Floppycats - Ragdoll Cat Calendar 2023- Pre-Order Available

This beautiful 9″ x 12″ calendar features photos of Ragdoll cats striking all their best poses!  One calendar is $24 and if you buy 2 or more they are only $20/each. 

Floppycats 2023 Ragdoll Cat Calendar is now available for pre-orders! We will run pre-orders for about a month 

As many of you know, Ragdolls are a relatively new cat breed, so calendars of this magnitude can be hard to come by. It's a calming calendar since Ragdolls are known for their docility. 

IMPORTANT! This is for pre-order!! All orders will be fulfilled starting the first week of December. 

Pre-Order Our Ragdoll Cat Calender 2023

As in previous years, this year's calendar features delightful full color photographs of Ragdolls of Floppycats that are in my family. 

Purchase date deadline is November 17, 2023! Checkout through the pre-order button below and take advantage of exclusive offers with our pre-order option. 

It's a calming calendar since Ragdolls are known for their docility. They’ll be printed and shipped in time for Christmas as many of you guys requested. 

Perfect for any cat lover, this calendar is a great way of managing those important dates in a fun and exceptionally cute way. 

Cat Calendar 2023

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Floppycats - Ragdoll Cat Calendar 2023