
8 Cat Toys That Will Keep Your Cat From Driving You Crazy

One of the best ways to provide your cat with stimulation is to give them plenty of toys to play with.

Here is a list of the best cat toys based on expert recommendations and customer reviews: 

Interactive toys: Interactive toys like wand toys and feather teasers are a great way to get your cat moving and playing. 

Puzzle toys: Puzzle toys are a great way to challenge your cat's mind and entertain them.

Catnip toys: Catnip toys are a popular choice for cats because they contain catnip, a plant that has a stimulating effect on many cats.

Scratching posts and mats: Scratching posts and mats are important for cats because they provide them with a place to scratch and mark their territory.  

Tips for choosing the right cat toys:  

Consider your cat's individual preferences. Some cats prefer interactive toys, while others prefer crinkle toys or catnip toys.

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