Is the Litter Robot Worth It?
It saves up to 50% of clean litter that is usually wasted with regular manual cleaning and gives your kitty a clean bed of litter after every use. It’s made to be long lasting and can be repaired if it breaks.
Litter-Robot Open Air
The Litter-Robot Open Air is their 3rd generation of the Litter-Robot and was named “Open-Air” when it first came out. Over time, they switched the name to the Litter-Robot 3.
Litter-Robot 3 Connect
The Litter-Robot 3 Connect is the other product they sell now as a brand-new product – the only difference with the Connect is that it is WiFi enabled and therefore works with their Litter-Robot app.
Do Cats Like the Litter-Robot?
They love it as much as we humans do, but for different reasons. At first, many cats will be intrigued by the Litter-Robot’s cycling process, which draws them in.
How to Get Cat to Use Litter-Robot?Leave it off
DO NOT turn on the Litter-Robot 3 in front of your cat. Wait until s/he is using it for at least a week or two before you turn it on in front of them.
Is the Litter-Robot good for multiple cats?
The Litter-Robot is perfect for multiple cats. Your cats will have no issue in using the same spot since the Robot refreshes the litter once it has been used.