Maine Coon vs. Ragdoll - Differences in Appearance
These two cat breeds look quite similar. In fact, people often mistake one for the other, but there are some differences in their appearance nonetheless.
Size and Weight
Main Coon males typically weigh 15-25 pounds, while females weigh 10-15 pounds. Ragdoll females also weigh 10-15 pounds on average, while Ragdoll males weigh 15-20 pounds.
Eye Color and Shape
Ragdoll cats have bright blue eyes. This is one of their best-known and most appreciated features. Main Coons, on the other hand, present a wider pallet of eye colors, including copper, gold, and green.
Body Shape
Main Coon cats have rectangular-shaped bodies, with thick legs and broad chests. Ragdolls also have broad chests, but they have longer legs, and longer tapered tails.
Ragdoll cats have a very particular coat. They have long coats, with lush soft fur, but no undercoat. This sets them apart from Maine Coons, which also have long fur, but have a thick undercoat and light overcoat.