Sookie – Ragdoll Kitten of the Month

Sookie - Ragdoll Kitten of the Month4Sookie – Ragdoll Kitten of the Month

Sookie is my 3 month old, seal colorpoint Ragdoll kitten. There is no real reason for her name, I just thought it would be cute. I guess the show True Blood inspired me slightly, but I just really liked how it sounded. She was born on March 6, 2014. I got her from Galaxy Rags, located in Cincinnati, Ohio. Her breeder is Judy Mackey, & I believe there is actually an interview on the Floppy Cats website between Jenny & Judy. I’ve always been a fan of Ragdolls since the day I learned about the breed & their floppiness, sweet personalities, beautiful appearance, & their overall kind temperament. I don’t know when or where I first discovered the Ragdoll, but I’m positive it’s been for at least the past 10 years. I’ve never been a huge cat person, or let’s moreso say that I’ve always been more of a dog person. I really love all animals in general.  I have a yellow lab mix, Samson, & he is my absolute pride & joy. He’s been in my life since the day that he was born. My girlfriend & I both work all the time & while Sammy never destroys anything or generally acts depressed, etc., I just have been wanting to get him a companion since we’re both gone a lot. Puppies are a lot of work, while kittens are quite a bit easier when it comes to house training & all. I decided this past December (2013) that I was going to start saving my pennies & get my first Ragdoll kitten. Sookie - Ragdoll Kitten of the Month6I went online, researched, & found Galaxy Rags in January. I emailed Judy, got some information & decided to send her the initial deposit. I couldn’t have been more excited. I knew that I wanted a female & I knew that it would be at least late February/early March before my kitten would be born. Even worse, I’d have to wait until late May/early June before getting her! I spent months emailing Judy about food types & brands that she preferred, what kind of litter would be best, how her spay went, etc. I’d email her for a picture even after she had just sent one. I’d always apologize if I was bugging her & she would always assure me that I wasn’t. I found Floppy Cats online & watched endless videos of Charlie & Trigg. I read numerous articles & reviews of toys, food brands, etc. Let’s just say that it was a very long couple of months. Finally I have my tiny Sookie & she was definitely worth the time & money. She is the perfect addition to our family. Her & Samson get along perfectly, although he was a bit frightened by her for the first couple of days. She introduced herself to him with two very dramatic hisses. I think she used her entire lung capacity for those ones! Sookie enjoys playing with pieces of yarn, her little crunchy foil ball, laser pointers, & my glasses of water that sit next to my bed at night. The only treats that she’ll eat are freeze dried shrimp. She likes it when I put my thumbs inside of her ears & use my index & middle fingers to scratch the outside part of her ears. She likes to sleep under the coffee table on top of a game box. I couldn’t be happier with this kitten. She’s friendly & social. She’s playful at times, but overall just very laid back. She doesn’t show as much interest in sleeping on my lap as she does in sleeping right next to me. I’m excited to see her personality expand & to learn more about her likes & dislikes. I’m trying to enjoy every moment because I know that she’ll be a full grown cat in no time. Sookie - Ragdoll Kitten of the Month7 Sookie - Ragdoll Kitten of the Month5 Sookie - Ragdoll Kitten of the Month3 Sookie - Ragdoll Kitten of the Month2 Sookie - Ragdoll Kitten of the MonthDo you have a Ragdoll Kitten or Cat?  Consider submitting your kitty!  Ragdoll of the Week submission guidelines

Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Patti Johnson says:

    Awwwww….What a great Love Story you have shared with us! Thank you so much! Sookie (another great name!) is simply STUNNING! I lurve how she’s best buds with Samson, too. Those two pics of her with Samson are just super adorable! Obviously, she has found her destiny and forever home with you! Lucky kitten!

    Big hugs!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3

    1. Thank you so much! She’s pretty fantastic!

  2. gosh she is just adorable! thanks for sharing her story with us. great photos too! i love the one of her sitting up.. so cute!

    1. She can be pretty photogenic at times!

  3. lisareier says:

    Sookie & Samson both beautiful! I have 3 Ragdolls & a yellow Lab who lives indoors. Everyone gets along, but the cats rule the roost! Great story.

    1. Ragdolls & labs are a great combination <3

  4. Pictures of big dogs and kittens make me melt! Sookie is so adorable- I bet she’s a big girl by now since she’s had her first birthday! Samson is a very handsome boy, too. Thanks for sharing them with us!

    1. Thanks 🙂 She is one year old already, not really a kitten anymore :-/

  5. ABarletta says:

    Sookie and Sampson are both beautiful! Lil Sookie is a heart breaker for sure. Enjoy your new baby girl.

  6. Kelli Birke says:

    Adorable Sookie!!! I am a wee bit jealous because I am in the exact same position you were in during the early winter my friend! I have put down a deposit on my (not even born yet) Ragdoll kitten almost a month ago. It’s going to be about 2 more weeks before the seal colorpointl ragdoll Miss Betsy Ross gives birth to her litter. Then another 12-14 weeks before I can actually take her home!! I am trying to be patient and not bother the breeder either, but I’m dying!! So I am pouring over floppycats and watching every video of Trigg and Charlie and all the pictures everyone sends in, for my “fix” until my little Cleopatra makes her way home to me!
    Enjoy your sweet Sookie (and don’t let any vamps near her ;))

    1. SOOO cute and the waiting is hard.. we have 7 more weeks

    2. That’s so exciting! I found Floppycats during that long wait for Sookie as well 🙂

    3. bbbellanger says:

      So what kind if cat us sharky? I have had many like him but just called them diameter crosses.

    4. bbbellanger says:

      What kind of cat is Sharky?

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