Sassy – Ragdoll of the Week

019Sassy will be turning 16 on July 13th, although I have only had her for the last ten years- ten of the best years!!!! Sassy started her life as “Truffles”. She was purchased as a breeding cat by a breeder when she was a kitten. Sassy produced many a litter, perhaps too many, as to this day she suffers from pregnancy related illnesses. When Sassy was six, her owner passed away suddenly, leaving a house full of cats that needed to be rehomed. I have always been a cat lover, but never had had a ragdoll cat before. By working at a vet clinic, I was thrown into suddenly trying to adopt out all these wonderful cats. Sassy had just had a litter of four girls, and I decided to take them all home with me. She was a wonderful mother and it was a joyous experience watching the four girls grow to eight weeks before they were adopted in pairs. When the babies left, Sassy went through the house crying for them for days. Actually, she will still walk through the house with a little stuffed kitten doing her “mommy cry”. Once the kittens were adopted, Sassy’s journey to regain her health began. She was grossly underweight from all her pregnancies. She was spayed and within a few months, her weight was where it should be- a petite 6.5lbs. 021I have always enjoyed fostering kittens. It wouldn’t be unusual to be bottle feeding a couple litters at the time. Being a great mother, Sassy found it natural to assist in the kitten rearing process. A human is really not a great substitute for a cat mom; we just can’t teach a cat to be a cat! Sassy stepped right in and would groom and scold the babies if necessary. She is a kind little soul who would never hurt anything. My sister had a hamster that was a great escape artist. Many times, Sassy would find the hamster roaming the house at night and pick it up like she would a kitten and cry to wake us up. Summer 2013 002I was always used to cats doing typical cat behaviors, such as scratching furniture. I have found that ragdolls seem to have more “manners.” I have two ragdolls, and both only scratch their scratching posts. They also travel extremely well. We vacation with the cats, mostly in our camper. The cats love car rides, and easily adapt to new places. They are also very easy going. In the past five years, Sassy has had a multitude of health issues, a couple of which have required frequent visits to specialists a distance from home. For instance, she suffered from stomatitis, or horrible mouth infections, causing her gums to bleed and making eating a horrible experience. After exhausting all other options, a dental specialist performed a total mouth extraction followed by a series of laser treatments to target oral inflammation. The outcome was fabulous, but for awhile little Sass had it tough. Now, she eats fine, even without any teeth. She also is on daily medication for hypertension and is currently being treated for kidney disease. She receives two daily meds for that, plus a special diet which eliminated her favorite food- rotisserie chicken. Her kidney disease requires frequent monitoring of her blood. She is a champ at the vet- I just have to hold up her neck for a jugular draw; she doesn’t even need her feet held down. Most cats try to swat! She just purrs away…. I could go on and on about how Sassy has completely gotten me hooked on the breed. Looks alone, ragdolls are just the most gorgeous cats! These cats are a true part of the family. Happy 16th birthday, Sassy!! I hope to enjoy more years with you.

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Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. I am one of Sassy’s biggest fans as I am her “grandma”! She is a beautiful soul and receives nothing but the best of love and care. I am so happy that most of Sassy’s life has been lived in such a loving environment. Happy Birthday, sweet girl! xo

  2. Such a wonderful, precious girl your Sassy is!!! Thank you for giving her a good life which she so surely deserves 🙂

    Sending you both purrs and hugs 🙂

  3. Judy Lynn says:

    What a sweet story! It made me sad about her looking for her kittens though. I too have a Ragdoll, my 2nd. The first died of FPV, a very nasty disease. We love our new Rag like a child and he fills our hearts by just looking at him.

  4. Happy Birthday to a beautiful, strong, and wonderful kitty! I wish your family many happy returns of your special day! Thank you for sharing Sassy’s Cinderella story.

  5. Great Story go Sassy!

  6. Thank you for sharing Sassy’s amazing story. She is a true testament to the Ragdoll breed in every way. Hope she has a wonderful birthdayy and many more to come. Just wonderful that you have taken such good care of her and her kittens. Blessings to both of you.

  7. What a beautiful girl Sassy is! And how wonderful of you to take her and her kittens in and take such good care of her! Hope you have many more happy and healthy years with her. ; )

  8. Awe, happy birthday, Sassy!!! What a great story!! =)

  9. Happy Birthday Sassy,
    I have a 1 yr old Persian named Abby Lynn, I love her to pieces! Raggies are sweet and special to…Many more years of happiness to you!

  10. Happy Birthday, sweet Sassy! From your mommy’s descriptions and pictures of you, you sound like the perfect little ladycat–well-loved, as all Raggies (all cats, for that matter) deserve to be, and even more loving in return. May you indeed have many more wonderful years with your family, sweet girl. 🙂 xox

  11. What a darling! Happy Birthday Sassy!

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