Rocky and Lucky – Ragdolls of the Week

Rocky and Lucky – Ragdolls of the Week

Lucky and Rocky - Ragdoll Cats of the Week
Lucky and Rocky
I’d never seen a Ragdoll prior to the day we got Rocky! Several years ago, I had a sweet, but very cantankerous, ginger tabby girl named Prissy, who had lost a leg through an accident, and was depressed because she could no longer be the outdoor huntress she had been. No more skinks brought squirming into the living room to chase into the AC vents! I decided she needed a kitten to cheer her up, despite the face that she had never liked any other cat, and would even swat at her brother when we’d walk up the street to visit him. So it had to be THE SWEETEST KITTEN EVER! Purely through research on the internet, I became convinced that ragdolls were the sweetest, most docile cats ever. Didn’t matter that I’d never seen one, or knew anyone who had one. I found a somewhat local breeder (MusicCityKittys – no longer in business.) My husband and I drove to look at 12 week old kittens, but we fell in love with a 5 month old the owner had considered keeping. She said he was going to grow up to look like his dad: a gorgeous 25 pound hunk of male cat fluff. My Husband exclaimed,”I want him!” Before we reached the car, we agreed on the name Rocky because he looked like a baby raccoon with his white body and dark eyes, which led us to Rocky Raccoon, and who doesn’t love the Beatles!
Rocky and Lucky - Ragdoll Cats of the Week
Rocky and Prissy
Prissy slowly accepted her new friend, and he kept her active and interested the rest of her days. When we lost her, I thought I’d wait awhile before getting a new cat, but Rocky was grieving deeply for his ginger friend, and I knew I had to act quickly for his sake. We found a kitten at Rags 2 Dazzle Ragdolls near Chattanooga. The breeder, Addie Griffin, emailed me pictures, recommending one kitten who was particularly cute, with a funny personality. We didn’t want just a pretty face – and coat – we wanted a kitten who could measure up to Rocky. Where Rocky is beautiful, this kitten looked like a little prankster, a clown! He was quickly named Lucky at my husband’s suggestion, and he is indeed a lucky cat who gets to share his life with Rocky, and be pampered by his family. When we first got him home, Lucky was quickly accepted by his new big brother. Rocky, however, seemed to think that Lucky was HIS kitten. He cleaned him constantly, and would fuss at me vehemently if I picked up a meowing Lucky. It was as though Rocky thought I was hurting his kitten, and he was not going to stand for it, at all!
Rocky and Lucky - Ragdolls of the Week  2
Lucky’s now a bit over a year old, over 14 pounds and still growing. I consider him a teenager. Rocky, at 6 years, is just over 13 pounds. They are the sweetest cats ever. As I sit reading the news and drinking coffee every morning, they take turns jumping up on the sofa next to me, to be petted, patted, and cuddled. Lucky particularly loves his tummy rubs. Neither are lap cats, but they’ll cuddle for hours. Such sweetness! Lucky has developed into the clown we thought he’d be, and keeps us constantly laughing. Never have I seen another cat roll off the bed in his sleep, hitting the floor with a loud thud…probably still asleep. We’ve learned a lot from the Floppycats website, particularly benefiting from product recommendations. Rocky has never had a mat in his life, so I was surprised when I started finding lots of little mats in Lucky’s silky coat. Floppycats led me to the Untangler comb, which has rotating teeth to prevent pulling and pain. It has totally solved the matting problem,  and both boys love being combed with it. The boys are not on YouTube, but they do have an active Instagram account, Nashvillecats, where they have made some very good friends around the world. It’s fun to see that Ragdolls in Sweden, England, and even Louisiana are so similar to our boys here in Nashville.
Rocky and Lucky - Ragdoll Cats of the Week
Visiting with their friend Chubs the squirrel
 Rocky and Lucky - Ragdoll Cats of the Week
 Rocky and Lucky - Ragdoll Cats of the Week
Rocky and Lucky - Ragdoll Cats of the Week
Rocky as a kitten
Rocky and Lucky - Ragdoll Cats of the Week
Rocky and Prissy
Rocky and Lucky - Ragdolls of the Week
Rocky and Lucky - Ragdoll cats of the Week
Rocky and Lucky - Ragdoll Cats of the Week
Rocky and Lucky - Ragdoll Cats of the Week
Rocky and Lucky - Ragdoll Cats of the Week
Rocky and Lucky - Ragdoll Cats of the Week
Looking up to his big brother
Rocky and Lucky - Ragdoll Cats of the Week
Still looking up to his big brother
Rocky and Lucky - Ragdoll Cats of the Week
A gift for you

Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Lovely story,nothing like a pair of Ragdolls,too help heal your heart,many blessings to you and your adorable pair.Lisa and My two stinkers Murphy and Ceasar.

    1. Barbee Smith says:

      Thank you so much, Lisa!

  2. anne marie says:

    Two kitties never looked happier!!! Your men are absolutely gorgeous!! They are so lucky to have one another. . . Ragdolls are like potato chips – you can’t have just one! Which is why I’m getting another ragdoll to companion my little Lacey. Have a blessed =^.^= floppycat day!! Anne Marie

    1. Barbee Smith says:

      Thank you, Anne Marie! Glad to hear you’re getting Lacey a companion. I think they’re happiest with a friend.

  3. Patti Johnson says:

    GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS Kitties! I am so sorry for the loss of your Beautiful Prissy (I have such a fondness for orange tabbies!). She was so pretty and I lurve how she bonded with Rocky when you brought him home. The pictures of them together are precious and adorable!

    And then there’s Lucky! Okay. I am in lurve with this fellow! HE IS STUNNING! I lurve his face! So happy that Rocky and Lucky are just thick as thieves and get along so well. Lucky looks like a little clown in his kitten pictures! He certainly grew into a beautiful boy!

    You and your family are so very fortunate to have Lucky and Rocky in your lives! They are adorable together and the pictures made my heart smile!

    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story with us!

    Big hugs!

    Patti & Pink Sugar 🙂 <3

    1. Barbee Smith says:

      Thank you so much for your very sweet comments!

      1. Patti Johnson says:

        You are most welcome, Barbee, and it was truly my pleasure! 🙂 <3

  4. Patricia McDermott says:

    thanks for sharing your story and the photos of your beautiful cats! they are just gorgeous and look like such sweet friends.

    1. Barbee Smith says:

      Thank you! So glad you enjoyed it!

  5. floppycats-reader says:

    Thanks for the story and all the pictures!

    1. Barbee Smith says:

      So glad you enjoyed it!

  6. It looks like Rocky and Lucky are the best friends and gorgeous friends to boot! Just love the picture of them focused on the squirrel outside- such sweetness. Thanks so much for sharing their story.

    1. Barbee Smith says:

      Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it! They are the sweetest boys ever

  7. Katarina Oxenborg says:

    Barbee, Thank you for your lovely story and nice pictures. Thanks also to our beloved Ragdolls that we have found each other. Although so far apart geographically, US-England-Sweden, yet so close in our thoughts about our beloved cats and about life in general.

    All my love Katarina, Tom and Jamie

    1. Barbee Smith says:

      So sweet, Kat! Love to you, Tom & Princess Jamie!

  8. Barbee Smith says:

    Thanks, Mary! Love you all, too!

  9. Barbee – I am so glad you submitted the story of these two beautiful babies. I am especially glad that we have become such good Ragdoll buddies through Instagram and Facebook and now this wonderful website. Great story and so glad you shared it.

    Love you all – Mary, Amos and Hot Rod

    1. Barbee Smith says:

      Thank you, Mary! Love you all, too!

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