Teddy is the love of my life (yes my husband knows where he comes in the pecking order). When I got him my boys said he must have an aristocratic name as he is an aristocat!! I christened him Edward, so of course he has since been Teddy or The Bear.
Twelve years ago I met my first Ragdolls, there were two of them at a house I was viewing, it was love at first sight. We did not move into that particular house, but as soon as we were settled I started to look for ragdoll breeders and found one in York. I arranged a visit to this breeders house and was thrilled at how beautiful her cats were, all kept in her house, so clean and well cared for with lots of toys and water features for them to play with, Teddy was the last of the litter to go and I fell in love straight away.
My father was living with us at the time and I asked him if he would like to buy me a kitten for Christmas, being a Yorkshireman when I told him the cost of a kitten his reaction was HOW MUCH!.. Needless to say Teddy came into my life as a 10 week old kitten. My father died not long after, so Teddy is even more precious as he was my last gift from my father.
We have Labradors as well, and from an early age Teddy has come for our afternoon walk with us, he loves being outside and as we live in the middle of no where he is as safe as can be, obviously he is kept in at night. Teddy hunts and brings home mice and even baby rabbits, the first time I saw him with a rabbit he tried to get through the cat flap face forwards, when he realised this would not work he turned round went in backwards and dragged the rabbit in with him, one clever boy!! My neighbour is a keen gardener with a large garden, she calls Teddy her undergardener cos he keeps the rabbits off her plants.
My husband works from home, if it is a cold or rainy day Teddy’s favourite place is laid on the top of the hard drive on my husband’s desk, where it is warm, of course he has special cushion there, he also enjoys annoying my husband when he his trying to work, mainly by batting all pens on to the floor or sitting on his notepad so he has to give him some fuss.
We moved to our present house 8 years ago and for the first 2 weeks Teddy lived under the duvet on my side of the bed, only coming out to eat and use his tray, however he then discovered we were surrounded by open fields and countryside with lots of hunting opportunities.
Teddy loves a cuddle and will sit on my knee as soon as I have settled in the evening he lays on his back and snuggles into my arm, his and my favourite position.
I have had cats all my life (and Labradors) but I have never been so besotted as I am with Teddy, he sits in front of me on my desk when I am trying to work, he pulls down a newspaper when I am trying to read, he demands my attention in the cutest ways, and doesn’t he know it, he is 12 next month and I hope he will be with me for a long time yet.
Do you have a Ragdoll Kitten or Cat? Consider submitting your kitty! Ragdoll of the Week submission guidelines
Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,
What a lovely & beautiful story about your adorable, charming and SUPER HANDSOME boy!!! Teddy is magnificent. So GORGEOUS! Lurve the pics! So happy that is your joy!!! Sounds like he has the purrfect home with a loving family of you, your hubby and your Labrador! He sure sounds like quite the character and I certainly hope you and your hubby and beautiful Labrador (I lurve labs, too, the yellows are my fave!) and Teddy have many more years filled with love, happiness, good healthy with purry & barky adventures! 🙂 <3
I think it's great that Teddy gets to explore the outdoors as safely as possible. You must live in a little piece of heaven!
Thank you for sharing your sweet Teddy with us. He is so gorgeous and love his beautiful markings! Love the photos and especially the one of him sleeping on his back! So funny and dear of him that he brought you a bunny and was determined to get it through the door even if he had to turn around and go the other way! Just shows how smart he is and very determined to bring his beloved Mom a prize! Wishing you many more happy years together!
What a lovely & beautiful story about your adorable, charming and SUPER HANDSOME boy!!! Teddy is magnificent. So GORGEOUS! Lurve the pics! So happy that is your joy!!! Sounds like he has the purrfect home with a loving family of you, your hubby and your Labrador! He sure sounds like quite the character and I certainly hope you and your hubby and beautiful Labrador (I lurve labs, too, the yellows are my fave!) and Teddy have many more years filled with love, happiness, good healthy with purry & barky adventures! 🙂 <3
I think it's great that Teddy gets to explore the outdoors as safely as possible. You must live in a little piece of heaven!
Big hugs & lots of love!
Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3
Thank you for sharing your sweet Teddy with us. He is so gorgeous and love his beautiful markings! Love the photos and especially the one of him sleeping on his back! So funny and dear of him that he brought you a bunny and was determined to get it through the door even if he had to turn around and go the other way! Just shows how smart he is and very determined to bring his beloved Mom a prize! Wishing you many more happy years together!