
Hidden Bedroom Horrors What’s in Your Bedroom That Could Be Slowly Harming Your Health, and How Can You Make Your Room a Toxin-Free Space for Sleep?

And yet many bedrooms are filled with potentially harmful furnishings due to the toxins they contain or the bacteria they can harbor. Here’s a look at the potential health issues of bedrooms.

Healthy Environment 

By prioritizing a healthy bedroom environment, you can enhance the quality of your sleep and promote overall well-being. 


Many mattresses are made of soft materials for comfort, but they can have significant gaps inside those materials where bacteria can breed, including those that trigger allergic reactions.  


A lot of bedding is made from synthetic material, which is treated with chemicals. Buy natural bedding to avoid harmful reactions to the chemicals released as synthetic fibers break down. 

Bed Frame 

Bed frames made from cheaper pressed wood, varnished, or rated as fire-proof can be laden with chemicals that can enter the air you breathe over time. 

Wardrobes and Dressers 

Wardrobes and dressers have the same issues as bed frames – cheaper options from non-solid wood can break down. Cheap plywood can also harbor mold very quickly if you don’t have good airflow. 

Side Tables and Shelving 

Side tables and shelving again should be made from solid wood coated with natural treatments only. Because they are scraped and scuffed more, chemical compounds are likely to be released. 

Hidden Bedroom Horrors – What’s in Your Bedroom That Could Be Slowly Harming Your Health, and How Can You Make Your Room a Toxin-Free Space for Sleep? SWIPE UP TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE