Ringworm and Cats: How One Reader Solved the Problem

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A reader posted on our Facebook page looking for help with ringworm on her cat’s tail. Another reader replied in detail about how she nipped ringworm in the bud, so I asked her if she would share her experience on the site to help other readers. Lucky for us, she obliged.
Christy wrote: Cats And Ring Worm I got a new kitten I was in love with. I brought him home and found ringworm about a week later. It took me 6 months to get rid of it because I followed my vet’s advice. I finally researched on my own and reached out to the rescue, and it went away. Here is what I’ve found worked for me… Keep the cat that has it contained. This is important to minimize your upkeep. Bottle of Miconazole shampooUse anti-fungal shampoo (I used Davis Miconazole Pet Shampoo) 2 to 3 times a week on all pets infected. I used a space heater and put it in a small bedroom so that when I got done bathing them I took them to a room that was very warm and that way they didn’t get chilled. But mine had it from October to April in winter. Vacuum everything and wash everything. Mine was a new kitten I had brought into the house. And because the spores can go into the air I went as far as taking all of my curtains down, all of my bedding, everything I washed in a disinfectant (I used Health Guard Laundry Additive and Disinfectant). And then I kept him contained in the laundry room once I cleaned the house. Use peroxide on a cotton ball and saturate the ringworm ring. Keep your cat away from it and do not let them lick it off.  What I did is I would hold him in my arms and play with him a little bit or blow on it and make sure that it was dry. You want to do this once a day. Doing it twice a day will cause dry skin and dermatitis, so please don’t do that. MY VET HAD NO IDEA PEROXIDE WORKED… he now recommends it to all patients with ringworm. Once it’s dry you want to put an antifungal cream on the spot and rub it in really good. Make sure you go a little outside the ring with this and the peroxide. You can get these at Walmart you want a cream, not a spray. I also bought a small black light that you can hold in your hand and check their body if it’s glowing green you want to treat the area. So even if you don’t see a spot but you see green under hair treat with the peroxide and the antifungal cream. Because it’s a ringworm. This is where the bath will come in handy because when you bathe them with the anti-fungal shampoo you are bathing the hair with anti-fungal and the skin. I do recommend having your vet show you what to look for because any organic matter is green, but ringworm has a pattern on the folicil. My vet was very helpful there, and showed me how to check him because he just kept getting more. It seemed like I was in the very monthly and calling weekly. LOL. It started going away when I started combining and doing all of this at the same time it was gone in 3 weeks. I wish I had known that sooner instead of later because the aggravation that I went through not to mention two doses of oral medications that didn’t work, etc had me at my wit’s end by the time I found out what to do that worked. I went to revivalanimal.com and purchased the disinfectant and the shampoo. The disinfectant you only use a tablespoon at a time in your washer rinse cycle. So a small bottle will last a long time. Also make sure after you vacuum the house that you replace your bag, or your filter whatever you have. We have a vacuum cleaner that has removable washable filters so I removed them and washed them after doing a good cleaning. And wanted the reservoir that holds the dirt. Because the spores will stay active. You also want to make sure that you disinfect the crates that you take him to the vet in any bedding and the cat litter boxes. Towels that you use to dry them. Everything the cat comes in contact with you want to disinfect. It can remain active in your home for up to 18 months. So doing a deep clean is highly advisable. Cat with a circle around ring worm on nose One thing about the oral meds, I hate them. My cat hates them. But if you must do it go to a compound pharmacy that does fish flavor. LIFE SAVER FOR ME. He went from fighting me to literally licking it out of my palm. Do not be surprised if the hair is brittle and dry. Once you stop bathing and the peroxide it will get soft again. Also, if they won’t leave it alone and you do a cone (my other cat got one near her eye and kept scratching it) don’t forget to alter the litter box, water, and food to accommodate the headgear. Sometimes you don’t realize they can’t lean their head down to drink. And they can’t get through a box with a lid. I took my lid off and used a baking dish for water. It was large enough that she could put her cone in there to get a drink. A small bowl wasn’t working because she couldn’t get close enough. I fed her by hand during this time. It was great bonding for us. One last thing. Don’t forget it’s contagious to you. Wear gloves. Also, change clothes and wash hands, arms, feet, etc, before you go play with other animals. Use caution just throwing them in a basket, some cats sleep there. And don’t forget the disinfectant come laundry day. Good luck. Cat with circle around ringworm on shoulder
Have you had a kitty with ringworm? How did you go about solving it?
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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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One Comment

  1. Wow! Super pawesome post & info, Jenny!! Thank you soooo very much to the dear reader who shared this info!!! Very helpful to have on hand!!! I have been very lucky and never had a kitty with ringworm! However, I have had dogs in the past with it many, many years ago! 🙂 <3

    Big hugs & lots of love!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3

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