Traveling with a Ragdoll Cat by Car

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Traveling with a Ragdoll Cat by Car

On March 14, 2016 a reader, Cindy, wrote in saying:

Traveling with a Ragdoll Cat by CarDo you ever give your Ragdolls any medications prior to car travel? We travel from Florida to our hometown in Mississippi several times a year (5 hour trip) and have taken Rocket, our Ragdoll kitten, with us on 4 trips so far. He has never vomited or had any drooling, but it takes him about an hour to settle down (meows off and on & scratches all around in his carrier). If I let him out of his carrier, he still meows and climbs around to different areas in the car. He usually settles down after about an hour and naps off and on. He just does not ever seem completely comfortable.

I’ve tried a couple of different brands of natural calming aid chews from Petsmart/Petco, but he will NOT eat the chews. I’ve tried crumbling them in his food, mixing them with his treats, etc. I certainly do not want to “drug” him, but I do want him to be comfortable. The vet said he can have Dramamine (he is 7 months old and weighs 9 pounds), but I was just wondering if you had any experience with giving your Ragdolls anything for car travel.

I’ve also ordered him a pet car booster seat to see if this will help, since he does not like being in his pet carrier. I feel certain it is the motion that bothers him, since he calms down right away when we stop the vehicle. We do not have any issues with him at our parent’s or friend’s home where we visit. He acts right at home wherever we are with no behavior problems whatsoever.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated 🙂

I replied:

Bach Pet Natural Stress ReliefNo, I read or learned somewhere a long time ago that the worst thing to do is to medicate an animal for travel.

You might try Rescue Remedy –  – to see if it does anything different. Didn’t help my Charlie who foams at the mouth, but other readers have reported that it works. You can also read the reviews on Amazon through that link.

I can also post your question on our Facebook page to get more ideas – please advise.

Cindy did want me to post it on our Facebook page and I did so – readers offered great suggestions.

On March 21, 2016 Cindy reported back:

Just wanted to give you a success report 🙂 The Rescue Remedy worked great for Rocket!!! He had just a few minutes of meowing and scratching around, then he settled right down and slept most of the trip.  I also got him a pet car seat where the car seat is secured with the seatbelt and the pet is secured with straps that attach to his harness.  The straps are adjustable to allow the pet to move around or sit up in the seat without being able to get out of the seat.  He was MUCH happier in the pet car seat (he was already accustomed to a harness and leash).  
Thank you so much for your help and sharing my question on your Facebook page! I now have a much happier traveling kitty!!
I then asked Cindy if I could share this all on the site with you all and she said:
Good Pet Stuff Aquiline Travelin' Dog Car SeatI don’t mind at all for you to use my emails and photo(s) as a blog post. Your blog posts have helped me so much with my furbaby, so I’m happy to share anything that helps others! I don’t mind if you use my name if you want to.
This is the product and the dosage I used:  I gave him 2 drops of the Bach Rescue Remedy liquid directly on his tongue about an hour prior to departure and then 2 more drops immediately prior to departure after he was strapped into his car seat.
Here’s a couple more pics that show Rocket sitting in his car seat and looking out the backseat window of our truck.  I adjusted the straps just enough that he could look out the window but not be able to get out of the seat from the front or sides.
Thanks again for all your advice and assistance!!
Traveling with a Ragdoll Cat by Car Rocket
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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. teddy bear says:

    I have to travel 3 hours each way for dr’s visits every month or so and take both my cats with me and stay with my daughter. When I got my first ragdoll Humphrey he was terrible in the car cried the whole time, took him to my vet and she gave me medication to help him. The next trip I gave him the medication and 2 hours later he died in my arms as I was pulled over to the side of the road. I got this cat as a therapy cat for my chronic pain and he had surpassed all my expectations and I loved him so much it was crushing when he died. I now have a new ragdoll named Teddy and he also does not like the car not as bad as Humphrey but I won’t medicate him I use a spray from the vet and he sits on my lap(my husband now drives) lesson learned.

    1. This is terrifying and heartbreaking, I’m so sorry for you and the poor baby

  2. Jenine Pontillo says:

    I’m traveling down to Florida from New York on Friday. Wish I saw this article a little earlier. I’m worried about trying Rescue Remedy at the moment because I had a cat who had an allergic reaction to something a year ago. His throat swelled closed and he couldn’t breath. I’m lucky I got him to a vet on time. I downloaded some cat music and I’m going to try to see if that will help relax them on the drive down. (Just hoping it won’t put me to sleep)

    1. Cindy Cameron Townsend says:

      Jenine, several people commented on the Facebook page that pheromone cat calming sprays worked well for them. Feliway and Sentry were specifically recommended to spray the interior of car and/or crate. I was also concerned about adverse reactions, so I gave Rocket the Rescue Remedy a couple of days before our trip (while we were at home and close to our vet) to make sure he tolerated it without any problems. I would definitely recommend trying any new product at home before using it while traveling. I have also noticed that my kitty travels better during afternoon and early evening hours which are his normal “lazy” times at home. His active times at home are mornings and late evenings, and he is more “fussy” traveling during those times. Hope you have a great trip with your kitties!

      1. Jenine Pontillo says:

        Thanks Cindy. I was going to do that but I forgot to pick it up and I’m leaving tomorrow. So I will give it a try when I come back so I can be at home incase he has a reaction to it.

  3. Great post! Very helpful.

  4. Patti Johnson says:

    Great post and great information, Jenny! A big thanks to you and Cindy for sharing such great information with all of us! I know I have this bookmarked in case we ever decide to or need to travel with our baby girl! 🙂 <3

    So happy that the Rescue Remedy worked for Cindy! I wonder if the Pet Remedy would work in much the same way… 🙂 <3

    Big hugs!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3

    1. yes, patti – love it when readers like you and cindy are so interactive with the site! makes it more into the community i dream it to be.

      1. Patti Johnson says:

        YAY!!!! 🙂 <3

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