
Window Screen Tips  for Every Home for Cat Safety

Some cats might scratch their way through screens, whereas others might be able to actually push through the screen with their body weight, so you have to either proof your window for both or keep in mind what your cat is capable of.

Tip #1: 

Put double stick tape on the windowsill to deter cats from jumping up. 

Tip #2: 

Reinforce screens from the outside with duct tape, screws, or nails. 

Tip #3: 

Put a round metal washer above the triangular clasp so they can’t flip it off of the stem that goes into the windowsill. 

Tip #4: 

Replace or double up your window screen with heavy mesh or pet screens. 

Note of Caution 

Scratch Damage vs. Cat Safety Note that sometimes screens advertised as pet safe just guard against scratching damage rather than effectively keeping a cat from getting out a window. 

Alternative Solutions 

Designated Outdoor Area: You may also want to consider designing an outdoor area for your Ragdoll kitties. For example, letting them out occasionally so they will be less tempted by the call of the outdoors. 

Window Screen Tips  for Every Home for Cat Safety SWIPE UP TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE