot as she has gotten older. 🙂 <3
Big hugs & lots of love & purrs!
Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3 <3 <3