Takoda – Ragdoll Of The Week

For years I’ve always wanted a cat to call my own, however, it always seemed I couldn’t find one that was compatible to be around dogs. One day a friend called and said they were having a cat show in my area, so I jumped at the
chance to go on the website about the show.
While reviewing the information on there I came across the lady that was in charge of the show so I emailed her in the process I found out about the Ragdolls. I studied this breed for years. I love the look of them and they reminded me of a cat my mother-in-law had. I thought their color to be amazing.

After researching for years on this breed, I finally found the perfect cat for me. One that would love and be loyal to you, get along with everyone, and the personal benefits for me were that they get along with dogs. So I decided after all the research, I was going to go to this cat show, and meet these 2 breeders that were in charge of the show. It just so happens they bred Ragdolls.

I was amazed at these beautiful creatures. I was lucky enough to be allowed to hold one. It was a lynx point male and he was huge, the breeder put him over my shoulder and I remember looking down and his tail was past my knees and I fell in love instantly. The long beautiful amazing softest coat you ever felt, I thought to myself, “Everyone needs to touch, feel and hold a Ragdoll before they die!”
It just so happen the one breeder from Rockinblues cattery. Her name is Cori Cherok and she is a wonderful breeder and just a very kind and helpful person in general. Believe you me, after me emailing her on a daily basis with questions and concerns and what I need to do and not to do, she could have blown me off anytime but didn’t. She always got back with me with in the day.

She kept me up-to-date on pictures of my little guy on a weekly basis. My first picture of him was when he was about 4 weeks old I feel in love with him instantly and his picture was up on my computer right away. Cori asked me if I had a named for him, which I didn’t. She said to let her know when I had a name so she could start calling him by it. Cori believes calling them by their name and not “kitty kitty”, as they are smart enough to come when called by their name. Which to this day mine comes to his name when called.

I started looking online for names as I knew I wanted something
unique and different and that honored the Ragdoll’s true history of this breed and how they are. I am a big fan of native American Indians so I looked under some names, and that’s where I found, “Takoda” which is Native American and it means “friend to all”.

To tell you a little about Takoda he was born on March 11 2009, at Rockinblues cattery in Ohio, he is a seal point bicolor male and
his markings and colors are perfect in my eyes. Speaking of eyes don’t they
have just the most beautiful color? It reminds me when I look at him that I’m
on vacation in the islands, so relaxing.
Takoda is now a little over a year old. He makes my life daily relaxing. He is always willing to love on you. Even when your having a bad day he seems to brighten it up when he comes up to with those beautiful eyes and that soft fur and starts purring – then you realize its not as bad as you thought it was. My favorite time with Takoda is about 5 am in the morning, when he wakes me up wanting his can food.
After he eats and I get my morning coffee, it’s bonding time, and I believe it’s his favorite time too. I ask him where is his tooth brush (just a little a
note about that I started brushing his coat with a soft bristle toothbrush when he first came home with me) I keep all his toys in one basket he runs down there and grabs it and brings it to me. I brush his teeth and his face with it. He purrs and kneads and loves on me for about 10 min then he wants
brushed more. We fall back to sleep and sometimes we play.
His favorite toy is a flicker toy that has peacocks feathers in it. Then he jumps down after about hour of bonding time and goes to sleep for a few hours in his favorite bed which I would recommend to anyone.

One lady I met at the TICA show that has ragdolls makes these amazing beds they are reversible and washable and hold up very well. The nicest thing about these is they are big enough when your Ragdoll is full-grown. She sells them for a reasonable price around $20 to $25 depending on the size. If anyone is interested in one of these beds feel free to leave me a message and I can contact her to see about hooking you up with one.
I am looking forward to days ahead with my Ragdoll. I cherish him and would recommend this breed to anyone looking for a cat if it’s a first time second time or any time. They are all they say – they are just amazing and a very smart breed.
I hope you enjoyed my story and I would just like to say I totally love this site and all the feedback from other Ragdoll owners – thank you all for your stories.
Tammy and Takoda
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,